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Saturday, November 3, 2012

WAO July, August, and September Operation Reports

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Christopher Krhovjak
Sent: Sat, November 3, 2012 6:33:51 PM
Subject: Addendum to formal complaint against the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba Wild Animal Orphanage - November 3, 2012
To:  Hal Morris
       James Anthony
CC:  Christopher Krhovjak

November 3, 2012

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office. The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds, and alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization's owners/operators and Board of Directors of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America ( PSA ); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker's and Wag's Humane Society.

After careful review of the July – September 2012 Wild Animal Orphanage Monthly Operating Reports (MOR), I have identified numerous discrepancies that require immediate attention by your Office and the Western District Bankruptcy Court.

For many months now I have elevated my concerns regarding the exorbitant amount of money spent on fuel for the WAO's truck(s) and the unusual expenditures made on behalf of WAO personnel to your Office and to the Texas Western District Bankruptcy Court (by way of your Office), in the hopes that this Office would take action to protect WAO public charitable donations from illegal use by individuals in charge of the WAO assets.

I am very concerned at the lack of attention to detail given to this case for the last 10 months.  I am concerned because it is obvious your Office is NOT taking my concerns seriously—just merely filing my emails to some computer generated file.

Had you been reading my emails, you would have known that:

There are feral cats living at Talley Road.  I was extremely upset to learn that no one in your Office bothered to read my email dated March 5, 2012,   In that e-mail, I made it very clear that there were ferals still living at Talley Road and I questioned what would happen to the cats once all the exotic animals were re-homed.  Had someone from your Office been tasked to review the WAO’s MORs, then that person would have seen the entries made each month for cat food.  Just exactly what animals did your Office think the WAO was buying cat food for?

I also made it very clear in writing at the start of the WAO case (2006) that Carol Asvestas ran a scam where she took in “ferals”; supposedly rehabilitating the ferals at the WAO’s “Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center for $200-$300 per cat; and then adopted them out to good homes, all which of course, never happened.  Taking domestic and feral cats to Talley Road was a death sentence for these animals. There was no way for the WAO staff could know if the cats, now living at Talley Road property, were from the areas devastated from the Hurricane Katrina/Rita storms since, in Carol Asvestas’ own words, took in over 500 cats. 

But let’s say, for the sake of argument that some or many of the cats are from Katrina:  You cannot simply just leave these cats behind to fend for themselves, feral or domestic, because:

Many of the cats were illegally stolen from Louisiana and brought to San Antonio (without Board approval) with the intention of using them as fund raising props.  Had you taken the time to review the documents I submitted regarding the Hurricane cats scandal, dating back to 2006, you would have realized that these cats were used as part of (one of many) a money making scam dreamed up by Carol Asvestas.

To callously suggest these cats should be left behind, to fend for themselves, is simply appalling.  Under no circumstances should your Office advocate that these animals be left behind to die, simply as a matter of convenience for your Office! 

Many cats were brought to the WAO, by Texas residents, believing that their animals, would receive excellent care under the WAO’s “Pet Retirement Project,” (yes--another money making scam) The previous owners were told that their dog(s) and cat(s) would receive a loving retirement home, as long as the owners made a significant donation for their continued “care.”  Many elderly citizens and people unable to continue caring for their animals, due to medical or financial situations, left their cats and a donation, with Carol Asvestas. WAO advertised on its website “Please make provisions in your will today for the care of your animals after you leave this world. ASUS/WAO will accept your domestic animals and care for them for the rest of their natural lives.”  Guess where the cats went?  You guessed it—Talley Road. Therefore, the WAO, and now the OAG, has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure all the cats find a loving new home. No cat should be left behind!

Has anyone from your Office validated Michelle Cryer’s claim that Ron and Carol Asvestas stole the AKA semi-automatic rifle and the standard riffle from the WAO?  Michelle Cryer in an email claimed in an email sent to your Office by the WAO attorney dated October 8, 2012 claimed, “There was only one gun when we took over.  I know the Asvestas took the others. When they broke in 3 years ago.”  Question:  Was there a weapon’s theft filed with San Antonio Police Department made three years ago?  It there was, I cannot find it.

During the WAO transition, I was in constant contact with Nicole Garcia, including the evening when Ron Asvestas returned to the WAO office to steal computer and paper files.  The San Antonio Police Department was notified of the theft and an officer responded to the call.  Mr. Asvestas claimed he still had legal rights to access the office’s files.  He was not charged for file theft since the Board of Directors failed to provide Ms. Garcia with an order precluding the Asvestas from any further access to the WAO property/office.  A police report was generated on September 18, 2009 for the computer and paper file thefts (90-734463). An off-duty officer stayed on the WAO property that evening to ensure the Ron Asvestas did not return that evening.  The next day, all the locks were changed, preventing the Asvestas from entering the property/office.  There were also a series of police reports filed with SAPD following the departure of the Asvestas, in the attempts to recover office files and property held by Ron and Carol at their personal homestead.   I am not aware of any police reports submitted by the WAO Board of Directors to the San Antonio Police Department for weapons theft!  I would imagine this would be the sort of theft the WAO Board would have reported to your Office. Have you received any board meeting minutes that stated there were stolen WAO weapons?  I would have never of returned to the WAO on December 17, 2009, knowing that WAO weapons had been stolen by Ron and Carol Asvestas.  And needless to say,  I would have alerted your Office immediately of any WAO weapons theft!

On October 27, 2012, I contacted former office employee, Marsha Adams, and she confirmed the WAO had more than one firearm in the weapons/controlled substance locker.  She remembered seeing the firearms and expressing concern for their presence; wanting to know why so many weapons were needed on the property.  She remembered seeing the weapons after October 1, 2009.

Based on this information, I am extremely concerned that a known felon (illegal possession of a firearm) was allowed to steal at least one shotgun that we know for sure, that is still in his possession, as admitted by Michelle Cryer.

On December 30, 2010, I reported to your Office that witnesses observed the Cryers removing most if not all of the WAO assets from the Leslie Road office before it was sold.  It would not surprise me in the least to learn that two of the weapons were removed from the former Leslie Road Office at that time--leaving just one shotgun behind for protection from escaped animal(s).

Based on Cryer’s past criminal record and recent violent assaults against Ron Asvestas and Michelle Cryer, I am concerned that he is escalating and if the weapons are not found soon, he may use those weapons against those who offend him.

For approximately one year, I have been reporting my concerns regarding the unusual operating expenses the WAO incurred from 2010 to present.  On July 31, 2012, your Office submitted a letter to William Davis, requesting he check with the Cryer’s and “confirm that the fuel charges in question were for WAO business purpose for caring and feeding for its animals.”

a.   Has your Office received a response to your query?  If not, when do you plan to follow-up on the request, if ever?  I ask because there was no response filed during the period of my requested Public Information Act documents (July 31, 2012 - October 11, 2012).

b.  Since the Cryers proved to be unreliable and untrustworthy when pressed for answers, why hasn't your Office asked for receipts of all questionable purchases?  Why haven’t your investigators checked the mileages on the trucks to see how many miles were placed on the vehicles?  Normally, when vehicles are taken in for tire purchases, repairs and oil changes, the mileages are written on the invoices.  Since it appears that a WAO truck goes in for oil changes, tire replacements, or automotive repairs at least once a month, it should be easy to see how many miles were placed on the truck each month.

By the way, I was not pleased to see my personal email address and official complaint to your Office given to the WAO attorney, without my personal information redacted.  Mr. Davis no doubt gave the Cryers my email complaint, alerting them that I am aware of their questionable purchases.  I am very concerned for my personal safety as your Office failed to protect my identity.  Why wasn’t I given the same courtesy as you gave others by NOT redacting my name and email address from the complaint sent to Mr. Davis?  I never gave your Office permission to reveal, as a minimum, my e-mail address to a party outside your Office.

At this point, I have very little confidence that your Office is taking my e-mails reports seriously.  For the record, I am providing this information, not with the expectation that your Office will actually perform its fiduciary responsibility to protect the WAO assets from illegal misappropriation by those in charge of the WAO funds and property, but rather a record of my concerns so the general public can read for themselves, the allegations that were made, and the type of actions your Office took to investigate and prosecute those who may have violated State and Federal laws.

Having said all this, let’s take a look at the July – September 2012 WAO MORs.

As your review this material, keep in mind the follow dates and events:

July 4th – Jamie Cryer assaults Michelle Cryer  
Sept 18th – Temporary Restraining Order granted to Cryer
September 26th – Last of the monkeys left the WAO

July 2012 Monthly Operating Report

First off, Ms. Cryer did not sign the form. 

During this month the WAO paid $738.55 for the truck’s diesel fuel and $243.54 for “fuel for Talley” for a grand total of $982.09 just for fuel alone.

There were numerous Bank of America withdrawals for this month:  $2,600

Used supposedly for “clean-up Talley Front”
No explanation – no receipt
No explanation – no receipt
Robert Rodriguez – 1st backhoe (?)
Clean up front of Talley – no explanation how money used
Labor for clean-up
Labor for clean-up
Labor for clean-up

Since the “labor for clean-up” comment was so vague, there is no way to know if the money was used to pay outside workers to clean-up Talley Road property, or if the money was simply pocketed.  Perhaps Jamie paid himself for grounds clean-up, but did not want to report earned income from the WAO?

There were unusual purchases made this month: $2,740.00

Onion Creek Texas – no explanation – no receipt
On-line order for nuts (based in Los Angeles)
Discount Tires
Oil change
Supplies needed for “clean-up”
rental equipment for clean-up”  - Ron Hoover - Boerne

There is no known San Antonio-based business in San Antonio called “Onion Creek Texas” -- I believe this to be a location – 10 miles south of downtown Austin.

Western Mixers does not have a store in San Antonio.  The company is based in Los Angeles, CA.  Why would the WAO order expensive gift nuts from a company based in California for the monkeys when nuts can be purchased in greater quantities right here in San Antonio?

Again, monthly tire replacements and oil change were reported.

Ron Hoover, RV and Marine Center of Boerne  - Ron Hoover RV & Marine is a family owned and operated company with 25 years of experience and expertise in assisting customers with the purchase of new and pre-owned travel trailers, 5th wheels, toy haulers, motor homes, boats and other RV and watercraft boats. At Ron Hoover RV & Marine you will find one the largest selections of new and used RVs or new and used marine boats available anywhere in the world.  Exactly what type of “equipment” did Cryer “rent” from this RV and Marine Company?

Question: Where did Jamie Cryer temporarily live in July/August since he has a TRO barring him from moving back into the Cryer homestead? 

August Monthly Operating Report

The WAO purchased $495 of diesel fuel for the truck and spent $16.79 to fuel the gator. This is a significant drop over the last six months.

There were numerous unexplained ATM withdrawals made this month:  $1,126.00

No explanation – no receipt – B of A
No explanation – no receipt – B of A
No explanation – no receipt – B of A
No explanation – no receipt – B of A
No explanation – no receipt – B of A
No explanation – no receipt – Compass Bank
No explanation – no receipt – Compass Bank

There were unusual purchases made this month:

Ron Hoover RV & Marine–Boerne –no receipt/no explanation
Renewal of Post Office Box
Moncada Tire Store - 2 tires purchased for truck
South TX Insulation – insulation for the WAO animal transporter
Moncada Tire Store - No receipt – no explanation
Spot Free Wash – no receipt
O’Reilly Auto Parts – no receipt
Petty Cash - Supposedly for monkey chow and produce
HEB Grocery Store – no receipt – no explanation
Walgreens – no explanation – no receipt
Walgreens – no explanation – no receipt
US Post Office  - Box Rental  (for who?)

It appears the charge from Ron Hoover RV & Marine-Boerne may be a “monthly payment” for a purchase made?

The usual monthly tire purchases and auto parts for the truck was reported.

Why did the WAO spend $1,500 to insulate the WAO animal transporter?  Is Jamie planning to transport animals during the cold winter months, once again, using WAO vehicles, equipment, and donations?

Petty cash for monkey chow and produce: Normally the WAO pays less than $300 per month for monkey chow.  On 8.8.12, the WAO purchased $1,102 for produce.  Mary Reininger also made a reimbursement claim for the purchase of produce in the amount of $248.50 – paid on 8.24.12.  The total amount allegedly spent on monkey chow and produce for this month was $2,050.50. Are there receipts on file for this exorbitant amount of produce?

Why did the WAO rent a new post office box?  Could this be a post office box for Jamie Cryer since he no longer lives with his wife?

September Monthly Operating Report

Well, now isn’t this interesting.  It appears the monthly cost for fuel dramatically went down this month.  Total amount of diesel gas purchased for the truck was $288.27 and fuel for Talley Road was $124.86.  This brings this month’s gas purchase to $413.13.   This is still high, since the WAO staff made about 12 trips to various stores (not including gas stations since there are several located on the return trip back to Talley Road). 
Again, interesting to report, there were no ATM withdrawals made this month. There were unusual purchases made this month, some which I believe are related to the Cryer’s marital issues and should NOT have been charged to the WAO, but instead charged to Michelle Cryer for NOT protecting WAO assets: 

Home Depot – New Deadbolt
Mary Reininger – Office supplies & monkey items?? Receipt?
Jamie Cryer – brake caliper, brake rotor
Banis Towing
Pros on Call – locksmith – change truck locks
Pros on Call – locksmith – no receipt (what locks were changed and where?
Mission Wrecker

Missing checks with numbers: 1352,1353,1354,1364,1372,1373,1376,1378, 1379,1380, and1381.

Michelle Cryer indicated in an email to Mr. Davis, dated October 8, 2012, that a police report was filed against Jamie Cryer for the stolen shotgun.  At this time, I have not been able to confirm Michelle Cryer’s claim that she filed a police report for a stolen “shotgun.”  I was able to find a San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) “disturbance family” police report made on September 16, 2012 at 9:17pm at the Marquis at Deerfield Apartments (attached).  Ref:  (CFS Number:  SAPD-2012-0939205).

Based on this report, it appears Michelle Cryer did not have the keys to the WAO truck.  Either that evening or the following day, the vehicle was towed from the apartment complex to another location.  It would not surprise me in the least to learn that Jamie Cryer took the truck again, since Michelle Cryer had to have the truck towed once more, this time changing the truck’s locks so as to avoid future unauthorized use by Jamie Cryer. 

Since Michelle Cryer told the officer that Jamie Cryer used the truck numerous times, undoubtedly for personal use, it would explain why the WAO paid an exorbitant amount of money for gas each month, and why the SAPD police report claim was filed as a civil and not a criminal matter.  It appears Michelle never filed a theft report with SAPD – instead she filed a “theft recovery” report.  What else did Jamie Cryer steal from the WAO?  Why is Michelle Cryer covering for him?

At this time, there are no computer records from the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office pertaining to any WAO theft claims made in July – September 2012 on file.  I believe it prudent that your Office investigate this situation to determine whether or not a so-called theft report was even made to the Sheriff's Office or any other law enforcement agency.  Michelle Cryer should have a law enforcement report number so your Office can confirm her version of the theft story.  Something is terribly wrong and I cannot urge your Office strongly enough to follow up on this serious situation.

I was told the WAO had two shot guns—one was located at Leslie Road and the other at Talley Road in case of animal escape(s).  At no time would a worker remove a shotgun from either property, thereby leaving the workers exposed to possible danger.  In 2010, there were still tigers living at Leslie and Talley Road facilities.  I’ve included a picture of Henry Newman posing with one of the WAO weapons at Talley Road.  The accompanying photo caption reads:  “Henry Newman stands ready with a shotgun (just in case) Thursday at the Wild Animal Orphanage as three tigers are prepared for transport to a sanctuary in North Carolina. / 

The Leslie Road facility also had an AKA semi-automatic rifle and a standard rifle.  Had either been stolen by the Asvestas, Nicole Garcia, fearing for her safety at the time of the take-over, would have aggressively pursued the weapons theft.  I do remember in late 2009, speaking with Nicole about having the weapons’ serial numbers checked out in case they were stolen and to check with the DEA regarding missing Ketamine.  Unfortunately, this action was not completed because of all the problems caused by Asvestas and Cryers right before Nicole Garcia was ousted by Michelle Cryer from the WAO Board of Directors.

So the million dollar questions are—where are the four weapons?  Clearly, Michelle Cryer knows where Jamie Cryer lives, so why hasn’t the police been called to recover the stolen weapons—especially since he should not be anywhere near a shotgun with his felony weapons conviction.  What other WAO property has been stolen from Leslie and Talley Road?  The dart guns?  Controlled substances, like Ketamine?  Is anyone from your Office going to do something about this most serious situation or will your Office continue to take a “wait and see” stance?


Kristina Brunner

Henry Newman stands ready with a shotgun (just in case) Thursday at the Wild Animal Orphanage as three tigers are prepared for transport to a sanctuary in North Carolina

SAPD Report - 091612
SAPD Report - 091612 - Page2 WAO Business Operations Report - July 2012 WAO Business Operations Report - Aug 2012 September 2012 WAO Operations Report

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