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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sabu is Very Happy Now!

I am thrilled Sabu has a second chance at living!  Look how happy he is (pictures were taken on 1.14.12) at In-Sync Exotics!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Okemo Needs Lots of Prayers

Last Thursday evening Vicky (In-Sync Exotics President) noticed Okemo had a swollen jaw on the right side of his face.  His appetite was good and he did not show any behavioral changes. 

Okemo was sedated on February 22, 2012 without any problems. In-Sync Exotics' vet decided that since his sedation went very well, it would be best to conduct his examination at In-Sync Exotics. This would preclude Okemo from being sedated at In-Sync Exotics and then anesthetized at the vet clinic--at 17 years of age, sedating and anesthetizing Okemo can be very risky depending on his health condition.

Once Okemo was sedated, In-Sync Exotics' vet and staff were able to enter his enclosure and prepared him for his examination. His swollen jaw was cleaned and shaved so their vet could see the swollen sac found on the right side of his chin. Since the sac was filled with fluid, the vet lanced the sac allowing the accumulated blood, pus, and bone shavings to drain from his wound. Once the wound stopped draining, the vet thorough cleaned the area and took x-rays of Okemo’s jaw. The vet also drew blood from Okemo and both his blood and culture samples were sent off to be tested for any abnormalities. I am very concerned about Okemo's prognosis because this has all the ear marks of bone cancer.

Okemo recovering from sedation
(he was a little sick)

Okemo recovering

X-rays revealed that Okemo probably has bone cancer.  The sac cultures taken and sent for analysis should be ready in about 10 days, which will probably confirm the bone cancer diagnosis.  I'm praying for Okemo.  Either way, bone cancer or bone disease, Okemo may not have a lot of time with us--and it's just not fair to him. 
Vicky always wondered why Okemo kept licking his side of his mouth all the time since the day he arrived.  I guess this explains why...  I'm praying for Okemo.  Just one more tiger that left the WAO very sick.  So heartbreaking--and it makes me very, very angry that so many animals lived and died at the WAO without the benefit of proper diet, enrichment, or vet care and its board of directors got off scott-free.  It's just not right at all.

Handsome Okemo
Okemo is such a love bug!

Farewell My Friend Dobbins

On February 5, 2012 I went to the Austin Zoo in the hopes to see Dobbins and Apollo in their new home.  Last year I planned to visit the tigers in November (during my birthday week) on my way to see the former WAO tiger and lions now living at In-Sync Exotics.  Since I was running out of time that day, I decided to visit the Austin Zoo another day and proceed on to Wylie, Texas.

I was also concerned that Dobbins may pass away before I got a chance to see him, but I prayed I would not miss him.

Sadly, I did.  For you see, when I arrived at the Austin Zoo, a miserable raining day, there was virtually no one around and so after exploring some, I was able to find Apollo's enclosure--with no Dobbins.  I knew he was gone.  I found an animal caretaker who told me that yes, Dobbins had passed away, but wasn't sure when.  He asked if I wanted to speak with his tiger keepers.  Yes of course!

I met Dobbins keepers and was told that on the day he died, Dobbins had multiple seizures.  Sadly, he did not pass quietly.  They thought he had died in November 2011, which absolutely broke my heart because I was wracked with guilt for not coming to see him sooner.  His keepers suggested I contact the Austin Zoo director to see if a necropsy had been done on Dobbins. 

I did learn that Dobbins loved his swimming pool during his short time at the Austin Zoo.  Dobbins was always such a water baby!  He and Dobbins were very close--I rarely saw them apart, so I have to wonder how Apollo is feeling now.  He looked so alone in the huge enclosure.  I plan on going again to see him in the summer -- I hear he loves the zipline in his enclosure and his pool.  I just wish Dobbins could have enjoyed a much longer life at the Austin Zoo...   

It took me awhile to contact the Austin Zoo to find out when and why Dobbins died. Our email correspondence is below the video and pictures.

Apollo watching the lions being fed

Apollo still watching the lions

Apollo sniffing around his enclosure

Apollo sniffing some more

Apollo drinking from his trough
(you can see his huge 3-tiered pool in the background!)

Two of the three blue and gold macaws sent to the Austin Zoo (one bird was missing)
(Jackie and Jill)

Lexie checking out his enclosure

Lexie sniffing some more

Lexie using his facility while his roomie watches

Lexie with his other roomie

The three foxes together

Lexie's female roomie

Sarge relaxing

Sarge close-up

Sarge and his new gal pal
(According to her plaque card, she did not come from the WAO)

From: Kristina Brunner
To: Patti Clark <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2012 10:31 am
Subject: Re: Inquiry - Dobbins and Apollo!

Greetings Patti:

Several weeks ago I visited the Austin Zoo and had an opportunity to speak with Dobbin and Apollo's caretakers. I was greatly saddened to learn of Dobbin's passing sometime in November 2011 (the caretakers were unable to remember the exact date). Was a necropsy performed and if so, would you mind sharing the results with me along with the date of his passing?

I am thrilled to see Apollo living in such a large enclosure and I look forward to seeing him when the weather improves--I bet he loves the pool on hot summer days!

Would you happen to have any pictures of Dobbins in the pool? I was told by the workers that he loved the pool and would love to see him happily enjoying his time in the pool.

Thank you for caring for Dobbins and Apollo and I enjoyed my brief visit (before it started to pour down rain) at the Austin Zoo!

Kind regards,


From: Patti Clark <>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thu, February 16, 2012 2:03:20 PM
Subject: Re: Inquiry - Dobbins and Apollo!

Kristina, I am sorry I missed your visit. Dobbins passed away October 23 due to lymphoma. Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of Dobbins in the pool. Apollo has settled in nicely and seems to be enjoying his new space.

Best regards,

From: Kristina Brunner
To: Patti Clark
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2012 2:17 pm
Subject: Re: Inquiry - Dobbins and Apollo!

Thank you Patti for the information. I'm kicking myself now for not coming down sooner to see him--something I will always regret. I guess that explains why poor Dobbin's health was so poor towards the end. Do you know what type of lymphoma he had (Mediastinal, Gastrointestinal, Multicentric, or Extranodal/miscellaneous)? I pray he did not suffer towards the end. Again, thanks for the information -

Kind regards,

From: Patti Clark
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thu, February 16, 2012 2:34:20 PM
Subject: Re: Inquiry - Dobbins and Apollo!

I do not know what type of lymphoma. He was fine up until his last day so he had a wonderful time in the short while he spent here.


Okay, I'm confused. Dobbins was very, very thin... He apparently had lymphoma, but the Zoo has no idea what type? And yet he was "fine up until his last day?"  I am sure Dobbins was in much better spirits at his new home, but he was far from fine.  The pictures I saw of him was shocking--he was so thin looking.  He must have been very sick for at least 6-12 months and the WAO did nothing to help him.  At least he didn't die at the WAO like Lance did.  I just wish Lance could have gotten out of there too before he died.  So much death and disease at the WAO...

Dear Lord, please bless Dobbin's soul into Heaven.  May You hold him and comfort him forever because he is a very special tiger...Amen.

Apollo and Dobbins (rear)
January 28, 2007
I miss you Dobbins...

December 17, 2009

Apollo (r) and Dobbins (l)
August 1, 2010

I just noticed that I did not comment on Lexie and the birds.  Well, they all seem to be doing great.  Lexie seemed very happy in his new home, running all over the place, sniffing, and playing with his roomies--something he never did at the WAO.  He is so adorable!! 

The birds also seemed very happy!  Sarge has a roommate -- she's really adorable and the two girls (blue and gold macaws) were stuck together like they were glued together!  Nicole thought three blue and gold macaws went to the Austin Zoo, which means one of them must of died sometime from 2010-2012.  I wish I knew what happened to the bird.

All in all, I'm glad Apollo, Lexie, and the birds have found a home at the Austin Zoo.


Found these pictures on Facebook of Apollo playing in the pool with his new ball!

Apollo (AKA Ramah at the Austin Zoo) - 061812

Apollo (AKA Ramah at the Austin Zoo) - 071412
Apollo - picture on Facebook - 090212

I miss him and Dobbins.  Just wish Dobbins could have enjoyed the ball and pool with Apollo.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The WAO Joke -- January 2012 Operations Report

Wow, where to begin? Is this the worst WAO Operations Report filed to date? I’m not sure—but it’s pretty bad. 

Let’s look at the expense report:
WAO Operations Report - January 2012

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: James Anthony ; Chris Krhovjak
Sent: Fri, March 2, 2012 9:55:08 AM
Subject: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case
Dear Sirs:
Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office. The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds, and alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization's owners/operators and Board of Directors of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America ( PSA ); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker's and Wag's Humane Society.
I have been following the bankruptcy court proceedings regarding the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba “The Wild Animal Orphanage,” located in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas; specifically the WAO's monthly Small Business Monthly Operating Reports.
A few weeks ago, the WAO submitted its January 2012 Small Business Monthly Operating Report. I don’t know if anyone is actually checking these reports, such as the State or Court, but once again, these reports are fraught with errors and/or concerns.
As usual, there was a high amount of “fuel” purchased ($688.40) for what appears to be for personal use based on the number of small gas purchases scattered throughout this month. The total cost for fuel-Talley Road was $111.72. The grand total for fuel in the month of January was $800.12!
I also noticed there was 32 expenses that did not have a receipt, so we have no idea what Jamie purchased with the WAO’s checkcard in January 2012.
The total amount of expenses that contained the notations “Talk to Jamie”, “ask Jamie”, or “need receipt – Jamie” equaled $1,237. This is completely inexcusable and leads one to believe that Jamie Cryer may be stealing money from the WAO.

What did the WAO “buy” from CNS Advance, a cash advance store? What did the WAO buy at the Times Food Store (gas station food store)? Again, both have the notations “need receipt” on the expense report.
What in the world is the WAO buying at Lowes that cost $732.44? Again, no receipts? And how about Wal-Mart -- $307.72 and Home Depot -- $211.55 – again items missing receipts!
And why is the WAO paying for Jamie’s medical bill at the tune of $597 from the Lifetime Health of San Antonio? Is this expense WAO related or is this a “personal” visit to the doctor and the WAO is picking up his personal medical expense? Where is the receipt?
Is the WAO paying for cat food for the ferals still living at the WAO? Where are the food receipts? Could it be they are buying cat food, but the Walmart receipts also contain personal items purchased by the Cryers listed on the same receipts, so they have not been turned over to the “bookkeeper?” What is going to happen to the ferals since Michelle Cryer turned away the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition last month? Do they have homes or are they going to be destroyed for expediency’s sake? 
And finally, what in the world are the Cryers doing using the WAO’s checkcard at an ATM withdrawing $500 from the WAO account to pay for “rescue horses?” Whose horses? Where are they now? Why did the WAO pay to rescue horses? Are these horses now owned by the Cryers or friends of the Cyers?
Since the Western District Bankruptcy Court and the Texas OAG cannot or will not demand that the WAO be accountable for their expenditures, I have to wonder who will stop them from using the WAO checkcard to purchase items that will be probably be used at Talley Road for at least one or two more months (while awaiting the monkeys’ relocation), before the brand new expensive items suddenly disappear from Talley Road property (assuming that they are even at the Talley Road property in the first place).
Any money stolen from the WAO should be recouped and distributed to organizations that took in sick or dying WAO animals. No one from the WAO should profit from the demise of this organization—especially the Cryers since they were part of the problem dating back to January 7, 2006.
Did you know that another tiger, who developed cancer while at the WAO, is dying at In-Sync Exotics? Shouldn’t WAO assets be sent to this organization to off-set the medical costs of Okemo? How about the dental surgery for Andre (tiger) at Big Cat Rescue? Andre’s teeth were horribly damaged while living at the WAO and now he requires two root canal surgeries. Again, shouldn’t funds be sent to this organizations to off-set these medical expenses?
Since the WAO is only supporting about 100+ or so non-human primates, the WAO expenditures should have gone down significantly. It has not. In fact, for the month of January, the WAO’s bank account was a negative $4,088.22 at the end of the month.
What is also odd is that the WAO paid $1,280.80 for WAO automobile insurance coverage. Why is the WAO paying so much in auto insurance when the WAO truck should only be used until the monkeys relocate? It would have been significantly cheaper if the WAO paid month to month until the monkeys left the Talley Road property instead of paying, what appears to be, an annual quote. I’m sure there’s a story behind this expenditure!
Oh, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that more checks have gone missing from the WAO (#1335, 1336, 1337, 1338,1339, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1356, 1387, 1388, 1393, 1394). Amazing.
I pray that the OAG and the Western District Bankruptcy Court will demand from the WAO an amended January 2012 Small Business Monthly Operating Report to be filed with the Court to ensure (1) compliance and (2) transparency into the WAO expenditures.

If the WAO personnel are fraudulently stealing money and tangible assets from the WAO, the court and creditors need to be made aware of this situation, and the people perpetrating these illegal thefts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Therefore, I believe a full investigation should be initiated to find out just how much of the WAO assets were taken without the Court’s approval.

Please share this information with the Western District Court, as believe the Judge handling the WAO’s bankruptcy case should be aware of this growing concern.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you –

Kristina Brunner

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Horrible November 2011 WAO Operations Report

You are not going to believe this, but last Friday Cryer finally sent the November 2011 WAO Operations Report to the bankruptcy court and clearly this is the MOST ridiculous report sent to the court yet.
WAO Bankruptcy Court - WAO November Operations Report

First of all, it appears the WAO failed to file a detailed ledger for the bank transactions that took place from November 1 - 14, 2011 even though their ledger starts on November 11, 2011.  So needless to say, I have a lot of questions as to why (1) the court allowed her to file this incomplete report and (2) why hasn't the OAG gotten on the Cryers about this?

Next the transaction dates are all over the place.  Normally, the "accountant" Meyer tries to keep the transactions in date order.  So when you look at the bank's statements, you can see a bold line that highlights a check card transaction (probably made by Meyer) --and it corresponds with the first check card entry on the WAO's ledger.  Yet for some reason, all the check card transactions found on the statement above the bold line is missing from the ledger!

Again, it appears that an exorbitant amount of money was spent on diesel and regular fuel-- about $687 worth of fuel!  Okay, again, if there were only a few tigers and about 100 primates living on the property, why is the fuel cost so high?  Is it because the WAO vehicles are being used by the Cryers as their own "personal" vehicle? And who is purchasing regular gas (other than the purchased fuel designated by Meyer as "fuel for equipment?"  Another personal gas purchase made by someone using the WAO check card again?

There are two concerns on this operations report:  $137.25 was spent at the Paws in Heaven (crematorium) for "Kit and other cats" plus a $436.72 charge made to Tiger Sanitation, found on the bank statement (missing of course from the ledger).  Since the City trash charges are part of the electricity bill, then what did Tiger Sanitation pick up?  A tiger body? Lots of feral cat bodies? Did they finally dispose of Lance's body from the meat locker?

With the listed "cats" deaths and destruction, I am concerned the Cryers are destroying cats that they can catch and plan to leave the ferals they cannot catch on the property after they leave.  Why else would Cryer turn down help from the Feral Cat Coalition?  Why won't they allow cat groups to help the WAO domestic cats unless the Cryers have something terrible to hide?

This is turning into a horrible case and NO ONE from the OAG or the USDA is following up on these major problems!

In the meantime, I am still waiting for my !,556 documents from the USDA.  I was supposed to receive the first batch starting last week.  I am still waiting.


Received an email from the USDA/APHIS.  Now it appears my request will yield only 505 pages!  Now that's disappointing considering about 100 or so pages will be from me!  I guess the USDA/APHIS really didn't do or communicate as much as the OAG when it came to this case?  I guess time will tell when I finally receive the USDA/APHIS FOIA documents.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Will Become of the Feral and Stray WAO Cats?

From: Jessica Saucedo
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, February 1, 2012 2:44:15 PM
Subject: RE: On the matter of Monkeys and Ferals

Also, it is hard to tell him about the history all at once as it is exhausting and bitter.

I tried to keep it simple and I hope she will not have reason to lie to him.  Please stay positive on this.  We get a wonderful answer we can easily live with.

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 2:20 PM
To: Jessica Saucedo

Subject: Re: On the matter of Monkeys and Ferals

Well this is disappointing...

Don't count on USDA/APHIS to do anything...USDA does not regulate domestic cats plus USDA already closed their case against WAO.  Sadly, I don't trust what Dr. Pannill says regarding any WAO animal because I've caught her in a few lies over the years.  Mr. Medley will have to take the lead and demand from WAO where the ferals are going since WAO operated an illegal feral cat colony at the Talley Road facility. 

Maybe I'm wrong and the USDA will actually care enough about the last WAO animals...I guess all we can do now is wait and see...  I just wanted you to know your letter to Mr. Medley was great!  Thank you for reaching out to ACS for their help in this case...  At this point, all I want to see is the last of the WAO animals placed and none sent to Carol Asvestas' ASAP, Inc.   Hugs...k

From: Jessica Saucedo
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, February 1, 2012 2:03:15 PM
Subject: FW: On the matter of Monkeys and Ferals



From: Vincent Medley []
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 3:41 PM
To: Jessica Saucedo
Subject: RE: On the matter of Monkeys and Ferals


Thank you for sending me this information.  I have staff contacting Dr. Panell.  We are out of the office this week, as we make our way to Florida.  We will address this as quickly as possible. 

From: Jessica Saucedo
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 10:09 AM
To: Vincent Medley
Cc: Jessica Saucedo

Subject: On the matter of Monkeys and Ferals
Importance: High

Hi Vincent,

It was a real pleasure to meet you and something of a happy miracle to hear how positively ACS is developing.  We are lucky to be working with someone of your heart and experience as a lead.

I hope you will remember me from Saturday’s SAFCC meeting.  I wanted to send some information on the Wild Animal Orphanage situation, minus the incredible bog of court reports and drama tied to this. I have included in this correspondence only a few emails below and one attachment regarding the cats kept on site at Talley Road.

The Bottom Line: WAO is seeing its last days.  Lynn Cuny of Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation sent me an update (Please see the email at the very bottom) to confirm the monkeys will be going to Born Free. Mary Reininger ( is the one taking care of the cats on site.  USDA is managing WAO at this point.  We hope they may have answers, but their involvement may only be limited to the monkeys.  We have no access to USDA to confirm this.

Based on a flyer sent out this summer, we thought the cats were relocated.  Apparently, this is not the case, hence the concern with the approaching deadline to close the site once the monkeys are relocated.

Attached is the August flyer from WAO from Carole (being Carole Asvestos, the original director) to SAFCC, which states provisions need to be made in 2 – 3 months.  This deadline is now long past. 

Mary is quite reluctant to get involved. She did not respond to my follow up emails for more specific information.  She passed along Michelle Cryer’s information;

I had Sherry contact Michelle and inquire about the cats to which she responded politely.  Aside from saying they are working on their relocation, no specifics were shared.  (email also below)

Perhaps all is well, but none of the animal groups we reached out to are involved.  As I mentioned Saturday,  we can bring part of a solution; Stray Cat Adoptions of Texas says they may be able to help place some of the socialized cats. If ACS needs more kitties in adoption, that may be an added solution as well. Where will the remaining cats go?

There was a strange rumor Carole Asvestos has begun a cat shelter and these cats were slated to her.  Those familiar with the history of mismanagement/abuse of animals in her keep share a concern. Having tried all other avenues, I wanted to ask for your help in looking into this. 

I am available for questions and willing to help.  Thanks for any assistance you can provide.


Yes we are working on their relocation. I appreciate the inquire and will keep you in mind as well.

Thanks for all of your hard work!!

 Animal love

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphanage
Board of Directors

 "An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language." ~ Martin Buber

On Jan 26, 2012, at 2:26 PM, Sherry Derdak wrote:

Hi Michelle, 

I'm inquiring about the feral cats at the Talley Rd WAO and if anyone ever responded to the relocation request.

Thanks for all you do,

Sherry Derdak, President

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition


I cannot understand why a wildlife sanctuary not too far from the WAO tells the an accurate story as to how and why they acquired four WAO cougars in a archieved newsletter, but then lied on its current webpage as to where the cats previously came from--namely the WAO.  Why is everyone trying to protect the WAO?  Why would any sanctuary quietly defend the WAO's board of directors?  I my opinion it dishonors the memory of all the cougars that lived and died at the WAO.  Please sanctuary, fix your website.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Finally A WAO Operations Report is Filed With the Court...But...

... it is for the month of December 2011 and not November 2011!  I'm shocked!  What could the Cryers possible be hiding from the court?

Okay, so let's look another stellar example of an Operations Report prepared by Myer and filed by Cryer:

Granted, the expenditures were smaller as there were no meat purchases made this month.  At this point, the only food purchased was for the macaques that are slated to go to Born Free soon.  However, gas costs still ran pretty high for the WAO with just monkeys and domestic cats living at Talley Road!  Just for this month, the total fuel cost was $657.29.  Wowser!!  Apparently, gas was purchased at Valero, Murphy, Shell, and Exxon gas stations, where $20 was given to Henry for "Henry fuel WAO use."  Ah huh.  Sure.

Oh, and it gets better!  Four out of the five WAO workers received Christmas bonuses!  Last year, six workers received $75.  This year, everyone but Henry received Christmas bonuses.  How special.  The amounts were interesting--the Reiningers both received $165.11, while Myer and Dyer received $160.12 and $152.12 respectively.  Wow, for Dyer this was a great deal as it appears to be almost the same amount she "earns" per pay period.  So, a board member of one decided who would get bonuses and who would not--in this case, Henry.  I wonder if Henry received WAO property as compensation??  After all, I can't imagine Cryer not taking care of their buddy Henry?  And did I mention WAO money was used for a Christmas Party?  $55.95 was spent at Pizza Hut for a Christmas Party!   But what I cannot understand is why the WAO would need to renew its "Costco Warehouse" card when its closed, almost all the animals are gone, and the WAO didn't really use "Costco Warehouse" card anyway?  Unless, Cryers plans on keeping this card after the WAO is gone and will continue to use it for their own personal use at the animals' expense.  Hello--OAG???  Did anyone notice this when the documents were filed with the court?  That's $50 that could have gone towards a former WAO animal living at another sanctuary.

Of course I have to wonder about all the missing checks for this month:  #1319, 1320, 1334, 1354, 1355.  What do you bet they'll show up sometime in the future, when the case is getting ready to close?  Then there are the purchases made at HEB, Walmart, Academy, and Home Depot.

What tool could they have possibly purchased  from Home Depot at this time for the old chimp building that closed in October 2011, costing $149?  I noticed this "tool" was not named in this report.  And "heaters" from the Academy store costing $257.03??  Whaaat???  This winter has been incredibly mild so who or what are the heaters for? Then there $108.97 for "heaters and heater supplies" from Home Depot?   And hey, what about that new "battery"  purchased at Advance Auto Parts--report doesn't say to which vehicle the battery was for and of course any items bought from our local grocer HEB and Walmart, posted as "other supplies" or "animal treats" are suspicious to me.

So, once again, another interesting report was signed, dated, and sent to the Bankruptcy Court.  I would be remiss not to point out that everyone is still working at the WAO at their same hourly rate for the supposedly same amount of work hours (seeing how they are nonexempt employees paid by the hour), despite there only being feral cats and monkeys living on the property.  Hmmm.  Just how long does it take to feed monkeys and cats anyway? 

But this was not the only document filed with the Bankruptcy Court, I also found this from IFAW - interesting: