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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Okemo is Losing His Battle with Cancer

For some time now, I've been aware of how sick Okemo, former WAO tigers is, and sadly his condition has not improved.  In fact, his condition has gotten much worse.  In-Sync Exotics  made the tough decision today to put to sleep sometime soon because he will never recover--only get much worse.  When I saw him last in June 2012, he looked so tired.  So sad.  I know he was holding on this long for Vicky's sake.  He really developed a special bond with her.  

I know she doesn't want to put him to sleep, but there comes a time when an animal no longer loves life and just hold on to us, simply because we can't let them go.  It is time to let Okemo go.  Breaks my heart to write this because it's not fair.  While Okemo is dying from cancer, the Asvestas, Cryers, Reiningers, and the rest of the WAO cast of characters are living their lives la vida loca, without a care in the world.  

Today, I am angry because the USDA refused to do their job.  I am angry because the Texas OAG refused to do its job.  And now, another WAO animal is dying because no one gave a damn to make sure the WAO received the best care, best food, best vet care etc for over 20 years.  All those people who donated money to the WAO were scammed out of their hard earned dollars and no one in the Texas government ever gave a damn. 

I don't know if I will ever find peace with this stupid case.  Stupid because it makes total sense to prosecute the WAO criminals and yet the stupid government felt it best to allow the criminals to continue their "business as usual" until the organization finally collapsed with a trail of animal bodies left behind.  Just stupid.

Here are a few pictures of Okemo I took at the Birthday Bash:

I didn't know Okemo very well, and yet my heart is broken over this news. It's just not fair!

July 24, 2012

I received word that Okemo will be crossing the rainbow bridge on Friday.  It's just not right, while the Asvestas', Cryers', and Reiningers get to live out their lives in relative peace, Okemo's life will end this Friday.  

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