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Friday, July 31, 2015

Food For Thought

For the last few days, the media and Facebook supporters have inundated the Internet with stories of Cecil the lion.  Some people are for canned hunts and others are totally against canned hunts.

Both stories are outrageous and terrible.  They cannot be compared.  They are both horrible. Period.

Why is there so much outrage over Cecil the Lion's death and not the discovery of Planned Parenthood's body parts selling scheme?  Well, here's just one posting I found on the Internet that may explain why...
Next person to selfishly compare an issue that has never had media attention and was a brutal callous murder with 2 days of suffering of an innocent being, to any other human issue that has the backing of media and hundreds of thousands of people supporting the cause, you are off my friends list. Your issue is important, but your issue has backing. Give the spotlight to another issue that needs attention too. There is no place on any issue of life and death for selfishness. And if it compared to criminals and a push for a race war, you're going to hear what I have to say before I delete you. I don't have time for that kind stupidity.

Wow.  There is no room for both issues?

There are so many pictures of Cecil right now on this one going around:

In memory of Cecil.A beloved lion who lived in peace.Known for his love and compassion.He was murdered lawlessly for a trophy.
Cecil was a famous, beloved 13 year old lion living on a protected National Wildlife preserve in Zimbabwe. He and another lion had formed a friendship to guard the pride and father lion cubs in peace. He was known for his loving and compassionate nature. 
Cecil was reportedly lured from his safe surroundings by raw meat. A Minnesota dentist then was said to have shot him with a bow and arrow. Wounded, Cecil ran off and lay suffering for 40 HOURS before the dentist and guides tracked him down, shot him, skinned him and chopped off his head. To this dentist, animals are just trophies. It has been reported the Minnesota dentist paid $55,000 to hunt and kill a lion. 
Rest in peace Beautiful Soul and Walk with Angels...Bette Kelley 

But there are no pictures of other animals killed in "canned hunts" both in the US and overseas.  Nor are there any pictures of dead babies, torn apart and sold for parts.  

Why is that?  

I also saw lots of comments on how horrible humanity is and that humans should die and leave the planet for the animals.  Really?  Die?  All of us?  Even the authors of these comments? 

For the record I am totally against canned hunts and the horrible death of Cecil.   Trophy hunting is disgusting in my humble opinion.  I watched what happened to a tiger and cougar on a canned hunt years ago on TV and the images seared into my brain cannot be forgotten. I believe there is a special kind of hell waiting for people who kill the innocent in the name of profit and pride.

I am also against abortions, especially killing babies after they are born, but again, that's my humble opinion.  You may disagree with my stances on both topics, but please don't trash my opinions.  They are mine alone and NOT yours to discredit.  

Look, as long as we continue to devalue life, including human life, humanity's values will continue to deteriorate.  We devalue certain animals so we can eat them.  We devalue certain animals so we can experiment on them.  There is even a call to devalue convicted criminals living in prison so we can do invasive experiments on them instead of animals.

Now babies are being killed and sold as commodities for profit.  Seriously, is anyone really surprised by this??  It's the next step in dehumanizing life.  The Nazis did it by dehumanizing a large segment of Europe's population.  Now we are doing the same thing today, this time it's tiny life forms that are the most vulnerable.   What next?  The elderly?  I've always said the ones that need the most protection from evil are animals, babies, and the elderly.  Makes me wonder what life will be like in 20-30 years. Will we evolve or will we continue to devalue life?

When will people learn that as long as we continue to spew out garbage about death and destruction on the Internet, we are just one step closer to our own demise?  If you keep pounding on young minds that humans are horrible, that humans must die, then how can we expect the next generation to empathize, respect, and care for life?

Think about it.  Words matter.  Life matters. ALL Life matters -- that includes humans, babies, fetuses, animals, plants...all life.  Enough of the dehumanization of life.  Let's celebrate life and teach the next generation that life is precious and should be celebrated!

#SpeakLife  #SpeakLove  #SpeakCompassion.  


I have been reading a lot about how handsome Cecil was with his gorgeous black mane on Facebook and the outrage expressed by various animal groups and sanctuaries over how he died.

My thoughts inevitably turned to a time when the WAO had 5 handsome rare black maned lions at the Leslie Road property.  Sadly, the brothers did not live long at the WAO.  I was told that Carol Asvestas made the decision to have them killed because she considered them "too aggressive" to live (by the way, the USDA says it's OK for sanctuaries to kill their exotic animals as long as it is done without purposely inflicting pain or intense discomfort and that the body is properly disposed of). Goodness only knows what happened to their bodies after they were killed either by the WAO staff or the WAO vet at the time, Dr. Ehrlund.

No one mourned the loss of these five brothers.  The workers didn't even blink when they were killed.  There was no outcry from the public.  No internet uprising.  No one cared about the brothers' death. 

Keep in mind, there were options for these lions.  The WAO could have been sent the lion brothers to another sanctuary that knew how to handled aggressive lions.  Or they could have moved the brothers to Talley Road, placing them in a large natural enclosure.  The only time I ever saw the lions become aggressive was during feeding time.  There were only two feed holes in their cage and so the five lions fought over the pieces of meat that were dropped into the enclosure.  I have a feeling the lions didn't receive enough food at the WAO, and that may have contributed to their increased aggressiveness.

These magnificent lions had been through so much before they arrived at the WAO and knowing their lives were snuffed out at the WAO was absolutely heartbreaking.

I've come to realize that time does not heal old wounds. Stories, like those featuring Cecil's demise is a constant reminder to me of the WAO nightmare.  I just wish the government, other sanctuaries, and animal "rescue" groups worked hard to save the WAO animals instead of turning their collective backs on them.  It just makes me sick to see these same groups spouting their opinions on Cecil's demise.  Where was the outrage over all the animals that suffered at the hands of those running the WAO?  Where were the tears?  The condemnation?  The protests?

Hypocrites.  All of them.

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