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Monday, July 20, 2009

The Cat is Out of the Bag

Please note: For this blog to make sense, please read the blogs in the following order:

BB Notebook, FOIA and other government records, Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld and then finally, this blog, Let Your Heart Take Courage.

Yesterday I noticed an unusual amount of web traffic hitting my personal blog. Concerned, I immediately locked down the blog to invitees only. What happened next was truly astonishing--the person trying to gain access to the blog immediately started looking for all cached blog pages on Google. Sadly, many of my pages were cached and were subsequently downloaded by what appears to be by a current employee of the pseudo-sanctuary. Attempts were also made to hack into my current blog account as evidenced by an unusual email received from the blog host.

Due to the number of pages pulled down from my blog, and the attack to gain entrance to my blog work pages, despite it being closed to the public, has me greatly concerned. Clearly, the perpetrators were desperate to read, possibly print and download my blog for future use against me. I contacted friends of mine in the legal community and was relieved to learn that because I started my blog with a disclaimer that the blog was a product of my personal observations and opinions, my work was protected. I made it a point not to mentioned names, places, or the organization. And certainly, the pseudo-sanctuary and its staff would not want this blog to be a introduced as evidence into court and eventually made available to the public through the Texas Open Records Act. Knowing this does not alleviate my concerns because I am afraid someone may try to harm me--I guess only time will tell. I will continue to blog, but will not grant access to just anyone but possibly a few persons, just to keep them in the loop of what is happening to me. While I am disappointed I cannot open the blog to the public at this time, (even though it has a very long blog title which made it difficult to "Google"), I think it would be in the best interest that I limit access at this time.

Why blog at all?  Blogging is a means to relieve stress over this horrible case. It was suggested as therapy by a friend of  mine several years ago.  When I blog,  I mentally work out all the issues of the case and it also helps keep the facts straight without having to keep several handwritten notebooks.  I see no reason to discontinue blogging at this time. I cannot allow my fear to control me – I must continue to speak out for the animals the best way I know how. So fear not!

I will continue blogging because I want to help others that may find themselves in a similar situation. So, it looks like the cat is now out of the bag…

There is one correction I wanted to make to the blog history.  New information revealed that the 19 year recently hired is not the pseudo-sanctuary's CPA. I believe they hired male CPA that comes into the pseudo-sanctuary’s office once in awhile to review the books. I have to admit hiring another office person did seem strange to me, unless another office employee recently quit?? Who knows anymore!

So I plan to utilize my right to free speech and will continue to learn and write about my discoveries and experiences. I will reiterate once again, this blog is my personal work and of my personal opinion and if someone tries to shut my blog down, then they should be prepared to shut down a lot of other personal blogs out there criticizing HSUS, PETA, and other animal organizations. Thank God I live in America…meow!

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