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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So Now the WAO is a Burial Vault?

Well, I received a very terse statement from the OAG attorney -- no meeting. He just wants me to send him more paperwork outlining my ideas to increase WAO revenue. Heck, I don't even know if he forward the 14-page email I sent him a couple of weeks ago, and now he just wants to me forward additional ideas to him? Yeah, right.  I'll bet he's just trying to keep me busy so I won't know what the OAG is up to next.  This cannot be good.

So I contacted the USDA/APHIS vet and she said she would try to pass the message on to the board that I need to speak with them. I even sent her last night a copy of the 14-page email, previously sent to the OAG, for her consideration, and hopefully pass onto the board of directors. If she cannot make contact with the board, then I truly think the WAO will end before the end of this year.

There were a couple of changes made to the website on Friday the 13th. First change: the WAO has a new telephone number. After 20+ years, the WAO lost its long-standing phone number due to non-payment. Now they have a new number, which can only be found on the WAO's website. The phone book, 411, brochure cards, etc, all have the 688-9038 number, Ironically, Carol Asvestas apparently tried to obtain the old number, but was told she would have to wait a year before acquiring the number. So now, the WAO is using an unknown number of 688-2011.  Oh, and there is no answering machine catching missed calls.

Meanwhile, Carol Asvestas is apparently still going around telling people that she is going to get the WAO back some day soon. Apparently she just found out I own the WAO name (since she let the name lapse in 2006), and is wondering what I will do if she does get the WAO back. This is just a hellish circle of events. Instead of worrying about the animals, she is more concerned about what I would do? Good grief.

In any case, the WAO's attorney just quit yesterday due to non-payment, so now the parties being sued by Ron and Carol Asvestas have to obtain their own lawyers since they are being sued independent and part of the WAO. So far, the Asvestas failed to respond to document requests and no court date has been set, so I don't think the Asvestas even have the money to sue the WAO. I learned the Asvestas are interested in mediation, which means they want more cash from the animals. One would think they stole enough from the animals...and they want back in? Outrageous...

The second change on the website was this:

We often receive the following questions from our guests:

Question: Is your organization similar to the San Antonio Zoo?

Answer: We are not a zoo. The sanctuary is a respository [emphasis added] of wildlife where our main priority is the safety and comfort of the animals. We do not allow hands-on interaction with the animals, and only give tours during certain hours of the day so that we may more efficiently take care of the animals.

Okay, first off "respository" is spelled incorrectly! According to the free ( "repository" means:

1. A place where things may be put for safekeeping.
2. A warehouse.
3. A museum.
4. A burial vault; a tomb.

So, now the animals are things? Stored in a warehouse or museum. Or worse a burial vault? Are the Cryers trying to upset animal lovers everywhere with this single word in the frequently-asked-questions web page which I created earlier this year? Words matter, and sadly, the WAO is operated by people who have absolutely no idea what they are doing...and clearly cannot spell even the simplest words!

I am watching the WAO crumble and the worse thing is I know my friends and I can make a huge difference, and we are left on the sidelines, while the amateurs run the show. My heart hurts for the animals that are caught in the middle of this mess.


I just learned the WAO's Bank of America account is seriously overdrawn and was assessed another fee (extended overdrawn balance account charge)since the WAO exceeded its limit. I don't know how any of the Board members could sleep at night knowing what is happening to the WAO.

What was interesting was the WAO placed on Craig's list - Community - Pets an ad to help generate funds. There were several hits on the WAO's web pages causing their numbers to rise today. But once the ad gets buried, there won't be much traffic from Crags list. Listing WAO under Pets? I guess the WAO standards go to the side when in desperate need of cash. Sadly, there were no paypal hits today, but perhaps folks will go on a tour this weekend. According to the web log, it looks like most visitors visit the meet-some-of-our-animals web page. Once they click on tours, they click out of the entire site. It was a good idea to post on Craigs List -- sadly tour prices are so high they will keep visitors away from the animals.

I also learned there may only be two animal caretakers (Mary & Michelle) working this week at both sites. It was reported M&M were working late into the evening at the Leslie Road facility for the last couple of days. They were either feeding and cleaning cages, or they were trying to take care of a very sick animals. Either scenario is upsetting and dangerous for the staff. Especially with the heat index in the 100s right now.

Dear Lord, please Bless the WAO animals and the animal caretakers at this time. Please Lord, save the WAO animals. I know Jesus loves all animals - please do not them die -- they need a miracle right now. I love them all so very much that all this is breaking my heart.

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