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Sunday, November 29, 2009

God Bless Jake and Joel

This weekend it was my intention to review some case history, to include new information previously not reported on the blog. I wanted to write about how grateful I was the sanctuary is now under new management. I wanted to post a truly uplifting Thanksgiving message. This was not meant to be, however.

For you see, yesterday I was informed that Jake, the white crowned mangabey, was ill. According to the new director, the non-regulated animal caretakers informed her yesterday that Jake had been ill a couple of days and they already called the sanctuary's vet for assistance. Since the vet was out of town, she recommended he be given Benadryl and a liquid antacid. The new director was never informed he was ill until yesterday and according to other animal caretakers, Jake had shown signs of being ill (lethargic, congested, dehydrated) for over a week. Sadly, no one bothered to inform the new directors and so she was unable to seek medical care for him in time. I am heartbroken to report, Jake died either last night or early this morning.

The two animal caretakers simply sent a text message stating "Jake died" early this morning around 8:40am. When the director texted back for them to call her, she received a return text message they would call her later. The new director tried calling me around 9:00am to let me know what happened to Jake, but I did not arrive home to around 9:30am--it was after that time I received the sad news.

The new director and I are absolutely devastated. The new director plans to conduct an investigation into the Jake's cause of death to determine if he was sick and for how long. That means a necropsy of course. Statements will be collected from all the caretakers that worked or were in contact with Jake for the last week to determine how long Jake was sick and what action was taken to save him.

Regardless, it is my opinion, the two animal caretakers, responsible for Jake's care, should be made accountable for neglecting their duties and failing to obtain medical care which could have saved Jake's life. If the two animal caretakers purposely failed to notify the director of his declining health, they should be fired immediately. It makes one wonder how many other animals may have needlessly died at the sanctuary (besides the bear left to suffer with a stroke for two weeks and the primates left to die in the hot summer sun after sedation). It also makes one wonder how many other animals may be sick and dying right now at the second site! I heard the two animal caretakers spend way too much time in the warehouse and not enough time caring of the animals. If this allegation is true, they should be fired immediately for theft since they are stealing time and money from the animals by not executing their assigned duties and responsibilities. 

What breaks my heart is when I saw Jake's picture (above), I noticed how skinny he looked as compared to how he looked in 2005.  I wish I had gone out to see him personally when I was first invited back to the sanctuary by the new director.  Perhaps I could have saved his life.  If not, I would have at least made sure he did not die alone.  This is going to be one of the greatest regrets I will have to shoulder for the rest of my life.

The new director has so much on her plate (AG, TCEQ, fund raising, purchasing supplies, employee issues, bills, vet care, etc.) there is no way she can do every one's job.

Sadly, a second animal died this week, Joel, a marmoset was found dead in his enclosure which he shared with this mate. Cause of death was unknown for he was seen moving around in the morning, and by the evening hour he was dead. I do not have an individual picture of Joel, but from all accounts he was quite the character and very adorable.

So I close this blog with a these words --may Justice is found for Jake, may Peace be found for Joel, and may the Lord Judge those who fail in their duty to protect the sanctuary's animals. Jake went through so much since his arrival and he deserved better than he received. He was loved by many and he will never be forgotten. God Bless the animals' souls into Heaven, forever and ever -- Amen.

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