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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chimp Haven Mourns the Loss of Flick  (10.23.12)

Early this morning Flick, a 40-year-old male chimpanzee, passed away from gastrointestinal complications. Yesterday Chimp Haven’s veterinarian, Dr. Jackson, performed surgery and found significant damage and compromise to his intestinal track. The damaged sections of the GI were removed and an anastomosis (reconnection) performed. Despite these efforts, Flick was unable to recover from his compromised state.

Prior to coming to Chimp Haven, Flick spent 30 years of his life in cramped cages in a laboratory in New York while being used as an HIV and hepatitis subject. When the lab closed, he, Doc, Pierre, Murphy, and Jojo were moved to a sanctuary in Texas which went bankrupt last year. Through the generosity of donors, Chimp Haven was able to rescue these chimpanzees and provide them with the home they deserved.
Flick liked to spend his days showing off to the caregivers. When anyone passed by his wooded habitat, he’d run along the edge of the moat and toss rocks and sticks in the air. He also liked treats and presents. During the Holidays, he enjoyed unwrapping presents that were donated by our caring supporters.
While we are deeply saddened by the loss of Flick, we are grateful that he was able to spend the final year of his life in a group with access to an environment similar to his wild relatives.
Another casualty of the WAO's wonderful care provided to the chimps.  At the WAO, the chimps did NOT receive vet care, they did NOT receive "enrichment" from their supposed "animal caretakers", they did NOT have appropriate quarters or outdoor play areas. Poor Flick only got to enjoy a very short period of freedom and fun -- and now he is gone.  It's just not right.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

USDA Should Have Honored Chimp Haven Too

Liked · Thursday 

Pierre, Doc, JoJo, Murphy, and Flick enjoying the Barker habitat and the beautiful fall weather!
Chimp Haven should have received an award from USDA too for taking in the HIV chimps.  No other organization stepped up to the plate to give these very deserving chimps a home.  I am so happy to see them free-roaming in such a large habitat complete with trees and landscaping.  A huge, huge improvement over their former WAO prison-like cages.

USDA Honors Save the Chimps

Save the Chimps receives Honor Award of Excellence from the USDA

 October 18, 2012
Save the Chimps was recently selected to receive an Honor Award for Excellence from the United States Department of Agriculture for “supporting efforts that empowered a successful resolution to the care and placement of over 300 animals from the Wild Animal Orphanage.” Save the Chimps Board member Charles Perry traveled to Washington, D.C. for the awards ceremony to accept the award on STC’s behalf. This award recognized the collaborative efforts of multiple organizations and individuals to find placement for residents of the Wild Animal Orphanage, a facility which went bankrupt, leaving the fate of hundreds of monkeys, tigers, bears, chimps, and other beings hanging in the balance. Save the Chimps provided a home to eleven chimpanzees from WAO: two former circus chimps and nine chimps formerly used in biomedical research. Save the Chimps thanks Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for recognizing the extraordinary effort that went into finding new homes for all of WAO’s residents.

Friday, October 19, 2012

May God Bless and Protect Lulu's Soul in Heaven

I am devastated to learn today that Lulu died at Safe Haven Zoo on October 15th.  Her passing was announced on Facebook on October 19, 2012.

Lulu was one of my favorite tigers at the WAO.  She was so sweet and always loved to come up to greet me every time I cleaned out her water bowl or cleaned out/refilled her small pool.  She loved to play and was so energetic and that is how I will always remember her.  She loved watching us mow and edge around her enclosure, always delighting the juvenile community workers with her silly antics!  I miss her chuffing...I miss her playing with the water hose...she loved playing with water so much. She was always happy when I came out to bath her and she loved playing with me when I tried to clean out her water bowl.  I probably spent the most time with her, out of all the big cats, cleaning out her water bowl because she always wanted to "help" me.  

I miss her so much...

October 19, 2012

We regret to inform everyone that Lulu, one of our Siberian tigers, passed away on October 15th. In May Lulu lost control of her back legs due to a pinched nerve. Thanks to steroid treatments she was able to recover and experience five more happy months. Last week the issue returned and although she could not stand she was in no pain at all. After examination by the vet it was determined that surg
ery would be the only possible solution. Due to Lulu's advanced age of eighteen, sedation and surgery would be too dangerous so we made the decision to help her pass peacefully in her enclosure with Safe Haven founder Lynda by her side. Although Lulu was with us for only two short years, she touched the hearts of everyone she encountered. Lulu was always ready with a good morning chuff for anyone who passed her enclosure. One of her favorite activities was painting. All this beautiful girl needed was a canvas, some paint, and a little Obsession perfume and she was content. Safe Haven prides itself on accepting geriatrics from owners that no longer want them. Unfortunately, these older cats are with us for only a brief time, making it especially difficult when we lose them. Here, however, they have had the opportunity to finish out their final years surrounded by caring and loving staff and in dignity. Lulu will be very missed by all of us.

This is Lulu in 2008 - since I was not allowed on the property, a friend took
this picture for me as part of her under cover work to document all the animals.

This is Lulu  girl, loving as always
I took this picture on the last day I was at the WAO on May 1, 2010.  

One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't take enough pictures of the WAO animals.  I was always so busy taking care of the animals, I just never thought of carrying a camera with me.  I guess I thought I would have more time with them.  I will always have beautiful memories of my girl -- I just wish I spent more time with her.

May God Bless and Protect Lulu in Heaven.  She is an angel animal and I miss her very, very much.  


Saturday, October 13, 2012

IFAW's "Removed" Documentary

It never ceases to amaze me how IFAW continues to hail the removal of the WAO animals as a victory for their organization considering they enables the Asvestas and the WAO board of directors for the entire time they financially supported the sanctuary.

Liked · 19 hours ago 

WCH Sanctuary is very excited to announce, the IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) documentary ‘Removed’ was chosen as an official selection of the 2012 Eugene International Film Festival held in Eugene, Oregon. The film details the journey of three captive tigers from WAO to Carolina Tiger Rescue and delves into the issue of Big Cats in captivity in the US.
I guess I'm just tired of all the lies that were told to the public as to why the WAO failed.  I haven't seen this video, but I have no doubt it will simply say that the sanctuary ran out of funds and the animals required placement.  No mention will be made of the numerous AWA violations, the scores of bodies dumped in two 12'x12' deep animal burial pits for over 10 years (over 1,000 known dead animals died at the WAO) and the complicity of the Reiningers as they allowed the atrocities to continue for years just so they could keep their jobs.  

When will IFAW and the rest of the animal welfare/rights groups ever tell the truth as to what REALLY happened to the WAO animals.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Things That Make You Go "Hmmmm"

Things that make you go "hmmm...."

The following were found on Facebook this week!

Animal Shelter Assistance Program Inc. A.S.A.P.
Sadly, so many animals are dumped outside our facility. This is a new organization and we simply cant accept the amount of animals we would like to at this time. ASAP will grow and will be able to accept more animals. ASAP strives to build a quality facility for these unfortunate animals. We receive 70 calls for help on average a day.

Like ·  ·

God Bless and Protect any animal that goes to Carol Asvestas' A.S.A.P!  This posting was very scary indeed...

We are looking for a home for our foster Lilah! She is a 1-2 year old yellow lab/lab mix. She is 47 lbs. She has been spayed. We have been told that she is up to date on vaccinations but you will need to get them all again so that you have a record of them. Lilah would do great in a home that already has a dog. She loves to go to the dog park and play. She does great with other dogs and is never aggressive. As far as we can tell she does not know any basic commands (sit, down, stay, etc) but has picked up on our life style really fast and shows great potential to learn. Overall she is very well behaved! She doesn't jump up on people or furniture, shes potty trained, and she loves her toys! She walks better than most on leash (she doesn't pull but needs work on staying on one side and not zig zagging in front of you). Lilah will need to be brushed regularly and would benefit from a shed monster or a FURminater. She loves being brushed, along with any other attention you give her. We will not allow Lilah to go to a home where she will be left in a back yard all the time. She is a very social dog and needs to be with her pack. If you would like to see pictures of Lilah, meet her, or find out more info about her please email us at We are working hard to find her the perfect family that she deserves!
Like · August 7 at 3:45pm
  • Animal Shelter Assistance Program Inc. A.S.A.P. Can you send me some pictures to: I am sending out a newsletter next week I can post your need in it. Ijust need a couple of pics. I will also see if I cant find her a god home in the mean time. Thank you Carol.
  • Kortnee Trent We met with the TADSAW trainer and they agreed to take Lilah! She is going to be a service dog! From pound puppy to stray to service dog! She is going to have a great life! We will have her until the end of the ,onto then she will go to live with her trainer. Woot! Big thanks to everyone who shared her and helped to find her a home!
Whew! Talk about a close call for Lilah! 

Kari (Bagnall) kisses Dylan awake. — at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary.

I guess it's hard to separate one self from being a "former" pet owner to that of a "paws-off" sanctuary director!  As long as people see confusing picture messages like this, folks will think it's okay to own a monkey.


We are getting excited about Lions, Tigers & Beer, Black Pine! 
Did the final light check this evening, looking good! 
Sure makes for a long day when you have to wait for sundown
to see the fruits of your labors, but it's worth it for a good cause.
It's one thing to have a beer or wine event off property--it's another when you have alcohol served in mass quantity at the sanctuary itself.

Over the last several years, I learned that drugs and alcohol tend to be prevalent at many wild animals sanctuaries--especially at the WAO!  Really, drugs and alcohol do not mix with wild animals!

Wildcat Sanctuary
May 30, 2013

Our first Evening Roar of the year is coming up on June 15th. Remember this is an Adult only event where you can enjoy Beer and Wine after your tour along with lots of great food!!
Another point of interest is the amount of animal caretakers and volunteers that seem to "love" (and I mean really love) to consume alcholic beverages--going so far as to describe on Facebook how they plan to get blitzed over the weekends or holidays--and these are the people caring for dangerous large exotic animals the very next day!

That concludes today's posting of things that make you go "hmmmm..."

Later:  Okay, here's a late arrival...

Need I say more?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Where Are the WAO Firearms?

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Chris Krhovjak
Sent: Thu, October 4, 2012 5:37:09 PM
Subject: WAO Addendum - 10.4.12

Dear Sirs:

It was brought to my attention that Mr. Jamie Cryer was arrested in Austin, Texas, on/about July 4, 2012, for assault bodily injury-family.

Ms. Michelle Cryer filed a protection order against Jamie Cryer on/about September 18, 2012 (2012CI15325).  It is my understanding that Ms. Cryer is seeking protection from the Court because she feels her life is in danger.  On October 3, 2012, the case was refiled because Jamie Cryer was not served court papers.

Ms. Cryer stated for the record that she is concerned for her life because Mr. Jamie Cryer is bi-polar and refuses to take his medication.  Apparently, he is prone to violence and has access to a “shotgun" (despite having a felony conviction for possession of a prohibited firearm). Michelle Cryer also stated that she has been subjected to mental and physical abuse from Jamie Cryer for several years.

The WAO had several riffles and at least one shotgun on the WAO's Leslie Road premise.  My question is this:  Has anyone been appointed to oversee the sale of WAO inventory held in the Cryers’ possession or located at the Talley Road property?  Are all the firearms accounted for?

If what I am hearing is true, Kim Meyer, WAO’s bookkeeper, may have left the WAO.  This would explain why no Small Business Operations Report have been filed for the months of July, August, or September.

As I have emphasized before, the WAO finances should be closely watched to ensure funds are not misappropriated by the Cryers or anyone who may access to WAO bank accounts, especially during the times when the last of the WAO animals are preparing to leave or have left the Talley Road property.

I was told by Dr. Pannill, USDA/APHIS, that there are only domestic cats left at Talley Road and that Mary and Michelle Reininger are seeking permanent homes for the animals.

Your Office should know that the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition stepped forward in January of the year, offering to re-home the cats; Ms. Cryer refused their assistance.

I believe the cats were purposely kept at Talley Road for 10 months so as to delay the eventual closure of the WAO, thereby allowing the WAO “staff” to the opportunity to receive paychecks and the Cryers--continued use of WAO vehicles, equipment, and funds.  Why else would they refuse help to place the animals for ten months?

I pray your Office notifies the Western District Bankruptcy Court to inform them of these latest developments.


Kristina Brunner

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No Accountability from the WAO or USDA

Truly, there is no justice and no accountability for the WAO animals that lost their lives at the WAO.

No one was charged and punished for animal cruelty;
No one was charged and punished for violations of the Animal Welfare Act;
No one was charged and punished for all the animal deaths;
The USDA failed the animals of The Wild Animal Orphanage.

This document was signed on October 31, 2011:

USDA APHIS Complaint Filed Against WAO - 103111

And this response was posted on October 31, 2011:

USDA Consent Decision Issued and Filed - WAO

Notice how the Michelle Anthony Cryer (only board member left at the time this document was draft) refused to take responsibility of all the animal abuses and deaths that took place while she was on the board of directors (2006 to present)?  She KNEW what was happening to the animals, but she didn't care.  As long as her husband received paychecks from hauling animals for the WAO illegally, she had no problems looking away from all the animals' sufferings and deaths.  Shame on you, Michelle Cryer, shame on you.

The USDA/APHIS should be ashamed of themselves too.  What the USDA failed to report was that there were NO animal records on file and no vet care provided (until after I reported the WAO for willful violations of the AWA--and the animal care was still a joke even with the USDA looking on). They knew what was happening to the animals, and they simply didn't care--claiming that there were "worse" animal abuse cases out there and that the WAO was a good sanctuary in comparison!

It was only when the last of the exotics left the WAO did the USDA "muster" up the "courage" to file this legal notice, listing many of the allegations I brought to their attention back in 2006.  Pathetic. 

No doubt the USDA/APHIS team is celebrating that the WAO case is now officially closed.  I will mourn the loss of WAO animal life that took place during their so-called "investigation."  There was no happy ending or justice for the WAO animals--this was just another example of a failed government agency that got away with "murder."

Meanwhile, Carol Asvestas still runs her so-called " animal shelter", plotting and scheming ways to get rid of the cats she has now (i.e. dump them on Animal Care Services (ACS) or the Talley Road property according to a close insider) and still send out newsletters requesting donations for animal care.  And then there is Michelle Cryer, who rumor has it, wants to open her own animal sanctuary some day.  Oh yay. 

And I've saved the best for last!  The USDA gave themselves prestigious awards for "rehoming" the WAO animals!  Does that not beat all!  Don't believe me?  Click HERE and read all about WHO received this award from the USDA!

And people wonder why I have turned so cynical over the last three years.  Now you know.