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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Horrible November 2011 WAO Operations Report

You are not going to believe this, but last Friday Cryer finally sent the November 2011 WAO Operations Report to the bankruptcy court and clearly this is the MOST ridiculous report sent to the court yet.
WAO Bankruptcy Court - WAO November Operations Report

First of all, it appears the WAO failed to file a detailed ledger for the bank transactions that took place from November 1 - 14, 2011 even though their ledger starts on November 11, 2011.  So needless to say, I have a lot of questions as to why (1) the court allowed her to file this incomplete report and (2) why hasn't the OAG gotten on the Cryers about this?

Next the transaction dates are all over the place.  Normally, the "accountant" Meyer tries to keep the transactions in date order.  So when you look at the bank's statements, you can see a bold line that highlights a check card transaction (probably made by Meyer) --and it corresponds with the first check card entry on the WAO's ledger.  Yet for some reason, all the check card transactions found on the statement above the bold line is missing from the ledger!

Again, it appears that an exorbitant amount of money was spent on diesel and regular fuel-- about $687 worth of fuel!  Okay, again, if there were only a few tigers and about 100 primates living on the property, why is the fuel cost so high?  Is it because the WAO vehicles are being used by the Cryers as their own "personal" vehicle? And who is purchasing regular gas (other than the purchased fuel designated by Meyer as "fuel for equipment?"  Another personal gas purchase made by someone using the WAO check card again?

There are two concerns on this operations report:  $137.25 was spent at the Paws in Heaven (crematorium) for "Kit and other cats" plus a $436.72 charge made to Tiger Sanitation, found on the bank statement (missing of course from the ledger).  Since the City trash charges are part of the electricity bill, then what did Tiger Sanitation pick up?  A tiger body? Lots of feral cat bodies? Did they finally dispose of Lance's body from the meat locker?

With the listed "cats" deaths and destruction, I am concerned the Cryers are destroying cats that they can catch and plan to leave the ferals they cannot catch on the property after they leave.  Why else would Cryer turn down help from the Feral Cat Coalition?  Why won't they allow cat groups to help the WAO domestic cats unless the Cryers have something terrible to hide?

This is turning into a horrible case and NO ONE from the OAG or the USDA is following up on these major problems!

In the meantime, I am still waiting for my !,556 documents from the USDA.  I was supposed to receive the first batch starting last week.  I am still waiting.


Received an email from the USDA/APHIS.  Now it appears my request will yield only 505 pages!  Now that's disappointing considering about 100 or so pages will be from me!  I guess the USDA/APHIS really didn't do or communicate as much as the OAG when it came to this case?  I guess time will tell when I finally receive the USDA/APHIS FOIA documents.

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