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Friday, June 8, 2012

Disturbing WAO Primate Pictures

Several days ago, I was trolling around Facebook and I found a few "recent" pictures of the WAO primates taken by Kelsey Dyer (current part-time WAO animal caretaker).  These photos were either taken and/or uploaded to her Facebook page on 4.25.12:

He looks like he could use a few pounds -- so thin.

Many of the monks will need dental work--especially after all the
junk food Cryer gave them -- instead of healthy fruits and veggies.

More proof that the WAO primates are breeding!
(like you needed more, huh?)

He looks so skinny to me.

WAO staff named this bird "Danny."

And of course, Michelle Cryer's main timeline picture, as of this date, is this:

I thought the WAO had no "touching" policy!
Yeah, right!  All the animal caretakers touch and
handle the animals there...

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