For the last several years, a comment that was made by the USDA/APHIS inspector, Dr. Pannill, stayed in my mind. Dr. Pannill told me there were worse places than the WAO in Texas.
So that got me thinking, how many cases were brought forth to the Texas OAG Charitable Trust Division for investigation. Surely there were "worse places" under investigation by the state for violations of the Deceptive Trade Act, right?
So I submitted a Public Information Request:
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 9:07 PM
To: publicrecords
Subject: Statistical Data Pertaining Exotic or Wild Animal Sanctuaries, Shelters, and Centers
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 9:07 PM
To: publicrecords
Subject: Statistical Data Pertaining Exotic or Wild Animal Sanctuaries, Shelters, and Centers
Office of the Attorney General
Public Information Office
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711 2548
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711 2548
Re: Public Information Act - Statistical Data Pertaining Exotic or Wild Animal Sanctuaries, Shelters, and Centers
This is a request under the Public Information Act.
Please provide the following information pertaining to civil and/or criminal investigations into wild (exotic) animal sanctuaries, shelters, and centers (non-profit organizations) from 2006-2014:
Name of Each Non-Profit Organizations Under Investigation:
Investigation periods for each Non-Profit Organization (Start/End):
Disposition of Each Investigation (ex: closed with no action, pending prosecution, MOU filed with court, etc.):
Please provide the above information by return email.
Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the Texas Office of the Attorney General/Charitable Trust Division and Criminal Investigation Division.
Thank you for our kind attention to this matter.
Kristina Brunner
I received this response:
To Kristina Brunner
November 6, 2015 at 1:24pm
Ms. Kristina Brunner
Ms. Kristina Brunner
RE: Public Information Request No. 15-42715
Dear Ms. Brunner:
This e-mail is in response to your public information request to the Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”), received
by the OAG on October 27, 2015. A copy of your request follows this e-mail.
by the OAG on October 27, 2015. A copy of your request follows this e-mail.
The OAG has reviewed its files and has located the attached documents that are responsive to your request.
Although the Public Information Act allows a governmental body to charge for copying documents, the attached documents are being provided to you at no charge.
Although the Public Information Act allows a governmental body to charge for copying documents, the attached documents are being provided to you at no charge.
If you have any questions, please contact me at
Kyle Gavit
Public Information Coordinator’s Office
Office of the Attorney General
I noticed a couple of things right off:
First, out of the five cases listed above (during the same period of the WAO case), not one single case resulted
in criminal charges filed again those who were found misappropriating charitable funds from their non-profit
Second, I requested on March 14, 2012, for the Texas OAG to investigate Carol Asvestas' latest "scam"
non-profit called Animal Shelter Assistance Program (ASAP). Why wasn't this "shelter" listed on this
spreadsheet; unless of course, the TX OAG refused to investigate this latest "scam". No surprise there.
non-profit called Animal Shelter Assistance Program (ASAP). Why wasn't this "shelter" listed on this
spreadsheet; unless of course, the TX OAG refused to investigate this latest "scam". No surprise there.
I have a hard time understanding why people, who steal money from non-profit businesses, can get
away with this criminal act. And worse, be allowed to run another "scam" non-profit. Does this make
sense to you?
away with this criminal act. And worse, be allowed to run another "scam" non-profit. Does this make
sense to you?