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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another Joke?

Yes, Wildcat Sanctuary was instrumental in the beginning, coordinating the relocation of many WAO animals.  But when Wildcat Sanctuary quit relocating the big cats, In-Sync Exotics took over.  So where is In-Sync Exotics' mention from Dr. Gibbens?

August 14, 2012

The Wildcat Sanctuary was selected by Sect. of Agriculture Vilsack as a recipient of the 64th Annual Honor Award. These awards are the most prestigious awards presented by the USDA, given only to those teams and individuals whose work reflects the Department’s core value of accountability, customer focus, and professionalism.

Robert M. Gibbens, DVM and the Director of the USDA, APHIS Animal Care
 Western Region wrote in his note to Tammy: “I wanted to let you know you are in the group that was selected for a Secretary of Agriculture's Honor Award. There were numerous people that played a role in the successful resolution of the Wild Animal Orphanage situation, but the part played by the Wildcat Sanctuary was key. So please accept this sincere "thank you" and "congratulations" from me. Thanks again for all of your efforts....Bob

When the Wild Animal Orphanage in Texas was forced to close, The Wildcat Sanctuary originally went to help a few animals, but once there, meeting the caretakers and seeing the faces of all the animals in need, it was impossible to walk away. TWS agreed to take in 9 wild cats and volunteered to coordinate placements of many of the other animals there. The picture you see with this posting is of Zeus, a WAO rescue now living happily at TWS.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Status of the Monkeys Moving from WAO to Born Free

Here is the latest update on the monkeys' relocation from Talley Road to Born Free as written for the public to see on their Facebook page:

The second group of stump-tails from WAO arrived safely today. We’ve been keeping a close eye on them due to the heat but they seem to be handling it well. They were anxious to exit the transport crates but settled in quickly to relaxing and hanging out in the shade. Tomorrow morning we’ll release them into the main enclosure. Get some rest stumpers, tomorrow’s another big day!

  • You and 29 others like this.

    • Debbie Reek 
      Tremendous work all of you have done. I'm so terribly sorry for the the sanctuary that had to close due to lack of funds. I was one of their "funders" but apparently it wasn't half enough. They were helping out wildlife so selflessly - 
      I know with the help of the Humane
      Society and your selfless and very, very hard work, you can continue to allow these creatures the best life any stump-tail could wish for in these *%^^^$* TIMES! Much love to you all.
      August 1 at 8:32pm ·  · 1

    • Mark Hernandez Sadly, the WAO closed due to misappropriation of funds and violations of the USDA/APHIS AWA which led to a "lack of funds." WAO animals did not receive adequate care which is why I am thrilled the animals were relocated to new homes. I look forward to the day when all the animals are free from the WAO and this sad chapter comes to a close.

    • Toni Rapone Does anyone know how many macaques are in this second group? Ten in the first group, I know. Is there a schedule for the remaining groups. How many and when? I thought I saw it published somewhere but now cannot find it again. Ithink we should should all give a donation of $107 to commemorate and celebrate this remarkable and generous achievement for 107 primates.

    • Friends of the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary 
      Hi Toni Rapone. Here are some numbers: There were 9 stump-tails in the second group. This Thursday and Friday 28 hybrid long-tail/pig-tailed macaques will make the trip to the sanctuary and in a couple of weeks 23 more stump-tails will arri
      ve. After that we'll take a short break to collectively catch our breath and allow the construction crew to complete the second set of enclosures - then it's on to the remaining 37 primates. Great idea and here's the link if anyone would like to help the monkeys (any amount is great but we do like Toni's idea):http://

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Tuesday · 

  • Toni Rapone There it is. I just put through my $107 for this compassionate rescue. But it is an expensive one and probably a quantum leap in financial needs for our much-loved sanctuary. I hope this donation will be the first of many from the Friends of the Sanctuary to celebrate this historic event.
    Tuesday · 

  • Friends of the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary We've been out all day in the heat working on the enclosure for the pig-tail hybrids arriving tomorrow and Friday and we're all flat out exhausted. What a wonderful thing to come home to - thanks Toni Rapone and everyone else for your support, it means more than you know! Tomorrow's another exciting day and we're hoping everything goes smoothly for this move too.
    Wednesday · 
    Looks like the move of all the monks will not be completed until next  month.  Better late than never.

    Next Day:

    Liked · Friday, August 10, 2012

    Long day for monkeys and humans alike but we now have over half of the hybrid group here at their new home. Sixteen arrived early this afternoon and they are settling in nicely. Tomorrow the remaining members of the group will join these and then Saturday they are scheduled to be let out into the main enclosure where climbing structures, swings and large swimming tubs await! One of the youngsters waits patiently (or not) for us to fill his small tub. - radio interview with BF EVP, Adam Roberts, talking about the WAO monkey moves.
  • Friday, August 3, 2012

    Update on Lulu

    I received Safe Haven's newsletter today!  Very happy Lulu is doing better!  Sad to read that IFAW does not have a sponsor.  I would love to sponsor him, but since this organization has not been very forthcoming in the past about how Lulu, IFAW, and Kovu were doing at the time I requested updates, I'm very hesitant to send them any money.  I'm still waiting for this sanctuary to keep their word by sending me the video of the three cats enjoying their enrichment balls via email...

    Click on pictures to read

    Wednesday, August 1, 2012

    Happy Sabu!

    I love this beautiful picture of Sabu taken this week!  My handsome hon....Thank you for this wonderful picture, In-Sync Exotics!

    I am so very, very happy Sabu and Jinxie live at In-Sync Exotics--they are so happy there!