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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

May God Bless Jeanette Ferro In Heaven Forever...

Today I received an email from a friend, informing me that a fellow animal rescuer took her own life on November 18, 2012.

Jeanette Ferro, born on December 5, 1948, died without learning what happened to the 90+ potbellied pigs (adults and lots of babies) she rescued in January 2001. I believe she died of a broken heart.  

Over the course of the WAO investigation, we spoke often about the pigs she worked so hard to rescue.  We also spoke of the numerous animal rescues she was involved with over the course of her lifetime.  Jeanette loved animals, but she had a special fondness for potbellied pigs.  

Her only wish, before she passed away, was to learn what happened to her pigs and to see justice meted out against those who were responsible for their deaths. For years, she begged the Texas Office of the Attorney General Office to prosecute the Asvestas and animal care staff for fraud and animal abuse, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

No one at the Texas OAG cared about what happened to the potbellied pigs.  In my opinion, they performed a half-ass investigation into the potbellied pig case, along with all the allegations of fraud, misappropriation of funds, money laundering, animal abuse, etc.  

Even though Jeanette and I knew in our hearts that the pigs met a horrible demise, especially the baby potbellied pigs, we just wanted to know what really happened to them and to see the criminals arrested and taken away to jail for their crimes against the animals.  I guess we were just too optimistic that justice would be eventually served.

Sadly, over the course of the WAO investigation, I have lost three great friends who were true animal warriors.  This case has taken a huge toll on my life and on the lives of others.  What's worse is there will be no justice for all the lives lost--human and animal.  

Before Jeanette died, she sent me some home videos of the potbellied pigs case.  I also had an opportunity to see what her life was like years ago, during much happier times.  You can tell she really loved her pigs and she loved helping others.

I don't want anyone to forget who Jeanette was--a kind and loving person who devoted her life to saving animals.  She was truly an animal warrior.  May God bless Jeanette's soul.  I pray she finally knows the truth as to what happened to her pigs as she is reunited with them once again in Heaven.

Here is Jeanette's potbellied pig story, as told in her own words...

And here is a video of the people responsible for the pigs disappearance...

I just wish there was justice for Jeanette...

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