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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No Accountability from the WAO or USDA

Truly, there is no justice and no accountability for the WAO animals that lost their lives at the WAO.

No one was charged and punished for animal cruelty;
No one was charged and punished for violations of the Animal Welfare Act;
No one was charged and punished for all the animal deaths;
The USDA failed the animals of The Wild Animal Orphanage.

This document was signed on October 31, 2011:

USDA APHIS Complaint Filed Against WAO - 103111

And this response was posted on October 31, 2011:

USDA Consent Decision Issued and Filed - WAO

Notice how the Michelle Anthony Cryer (only board member left at the time this document was draft) refused to take responsibility of all the animal abuses and deaths that took place while she was on the board of directors (2006 to present)?  She KNEW what was happening to the animals, but she didn't care.  As long as her husband received paychecks from hauling animals for the WAO illegally, she had no problems looking away from all the animals' sufferings and deaths.  Shame on you, Michelle Cryer, shame on you.

The USDA/APHIS should be ashamed of themselves too.  What the USDA failed to report was that there were NO animal records on file and no vet care provided (until after I reported the WAO for willful violations of the AWA--and the animal care was still a joke even with the USDA looking on). They knew what was happening to the animals, and they simply didn't care--claiming that there were "worse" animal abuse cases out there and that the WAO was a good sanctuary in comparison!

It was only when the last of the exotics left the WAO did the USDA "muster" up the "courage" to file this legal notice, listing many of the allegations I brought to their attention back in 2006.  Pathetic. 

No doubt the USDA/APHIS team is celebrating that the WAO case is now officially closed.  I will mourn the loss of WAO animal life that took place during their so-called "investigation."  There was no happy ending or justice for the WAO animals--this was just another example of a failed government agency that got away with "murder."

Meanwhile, Carol Asvestas still runs her so-called " animal shelter", plotting and scheming ways to get rid of the cats she has now (i.e. dump them on Animal Care Services (ACS) or the Talley Road property according to a close insider) and still send out newsletters requesting donations for animal care.  And then there is Michelle Cryer, who rumor has it, wants to open her own animal sanctuary some day.  Oh yay. 

And I've saved the best for last!  The USDA gave themselves prestigious awards for "rehoming" the WAO animals!  Does that not beat all!  Don't believe me?  Click HERE and read all about WHO received this award from the USDA!

And people wonder why I have turned so cynical over the last three years.  Now you know.

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