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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is this a News Story or a Sick Bulletin Board

On 3/1/2010 10:49:10 PM, [name of on-line newspaper editor] said:
Nice try, [female former director ] and Company.
We stand by our commentaries.
A commentary, by its very nature, often takes sides, especially against
corrupt organizations. Look it up. Look up ethical, while your at it.
Say "hi" to you pals Jim Beam and Johnnie Walker.
[name], Editor/Publisher http://[website].Com
(Below is the story [female director] is yakking about.)
Suicide Attempt?
'Lyin Queen' Overdoses On Pills, Booze…

On 3/2/2010 6:15:40 AM, Anonymous said:
More to follow
- Developing - more bullshit.

On 3/2/2010 10:50:15 AM, Anonymous said:
I recommend that anyone who feels that the lightning posts false stories should pull up the police reports that were filed with the "toxic ingestion" of a certain someone. Those do not lie. Look for the police reports.

On 3/2/2010 6:53:00 PM, Anonymous said:
It's commonnly known that the new [sanctuary] has been giving money to the [name of website]. Some might call his favoritism nothing more than paid commercials/advertisements.

On 3/2/2010 8:32:05 PM, Anonymous said:
Police are not cops silly. Why would I check a police report when she went to the hospital. I would check the hospital records. Oh, but patient doctor confidentiality doesn't allow that. So... Wow, you must have a very high IQ. NOT!!! Police reports to check on a persons health. You just made my day. LOL

On 3/2/2010 8:34:07 PM, Anonymous said:
Police are only health experts silly. Sorry about the typo. I just could not stop laughing. That is why I made the mistake. Don't make me laugh so much next time. ROTFLOL

On 3/2/2010 8:36:54 PM, Anonymous said:
Again I was laughing hard. "POLICE ARE NOT HEALTH EXPERTS" I think I finally got it. I think your stupidity is starting to be contagious. LOL

On 3/2/2010 8:38:37 PM, Anonymous said:
If I call the police, could they check on my health too?

On 3/2/2010 8:40:47 PM, Anonymous said:
I had a "toxic ingestion" reading the San Antonio Lightning! Should I file a police report?

On 3/3/2010 12:41:09 PM, Anonymous said:
You are the stupid one. Cops are involved at every "attempted suicide" call. And in this "toxic ingestion" call they were as well. oh i know that medical reports are private or the world would have known that only a few years ago, a certain someone (president) was attacked by a lion. oh, another lie that was never discovered huh? And she is stable enough to do anything. I think not. This is just to funny, this conversation, and the works. One question? Why were the cops involved and why did he leave?

You know, after reading this latest diatribe from the former directors and company, one has to wonder how this group of individuals could have EVER run a non-profit company.

On to more important news. I just finished the March 2010 newsletter edition. January – February 2010 newsletters were pretty good – yet I believe the March newsletter is awesome! The new director and one of the sanctuary’s board members are impressed with it too.

Meanwhile, I don’t know if I previously reported the troubles ailing the current board of directors. A board meeting was called and two of the current members refused to attend as it was a call to request the resignation of the current Vice President. Right now, there are only four board members. Besides the VP not showing for the vote, it turns out the board member trying to take over the sanctuary was also a no-show. It is my understanding this board member and the new VP are working behind the scenes, trying to figure out how they can take over the organization and turn it into a “theme park.”

Sad to report, another Vervet (monkey) died yesterday. The new director suspects tetanus as the cause of death. The vet is supposed to run tests on the primate to confirm the monkey’s cause of death. If this is another case of tetanus, then there may be a serious outbreak at the touring facility. So far, one Long-tailed macaque died from tetanus and if the Vervet did die from this disease, then the rest of the monkeys may have been compromised. This breaks my heart because I believe the disease stems from the Long-tailed Macaques which the former director placed on the touring trail prior to her departure. The macaques close proximity to the other primates placed a tremendous risk to all the primates living on the property. Since I seriously doubt previous management ran tests to confirm the health and welfare of the macaques when they first arrived at the sanctuary, odds are there is a decent chance the primates arrived at the facility with tetanus.

As if things couldn’t get worse with the primates, the three Barbary Macaques tried to break out of their enclosure, again. The facility was written up the USDA either in 2008 or 2009 for a similar incident. Back then, a welder was brought in to fix the enclosure.

I am not sure what happened yesterday, but apparently extensive repairs of the enclosure was required and the monkeys needed to be sedated. When I called the facility towards the end of the day, I learned there were some problems with sedating the monkeys. Not sure how the whole thing turned out, but I pray the monkeys are okay and the enclosure is fixed.

Web traffic to the website has gone up and more folks are interested in the new web pages. I just hope the changes I made (added a directions page, donate by check page, and updated the home page to include the sanctuary’s first-ever commercial) makes a difference in the lives of the animals.

I’ll be very busy this weekend for on Saturday we mulch more tiger cages and Sunday I’m to give a special tour to a local high school group interested in fund raising for the animals.

So much to do! So little time!!


I learned earlier today another Vervet is sick. Still waiting for final necropsy report on the first Vervet that died on March 2, 2010...

Also learned the former directors and staff (friends of the directors) called the AG to report that they have not received their W-2s. Gee, if they refuse to accept certified mail from the sanctuary, then how are they supposed to get their W-2? More drama...

Later: Learned the sick vervet has a bacterial infection. The vervet is recovering nicely. I cannot get over how often the vet comes out to check on the WAO animals. Thank goodness for the new vet -- she really seems to care about the well-being of the animals!

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