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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where Are The Photos And Videos of the Former WAO Cats At BCR?

As you read this posting, keep in mind the WAO did not close due to financial problems. It closed because of corrupt and greedy board of directors and staff. Plain, simple, and to the point!
From: Carole at Big Cat Rescue
Sent: Thu, October 6, 2011 10:12:37 AM
Subject: Meet 3 new tigers, vote for us to win $25k and read how Steve Jobs helped Big Cat Rescue

AdvoCat News for October 2011 More Info

Meet 3 new tigers, see a purrsonal tribute to Steve Jobs, vote for us to win $25k and more

See the AdvoCat with photos and videos here:

3 New Tigers Call Big Cat Rescue Home

We are very excited to announce the rescue of three very special tigers; Amanda, Andre & Arthur.

The economic crunch has been felt nationwide by all and charities are no exception. In fact it is non-profits that are often affected first. When money becomes tight and every dollar counts, donating to a charity is the first budget cut for most individuals. These difficult financial times struck one particular sanctuary in Texas so hard that they were forced to declare bankruptcy and close their doors for good. Soon after they were faced with the challenge of finding homes for the hundreds of animals that resided on the grounds including bears, monkeys, and big cats. With no funds to care for the animals the International Fund for Animal Welfare and others stepped in to cover the cost of food until all of the animals could be placed in new homes. More than one year later keepers at the sanctuary were struggling to place the last of their animals and enlisted the help of the Global Federation of Sanctuaries to help them do so.
Meanwhile Big Cat Rescue was visited by a special person that had a very special request. This person believed he and his wife knew some of the tigers in Texas that were in need of a home. They had met the cats nearly 15 years earlier, when they were cubs, at another facility in New Jersey. They knew the Texas sanctuary had rescued more than 20 tigers from the New Jersey facility in 2003, but they did not know if the cubs they had once known were still living.
They had a few old photographs of the cubs and asked if we could identify whether or not any of the tigers in Texas were the same cats. It just so happened that Big Cat Rescuers, Jamie Veronica, Gale Ingham, and Honey Wayton, were making their way across the country to transport Abel the cougar to his new home in Nevada. On their way back to Tampa they stopped and took photographs of 7 tigers at the Texas sanctuary. These 7 tigers were the last of the group of tigers rescued from New Jersey. A tiger's stripes are as unique as a person's finger prints. While it was difficult to match the fuzzy stripes of a cub to the sleek stripes of an adult it was not impossible. After hours of analyzing each photograph the results were in. Five of the cubs were identified within the group of seven tigers.
Upon receiving confirmation that the tigers in Texas were in fact the cubs they had met so long ago the couple agreed to fund the ongoing care of the cats if we would be able to take them in. At the time we only had room for 3 tigers, and they were given the decision as to which 3 would come to Big Cat Rescue. Arrangements were made with Carolina Tiger Rescue in North Carolina to take in the remaining 4. These 7 tigers had lived together for most of their lives therefore it was important to the couple that the cats go to places where they would not have to be separated.
On September 27th Big Cat Rescuers, Jamie Veronica, Gale Ingham, Jeff Kremer, and Chris Poole traveled to Texas to load the tigers into a transport trailer provided by supporters Laura and JT of Loving Friends Transport. Jamie and Gale then escorted Amanda, Andre and Arthur back to Tampa. The trip was just over 20 hours. All three tigers traveled in style. Each had their own transport cage with soft hay, sturdy water bowls, and a giant bone to keep them occupied. The transport trailer in which they rode was air-conditioned and outfitted with cameras so all 3 tigers could be monitored in the main cab. The group arrived the next day and were greeted with the excited buzz of the media and fellow Rescuers.
All 3 tigers are settling right in to their new surroundings. Four adjacent enclosures, one of which was also expanded with a large addition, were connected together to give Amanda, Andre and Arthur plenty of room to roam. Each enclosure has a large rock den, elevated platforms, and a pool giving these three lucky tigers plenty of places to hang out and lots of fun things to do. To see a video showing the preparation it took to rescue these tigers click HERE and be sure to subscribe to BigCatTV to see the rescue video coming soon. More pics of the rescue can be found HERE. Check out the media coverage on Fox and
What I find telling regarding this update on the cats, approximately one week later, is that there are no photographs of the cats enjoying their new enclosure.  No pictures of the cats in the pool.  One would think BCR would have posted a lot of wonderful "before and after" photos showing how the cats loving their new environment over their previous one.  But no.  I can find no photos posted of the cats having any fun at BCR.

I am worried the former WAO cats are not settling in well, else their would be photos and videos of the cats exploring and enjoying their new home.  I just pray they are doing okay.

As to telling the truth -- well, all one has to say is that the WAO closed due to financial mismangement.  That is the truth!  Of course, there is more to the story, like board member(s) and employees stealing funds, stealing WAO purchased property, misue of WAO vehicles, etc. etc. etc....  I just wish everyone would stop saying it was the "economy's" fault for the WAO's closure....and start telling the truth!


Found a picture of Apatha (aka Arthur @ BCR) on BCR's Facebook page:

Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL
ARTHUR! Big Cat Rescue resident 106!
Oh goodie--Apatha is number 106...

Much later:

I found this on BCR FB page, October 14, 2011 -- another picture of Apatha Where are the videos and/or pictures of the girls?

Arthur the tiger comes over to
greet the camera woman

Another picture of Apatha found on Facebook:

Hillsborough, Tampa, 10-17-11--- Arthur, a 15 year old tiger, chews on a pumpkin at Big Cat Rescue on Monday. Big Cat Rescue is the largest accredited sanctuary in the world dedicated entirely to abused and abandoned exotic cats. Cats received pumpkins Monday in an annual Halloween treat, fresh pumpkins. Arthur came to live at Big Cat Rescue Rescue two weeks ago. ANDY JONES/STAFF
And still no photos of the Kye and Andre.

Next day:

Spoke to soon -- found this picture on FB (Tuesday, 10.18.11) of Andre:

Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL
ANDRE (Big Cat Rescue resident 117) Read about his rescue 3 weeks ago here:
But still no pictures of Kye (aka Amanda @ BCR).

I cannot help but notice how incredibly thin Andre looks in this picture.  Poor baby.  What did the WAO do to this poor tiger?  I pray he recovers quickly.

October 21, 2011

Another picture of Andre and Apatha (aka Arthur) from Today at Big Cat Rescue Oct 21
Tigers lining up for turkey at Big Cat Rescue
I don't see Kye (Amanda) lined up in the last enclosure.

Andre and Arthur; two of the new TX tigers

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