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Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Hard to be the Boss

Well, it was a most difficult day for the new director. The ex-employee did not leave quietly into the good night and what makes matter worse, the two other divas rallied around her.

Apparently, the ex-employee showed up today to pickup her final check and told the office manager she refused to leave the premise unless the new director spoke to her. So for about 30 minutes the three divas (2 employed, 1 ex) sat around at the animals expense, trying to call the director's bluff. Fortunately, the new director did not get into a confrontation with the ex-worker seeing the current employees were still present -- absolutely nothing good would have resulted from that confrontation.

Interesting to note, the male employees want nothing to do with the divas, quietly agreeing the divas are there strictly for themselves and not for the animals.

The ex-diva wrote a stinging email to the board, which prompted the one board member interested in taking over the operation, to send the new director "demanding" emails. This board member wanted to know the status of the last board meeting minutes. The new director reminded her that she was the secretary and she is the one responsible for the minutes. The board member then demanded a second set of board meeting minutes (she apparently lost the first set) and the director told her she would have to make another copy and would have them available for pickup later in the day. The board member was upset that she was told she could not keep the originals when she asked for them! The new director was instructed to "do what you're asked" by the board member. When the new director insisted she could have a copy, as the originals had to be on file in case of AG requests; the board member took it upon herself to show up at the sanctuary when the director was out and took the original board meeting minutes. This has me greatly concerned because now this board member can "doctor" past board meeting minutes; else why would she insist on keeping the originals?

The new director contacted the new vet and updated her on the board's concern that the new director is not providing adequate care of the animals. The new vet confirmed the animals are doing much better as they are finally receiving preventive care as well as routine health care.

Oh, and now the board is down to three board members as the vp resigned his position.

To make things even more interesting today, the old directors contacted the city's Engineering Development Department to report "illegal" placing of the animals water lines (which you may recall had to be replaced because the old directors cut the water lines running underground across their property. Since the lines were placed by a professional company, the inspector left without inspecting the lines, knowing that this call was made in retaliation against the new director.

It should be interesting to see how I will be treated tomorrow by the divas. I'm sure there will be more things to write about soon. It's a good thing I'm not their boss, for I would have fired them a long time ago. It truly is hard to be the boss sometimes.

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