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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joan Byron-Marasek Wants A Grand Jury to Investigate Me!

As promised, here are the documents submitted by Joan Bryon-Marasek and Lilac Alfke. What can I say about these two “whack-jobs?” Joan knew full well I never was in cahoots with Ron and Carol Asvestas because she was reading my blog up until I cut public access once Carol discovered the existence of the blog. Joan knew exactly what I was up against and she knew I had the evidence to prove it.

Joan Byron-Marasek and Lilac Alfke Statements to OAG - 080409

Every day, up until I cut-off the public blog access, I watched Joan enter and peruse the contents of my blog by way of my web tracking program. So for Joan to send this piece of cr*p to the Texas OAG, Greg Abbott, is simply libel.    She wanted a Grand Jury to investigate me and for a court to prosecute me!  Me???  Unbelievable.

Oh, and then there’s Lilac Alfe. What she wrote was a complete farce! How anyone can write this piece of fiction with a straight face is beyond me.

Well, my Internet and paper case records speak for itself. Both Joan and Lilac’s libel statements were proven wrong and thus far, neither person had the courage to apologize to me for making this ludicrous statements or to the OAG for wasting their time with their garbage submitted on August 4, 2009. At this point, I pray I never hear from either of these two "people" ever again.

Anyhoo, here is my response to the OAG regarding the false statements made against my person:

From: Kristina Brunner

To: James Anthony ;
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 3:37 PM
Subject: ASUS/WAO - Statement to File


TO: james

July 10, 2010

Please accept this memorandum to file in response to Ms. Joan Byron-Marasek and Lilac Alfke’s statements previously submitted to your Office. The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged Animal Welfare Action violations and misappropriation of funds perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization’s owners/operators of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America ( PSA ); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society.

I am in possession of the “Certification of Lilac Alfke” dated July 2, 2009: Normally I do not respond to such false inflammatory comments made against me, but in light of questions received from a local reporter pertaining to this very same statement filed by Ms. Alfke, I felt it imperative I correct the record.

On October 6, 2002, I was asked by Ms. Carol Asvestas to prepare a “response” statement to allegations made by a former employee, Ms. Alfke. At the time of the request, I was a volunteer, not an employee, who volunteered about 2.5 hours per week at the Leslie Road facility. My main function was to help clean the animals’ water bowels and tend to the landscaping. At no time did Ms. Alfke discuss any problems she had with the Asvestas or with animal care with me. I was not even aware Ms. Alfke left the WAO until asked to respond to her October 2002 statement.

When I read over Ms. Alfke allegations against the WAO, in Ms. Asvestas presence, I told her that most of my responses would reflect that I had no knowledge of the events mentioned since I was just a weekend volunteer. She told me that’s okay, do the best as I could because Ms. Alfke was determined to harm the WAO’s reputation and Ms. Asvestas required my assistance in countering her claims. I was told by Ms. Asvestas that Ms. Alfke was no longer employed at the WAO for cause. She did not go into detail why she terminated Ms. Alfke’s employment; just that she was now a disgruntled employee out to hurt the WAO’s reputation. She briefly told me Ms. Alfke was testifying in the New Jersey 24-tiger custody case (that was how it was described to me at that time) for the defense. I was not aware of the names of the individuals involved in the case, nor did I learn the specifics of the case until the animals arrived in San Antonio. Again, at that time I was only a weekend volunteer, not an employee, not a board member nor in any position of authority at the WAO. I simply cleaned water bowls, kept the grounds clean and worked on the landscape.

At the time I made the rebuttal statement, I was absolutely truthful in my reporting. I did not conspire with Ms. Asvestas regarding my responses. I did not perjured myself by responding to the allegations made by Ms. Alfke in my certification statement, as I honestly believed the information contained in the document to be true and correct at the time.

On December 15, 2008, Ms. Alfke contacted me through a third party, wishing to discuss the case with me. From December 15, 2008 to on/about January 14, 2008, Ms. Alfke was most interested in helping me with the WAO case. Ms. Alfke’s provided me with backup documentation supporting my claim of alleged misappropriation of funds and violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

During the first week of January 2008, I invited Ms. Alfke and her mother to my home to discuss the WAO case for she had some documents and pictures she wanted to share with me. During the course of our conversation, we discussed what happened to her in 2002. Needless to say, Ms. Alfke’s account of what transpired at the WAO was eye opening. I told her that I was asked to write a rebuttal statement, along with Mary and Michelle Reininger. I briefly described a couple of responses which I made in my rebuttal statement and I could tell at this point our conversation was not sitting well with Ms. Alfke. She became increasing upset when I mentioned that a local television reporter may be interested in interviewing us together and that the reporter asked me if Ms. Alfke had a criminal record. The reporter only asked the question because several of WAO’s past employees had criminal records on file. I told the reporter that there was criminal history on file at the courthouse, but she would need to discuss the details with Ms. Alfke. Ms. Alfke did not like my answer that I gave the reporter, fearing her past history may prevent her from opening her own wild animal sanctuary called Skies of Zion Animal Sanctuary. She was also adamant that, knowing what I know now, I should correct my rebuttal statement and send it to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) immediately.

I explained to her that (1) her criminal history was on file for anyone to see at the Bexar County Courthouse; and (2) I did not believe it was a good idea for me to rewrite my statement because at the time (2002) I believed the information provided was true and correct.

We discussed at length how the Asvestas and other WAO employees mischaracterized our reputations once we filed our allegations with the authorities. I advised Ms. Alfke to put aside her concerns regarding “what other people think” of us since the truth of the situation was finally coming out and at the end of the day our reputations would be restored [at least that was what I was praying for!].

I believed the issue regarding the rebuttal response statement had been settled after our conversation. I was wrong. On January 9, 2008, I received the following email from Ms. Alfke: wrote:

Thank you for the OAG info and thank you for coming forward with the truth about Carol manipulating you all into making those horribly slanderous statements about me. It breaks my heart to know that people can so easily do such terrible things to a person trying to stand up and do what's right and without thinking twice about how damaging that is to someones life, reputation and career. I am very saddened to know that everyone so easily went along with the hateful, horrendous lies she perpetuated about me and how quickly I was thrown under the bus. Not to mention the fact that it was a multiple occurrence that I was slandered and thrown under the bus. That's just one more reason why I'd rather work with animals than people. I am truly saddened by it all, but I know that in the end when all is said and done, there is going to be accountability for everything whether it is this lifetime or the the next. Knowing the only thing that brings me comfort and peace about this whole situation.
I responded with:

Kristina Brunner ; kbrunner@... ; wrote:

You are most welcome, Lilac!

Looking back, I now realize the WAO's atmosphere is very cult-like. Brain washing and manipulation is a common theme at the facility. At least you are in good company, as I too, have been "thrown under the bus" - by people I considered my friends. Good news is investigators are not buying what they are saying about us any more and open records gives us to see what they are saying, thereby allowing us to counter their "claims."

Don't take what people said in the past personally - everything happened for a reason...k
Again, I thought the issue was over, until I received this email:
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: AG Investigator

Thank you again! Did the OAG ever give you a chance or even ask you for clarification about those statements made about me seeing as how some of the statements made were signed off by you? I guess I am just hoping that you were able to explain that the statements made about me were false and that my name was cleared for the record. It would be great if that was clarified so I don't have to continually defend myself; so that in the future, if those terrible lies surface again, I have someone with credibility that can clear my name of the false accusations made. The only one that can or could do that is you, considering everyone else is still in cahoots with Carol. At least you didn't really have to worry about anyone seriously second guessing your credibility, unlike myself. With these lies being available via public records, it makes me wonder if I will have to deal with this topic again in the future. I'm sure you can understand my concern. Do you think I am going to have to fight that battle now that things are truly surfacing? Can I count on you to verify the truth on my behalf? I can't have those terrible lies interfering with me trying to obtain my goals and dreams.
I was surprised to read this email since we already discussed, in person, my reasons for not submitting a rebuttal to my “rebuttal” statement. I figured she would forget about this issue if I changed the subject, but alas I was mistaken: wrote:

Hi! I must admit, you not responding to my last email is not sitting well with me. If I am suppose to trust you, then I need to know that you are willing to right your wrongs too. I need to know that if and when this whole case finally ends up in court, you will do the right thing and clear my name. I need you to tell that reporter (which should have asked ME about my past to begin with) that you misinformed her. It may seem like harmless lies to you but I take everything having to do with my passion in life (the animals) very seriously. It hurt me to the core to hear those lies because when it came to my job at the WAO, I was 110% dedicated to those animals and making sure I was doing the very best job I could do for them. I do not take having my character attacked lightly, especially when it has to do with something I love with all my heart and soul. You know that you are the only one that can come forward and clear my name of those lies. I have to know before I have anything else to do with helping you, that you will offer me your support and retraction about the false statements made and used to discredit me as Joan's witness and as an employee at the WAO. If you are truly a woman of faith as you proclaim, you will do what is right. I want to believe you and work with you but right now I need to know that I can absolutely trust you. With no response to my last questions...I am starting to doubt that I can. I have been threw enough because of the Asvestas's , I am praying that you are not trying to deceive me too. – Lilac
Thinking it best we discuss this over the phone, I asked her to call me. On January 11, 2008, Ms. Alfke sent me this email:

To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Joe Fury

Sorry I didn't get to call. I've been out with the family all day, I'm beat. I have to be up early tomorrow so I'm going to call it a night. Me and the family are going to be busy this weekend, trying to have a little quality fun time before school starts again next week and we hardly see each other. I will call you on Monday though, we really should talk, after all we are essentially fighting the same fight. Talk to you Monday, try to have a good weekend.

We discussed the situation once again the following week. I explained to her again that the OAG did not even have a copy of my 2002 rebuttal statement on file as part of her complaint package against the WAO and therefore there was no need to “correct” the record. I told her the OAG never even asked me about her or her past experiences. I also told her that at the time I made the statement I believed what I wrote to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I suggested if she wanted to “correct” the records, she should write a letter to the OAG, but that it probably was not necessary since the event took place so long ago and so much new evidence has been obtained and submitted to the OAG.

Ms. Alfke told me she was very hurt that I would not “correct” the record for her and that she could no longer trust me. It was at that point, we stopped corresponding with one another.

In my opinion, Ms. Alfke was more interested in getting me to write a letter to the OAG so as to clear “her name,” rather than pursue justice for the WAO animals.

Ms. Alfke was again brought up my “credibility” in her July 2, 2009 “statement” by claiming an email that I sent her on June 19, 2009 was “unsupported, inflammatory propaganda.” The email in question was the same email I sent to the USDA/APHIS on June 19, 2009, so it should be available under FOIA. After sending the email to the USDA, I blind copied those closest to the case the same email. I must have inadvertently added Ms. Alfke’s name to the list for it was never my intention for her to see this email since she was no longer working with us.

Regardless, the information in the email was absolutely correct as I was provided with hard copy evidence regarding the settlement agreement; the same agreement which was discussed in the San Antonio Current’s magazine article written by Enrique Lopettegui titled “Animal Wrongs, “November 4-10 edition. The WAO entered into the settlement agreement in June 2009.. If Ms. Alfke had contacted me regarding this issue, I would have provided her proof regarding the contents of the email. A copy of the settlement agreement may be obtained by contacting the USDA/APHIS FOIA office. The individuals that received the June 2009 email already knew about the settlement agreement and was interested in what I sent the USDA/APHIS director regarding this subject , which was why I provided them a blind copy of the email.

Ms. Alfke made serious accusations against me and my character without providing any supporting documentation. I believe the July 2, 2009 statement was made in retaliation against me because I refused to “clear her name” in 2008.

As to Ms. Joan Byron-Marasek’s complaint filed with the Texas OAG—since her complaint was based primarily on the word of Ms. Alfke, it does not bear a response from me. Ms. Byron-Marasek and I never discussed the above listed events and therefore she is not in the position to question my thoughts, actions or integrity.

Thank you for including this statement to the ASUS/WAO file.

Kindest Regards,

Kristina Brunner

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