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Friday, January 15, 2010

War of Words

One of the hardest things to do is to keep one's mouth shut and the fingers off the keyboard. Too often, when someone makes a disparaging remark, the first instinct is to respond in kind.

Over the years, I have been called some really vial names by the former directors and board members as I pursued this case. But I've ignored their ridiculous antics, and simply started a case file of all the slanderous comments directed at me.

Now the detractors are at it again, but this time their wrath is focused on the new director.

Case in point. On the Internet is an article pertaining to the sanctuary case (I believe I referenced this article in past blog posts). In any case, the comments section is supposed to be used by the public to record comments regarding on the article. This particular article has 47 comments, much which I believe were posts made by current and past directors and employees.

Today, I discovered three new posts:

On 1/12/2010 , Anonymous said:

Does anyone care about how some staff members are treated? When you are in charge of or run an organization that deals with animals, you have to have people who take care of those animals. Which means you also have to deal with PEOPLE. The mission is to provide sanctuary for wild and exotic animals, but in doing so you have to be able to work well with others. There are appropriate ways of dealing with people and there are inappropriate ways. Especially when you are in an executive position. There are laws that protect employees and their rights. I would keep that in mind.

On 1/14/2010 12:29:29 AM, Anonymous said:

I do not believe anyone is interested in this anymore. give up on the attempt to injure already, it is getting very old. you should get another tattoo to hide from daddy.move on. grow up and get a life. in your attempt to hurt people your making yourself look stupid with all of the emails and comments and phone calls.

On 1/14/2010 , Anonymous said:

Your belief appears to be inaccurrate. I'm someone and I'm definately interested. I'm not sure though what you mean about "tattoo" and "daddy". Maybe that was meant for your sister.Sounds personal. Sorry to hear about all the emails and phone calls. As for the comments, I will comment whenever I please about whatever I please. Hurt? Seems extremely hypocritical to first slam someone about what seems to be personal issues, call them stupid and try to then say "they" are attempting to hurt people.

I didn't plan to post this today, but once I found it on the web, I just knew I had to say something because I think the majority of the comments are stupid and not worth even reading any more.

This War of Words needs to stop and it takes an adult to do so.


And so the War of Words heat up again - I just wish people would just grow up because this really looks bad to the public. I can only pray the writer yanks down these juvenile postings.

On 1/15/2010 , Anonymous said:

Oh, you must have me confused. I do not have a sister, and I think that you are misled. But have fun, this is no longer something that I care to read or waste effort on, as a matter of fact *I will not be visiting this story again. I am sure that you can have fun all by yourself. I come here for the positive comments on a place that I care about, and I don't really care about the negative ones. Just thought I would see how one would respond. :) success. I am sure It is very OBVIOUS who you are to many.
Have a great weekend though. Thank you for paying attention to my comments.

On 1/17/2010 11:29:10 AM, Anonymous said:

Deversion is not your best suite. Very weak. Of course you don't want to read the negative ones. I'm sure you wouldn't read them even with THE PROOF. That just proves me right about what I said earlier. Inability to lead. You need to remember the negative to really be able to appreciate the positive. But lets cover our eyes and not look in the direction that needs the MOST attention. We'll just forget that things happened. The public will just stop caring, right? WRONG! You seem very immature. To think that you are in control of others. LOL. By the way...... you also read my comments. Not really in as much control as you'd like.
Oh yeah...word of advice....those who you think are close, think about why else they might want to be close to you for. LOL.
The public makes sure you get a paycheck. I think they care more than you really would like them to. You just play way to many games. You are underestimating the ability of the public. This isn't just about the animals.

On 1/17/2010 11:32:19 AM, Anonymous said:

Hey if you didn't care about the negative comments why would you write so many? Sounds like someone has a problem with the truth.

On 1/17/2010 11:42:25 AM, Anonymous said:

Can someone tell me what happened to Rachel, Terry, Heather? Where did they go? One day they were there and the next time I came back all of them were no longer with the company.

On 1/19/2010 9:52:15 AM, Anonymous said:

yeah, sooooo transparent.

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