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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Toys for Animals

Where to begin? Okay, let's start with some good news. The sanctuary received its donated toys, blankets, and treats collected by county employees for the sanctuary animals' to be given out after Thanksgiving Day (Sunday event). For the first time, Bubba will receive a boomer ball. And T'Savo will also receive a boomer ball! Finally, toys for the animals whom are under constant medical care! Yea!

The wolves will receive small balls with a tug-a-war rope attached. The primates will receive lots of treat boxes and toys. The chimps will receive blankets and clothes to play with including several treat boxes and toys. And finally, the fox will receive a treat dispensing toy. The bears and the tigers will receive pumpkins to play with too. I wish I had more donated gifts for the animals, but considering the short turn around time, I think we did pretty good!

Over the weekend, I learned one of the board members may have resigned from the board due to a family medical situation. If true, that means there are only three board members left. I also learned the OAG just approved the candidacy of a new board member. I read his resume, and it looked great to me--I just pray he can provide the direction the board truly needs at this time.

The CPA that was supposed to meet the new director on Monday to go over the terrible 2008 990, failed to show up. One hour after the scheduled meeting time, he called the director to inform her that he was still out of town and would not return until Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving). So much for getting out a corrected return before the end of this week!

I also learned the board member whom attempted to take over the sanctuary is not happy I plan to visit the sanctuary next month (December). Gee I wonder why? It continually astounds me the lack of director or assistance the board provided the new director thus far. Perhaps they should be more worried about the 2008 990, dwindling finances, adding new board members to the Board of Directors, etc, than wondering what I plan to say when I go visit the animals, with the media in tow. I have done nothing but attempt to save the animals, and now they are worried I might say something that would close the facility down? Sounds like the former female director talking and not a rational board member, to me. I am very much aware the former female director poisoned the minds of the directors and the workers against me. One would think, after all that is coming out, that they would have realized by now who truly was the enemy of the sanctuary. And that enemy is NOT me. I guess old hatreds are hard to get over. Too bad, because I could have been their greatest ally. Instead I chose to help the new director, who has demonstrated a true desire to save the animals.

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