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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

She Never Received Any Hurricane Cats

Over the weekend I received a letter from the USDA/APHIS FOIA section in response to my records request back in 2008 (better late than never I suppose). In any case, the document sent to me was in regards to my 2005 Hurricane Katrina cats concern as well as a request in regards to the death of Tag (tiger) and Tarzan (lion).

According to the response, the former female director was allegedly asked if she acquired any animals from Hurricane Katrina in 2005. She claimed "no animals returned to Texas with them." This is a out and out lie because I was there when the second batch of cats arrived. When I took the photographs, the cat cages were stacked several feet high in what is now the sanctuary's gift shop. I personally fund raised money from County employees in support of the cats the former director claimed were from Hurricane Katrina ravaged areas. If the money and supplies did not go towards the care of the hurricane cats, then where did the donations go?

Also, if "no animals returned to Texas with them," then why did the former director send out several newsletter appeals requesting donation for the "victims of the storm?" According to financial records, HSUS and ASPCA provide substantial funding towards the care of these cats.

I contend, the former director purposely lied to the USDA APHIS inspector in the hopes of avoiding answering questions regarding the disposition of the hundreds of cats taken in by the sanctuary.

I further contend, she purposely lied regarding the death of Tarzan. In September 2009, I was told by a Leslie Road animal caretaker Tarzan was alive and living in the same enclosure with Sheba and Sebastian. According to the animal caretaker, she said she found a dead lion in the enclosure, and believed it to be Leo. I was told when the animal caretaker reported the lion's death to the former director, she allegedly told the animal caretaker that she was mistaken--the dead lion was actually "Tarzan." Despite the employee's protests, the former director told her to record the death as that of "Tarzan." I have reason to believe, based on the animal caretakers report, the sanctuary's former vet did not euthanize "Tarzan" as claimed by the "signed vet statements concerning the death of these 2 animals" -- for how can one euthanize a dead lion?

When I visited the sanctuary in December 2009, I took pictures of the surviving lions. I am convinced the lion that died was in fact Leo and that Tarzan is alive and well, living with Sebastian and Sheba. I believe the reason why the former director lied about the cause of death of the lion and the identity of the same was due to the fact that Leo was one of the "Growing Up Lion" stars and she did not want to disclose to the public that another "Growing Up Lion" star died at the sanctuary in case it leaked out to the local media. The former director consistently lied about Rex's cause of death (another "Growing Up Lion" star), so it is not much of a stretch to believe she lied once again regarding Leo's cause of death.

Leo - God Bless his soul

Tarzan 2005

Tarzan 2009 - He lives!

As to Tag's death -- it was my understanding Tag was euthanized by a senior animal caretaker because he had "degenerative joint disease."

I was not aware that the former sanctuary vet was even on the property at the time of the animal's death. I would be surprised if there were even x-rays or medical exam reports on file at the vet's office confirming the diagnosis of "degenerative joint disease."

In light of the former director's new business, which she has acquired a corporation certificate, I cannot imagine any animal organization wanting to conduct business with this woman! But I save this story for my next blog...

Later: I received an email from the USDA/APHIS saying the documentation sent to their Office will be attached to the 2008 file, just in case someone cares to investigate the former directors by submitting a FOIA request.

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