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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Juvenile Antics that are Pure Evil

San Antonio Current
On 2/12/2010 2:30:48 PM, Anonymous said:

It looks like [current director’s first name]‘s true colors and inability to do anything honest is starting to surface. Pay your bills [sanctuary]. Plenty of judgments are coming your way. Even your website has a collection statement on it while it is currently down. Good luck with your little fundraiser this Sunday. I hope they are aware of your book keeping. I would not give you even monopoly money. Where is all the money going too? It certainly is not going to pay bills. You have to pay the bills FOR THE ANIMALS! "FOR THE ANIMALS" Your words [director’s first name], not mine.

After re-reading this paragraph posted to the newspaper’s comment Internet site, I realized this was a prophetic statement made, possibly by the former directors, against the sanctuary.

The new director learned from a current customer that the former directors are calling to various vendors, doing business with the sanctuary, to encourage them to file a lawsuit against the facility. Hence the comment made that “plenty of judgments are coming.”

The new director also believes the former directors may be illegally accessing the sanctuary’s bank account, which is how they know how much money they have in the account. As to the “collection” statement on the website – the site was down temporarily, but it had nothing to do with an overdue “collection.” For whatever reason, the board refuses to change the account’s password information, so any past employees who knew the account information and password has access to the sanctuary’s bank account. I guess the former directors are worried that they really will never see another dime from the animals since the account funds are low. I find it so ironic that the very same people who allegedly stole from the sanctuary, has the audacity to hint that there is something going on with the “bookkeeping.” Considering the former directors knowingly filed false 990s (2006 and 2007) to the IRS and then refused to submit amended copies to the same, says so much about their management style!

But what I find most disturbing is the comment “good luck with your little fundraiser this Sunday.” The event held on Sunday was the sanctuary’s Valentine’s Day special enrichment tour. Just as the tour was about to start, the sanctuary’s water was cut-off. It was temporarily established yesterday (the tanks still had water), just enough to clean and water the animals. When the workers checked out the water situation, they found a hole which had be recently dug, located on the former director’s property, and the water pipe transporting water from the neighbor’s well to the sanctuary was maliciously damaged. The former directors placed and buried the sanctuary’s water pipes years ago, and then last month the former directors threatened to have the sanctuary’s water cut-off if they were not dug up and moved elsewhere by the end of January 2010. Oh, and of course, the sanctuary was not given access to retrieve and move the pipes, so the former directors knew they were cutting the water off for the animals. So much for the LOVE they had for the animals. Once again, they proved my assertion that they never cared about the animals—it was all about the money. And now that they are no longer profiting from the animals, they are taking out their rage against them, by way of the new director. It’s just pure spite – pure evil.

On Saturday, as we were preparing for the event, I heard the former director’s motorcycle revving up (sounded really terrible) and as he sped down the street, he laid on the horn very loudly. It was the most juvenile thing I have ever heard – just goes to show the mentality level of the former director – and he was in charge of operating the facility for over 20 years??

But back to the Valentine’s Day special enrichment tour—it was great! The animals had a wonderful time hunting for their treats. The lions, as always, demonstrated their strength and agility. The monkeys loved the papier-mâché balls, which I made special for the event, stuffed with peanuts (from Roadhouse), dried fruit, rice cakes, and animal cookies.

Sad to report, last week a non-human primate (Vervet) passed away. Cause of death is unknown and the temperature was above freezing. It’s just so frustrating when a primate dies and the cause of death is not obvious.

Like always, the sanctuary has its “ups” and “down” moments. The loss of the Vervet was definitely a down day, and the Valentine Day event was an “up” day. Cutting the sanctuary’s water pipes was a “downer,” but the sanctuary will survive despite the juvenile antics of the former directors.

An “up” moment will be on television tomorrow as the sanctuary airs its first commercial! A local station will air a wonderful commercial which I pray bring people to the website (think donations) and the sanctuary for tours. More than ever, monetary contributions are needed! If the sanctuary did not have to deal with the former directors’ antics, she could then focus on more important issues!

The not-so-smart former directors apparently contacted the USDA/APHIS vet inspector to report they not only cut the water lines, but they were also turned off the electricity (switch box is on their property) powering the monkey's heat boxes! I guess the former directors thought the USDA would write them up for not having "portable clean water" and heat for the primates! Instead, the former directors admitted to willfully causing harm to animals -- how stupid can they be! Needless to say, I was told a police report was filed in regards to the malicious damage caused to the sanctuary's water pipes. The more this lawsuit drags on, the more folks are finally seeing the former directors' true colors. Finally!! Now everyone is seeing what I saw for the last 4 years!!!

Good news is the sanctuary was able to work out a plan to keep water in the sanctuary's water storage tanks until permanent new pipes can be laid down. Also, the power was on again last night, so the monkeys got their heat -- thanks to the hard work of the construction staff.

Meanwhile the sanctuary's first-ever TV commercial is set to air on Thursday, 2.18.10at 5:00am! I am so excited for the animals -- this is their big chance to shine!

I've also added a few of the event photos to the sanctuary's website so folk can take a peek at a few of the animals we hope the public will support. Baby steps!

[Present Day:  Below is the email sent to Nicole, the director, regarding the electricity issue]:

Subject: RE: Heat and Water
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 11:38:53 -0600

Dr. Pannill,

They are harrassing us and this is untrue. We invite you out to visit. Dont know what else I can tell you. We have an actual electrical line and water.

Thank you

Nicole Garcia


To: nicole.garcia@...
Subject: Heat and Water
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 10:54:06 -0600


Your Dad called me this morning to let me know that he does not think the cages up near their house have heat. He said that you all may have run extenstion cords but where you plugged them into may not be "Hot ".

You might want to make sure that the extension cords are working.

Please email or call me and let me know when you have working power and electricity .

Also you will be receiving a letter from the office concerning the date of April 1st when the perimeter fence at Tally Road MUST be completerd.

I have talked to the office to allow you to have til April 1st to get the fence completed. I'm afraid if that deadline is not met then the fines from past violations will be go into effect.

Dr. Pannill
And here is a letter from the Asvestas' attorney "threatening" to cut the utility lines.  Noticed how the Asvestas waited until the WAO's Valentine Day event to carry out their "treat:"

Real nice, huh? 

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