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Monday, August 15, 2011

Satchmo and Zena Arrived At Their New Home

According to court records, Stachmo and Zena went to IEAS.  I hope to find pictures of the two tigers having a great time on Facebook soon!
Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS)

Just heard that two of the former Wild Animal Orphanage tigers arrived safely last night at GFAS Accredited International Exotic Animal Sanctuary, and are enjoying a bath in their pool this morning! 8.15.11


Ask and ye shall receive!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Meet the two newest members of the IEAS family!
These two tigers were brought to IEAS from San Antonio, TX, after the facility they lived at was forced to close due to insufficient funds needed for caring for its residents. It is amazing how well the two Bengal tigers have settled in.

The male is currently lounging in his pool, where he has been staying cool all morning!

His female companion is slightly more timid. She lays near her friend, watching and taking in all of her surroundings! Less than one day into their new lives, we have already been lucky enough to get a few chuffs and visits with these two special tigers.
We are so happy to be giving them a new permanent home and look forward to giving them a highest quality of life possible in captivity!

By International Exotic Animal Sanctuary
The new tigers are settling in well!
They've been in their pool together for a good chunk of the morning - very cute!
(left:  Zena, right:  Satchmo)

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