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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Face of Evil

Truly evil has a face and it belongs to those individuals hell bent on destroying the animals. I am amazed at how petty and childish these people are and sadly another ex-employee has joined their ranks, posting this on the comment section of the magazine’s online story:

On 4/17/2010 11:18:16 PM, Myrna said:
To whoever wrote about me leaving (4/6/10 comment) what you heard is true. I did put in my two weeks notice and after biting tongue for so long I couldn't hold it in any longer. I let it ALL out,didn't hold anything back and let me tell you did it feel GOOD. The next day I was asked to gather my things and leave the premises.After sticking up for someone you believed in and then realizing you were completely wrong about them is extremely upsetting. I must clear up a few things though... The caretakers have worked extremely hard for those animals. They came first no matter what anyone else thinks.If it ever came down to the animals getting fed or the employees getting paid I can assure you that not a single person there would put themselves before those animals. There are a few of us who have quit because of current management but we stayed as long as we did for the animals. I miss them everyday but fortunately for me I now work with another non-profit that is being run the right way. There are plenty of changes that need to be made at the Wild Animal Orphanage and the most important one is management. It breaks my heart that a place with such amazing animals and with such great potential is struggling.
And by the way Nicole you can stop accusing me of writing on here under anonymous. Obviously I have no issue putting my name on my comments. Find someone else to blame. :)

Months ago, I recommended to the new director to fire her because she violated the drug-free workplace policy—apparently more than once. Here is a person, who is a confirmed drug user, allegedly impregnated by a man she claimed worked at the sanctuary, but the man in question allegedly denied being the father of her child, posting stuff like this on the internet. This is the same person who refused to leave the sanctuary on the day she picked up her final paycheck, demanding the director come outside and “face her.” Sadly, this little diva felt the need to blast “management” at a time when it was barely making it from one day to another.

And so Evil marches on –

The former directors ran up some very hefty bills before they quit and then fired—IRS payroll taxes (past and current due), Printer, Vet, Land Taxes, etc). Unbelievably, the former directors contacted those individuals that ran huge “tabs” for the former directors and asked them how much was owed to them as well as the last payment made. Then the former directors wrote a letter to the OAG, detailing the amounts owed to the businesses and last time they received payment! Can you believe the audacity! They caused this problem and now the reveling in the disaster, knowing that the law cannot touch them! The letter was sent to the sanctuary’s attorney, no doubt to give them a “heads-up” regarding the upcoming meeting with the OAG. The OAG wants to meet with the new director this Thursday.

The OAG has been hitting the website as well – concentrating on the staff and board of director’s web pages.

Today, the new director is visiting the banks to see if she can secure a loan so as to keep the sanctuary open.

I am praying really hard that the sanctuary receives the necessary funds, else I do not know what will happen to the animals. God Bless the animals and staff as they struggle through this most difficult time.

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