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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sabu Is Home Again!

Early this morning, there was a Facebook posting saying that Sabu was on his way to the vet to have his tooth extracted. For several hours I anxiously awaited and prayed for news on his progress...and finally I received word...

Sabu is home, awake and and FINE! They took out the bottom right canine and ground down the top one to keep it from hitting the lower space. We are all SO incredibly relieved!!!

Later this picture was posted on the ISE Facebook page with this caption:

Sabu is still resting comfortably after his vet visit today, and he'll be heading back into his usual enclosure very soon - we're SO proud of him!!!
I was assured by a friend that Sabu was doing great.  He was grooming himself and appeared interested in his surroundings while staying in the ISE gift shop. Apparently, he's receiving a lot of love and someone is always with him to make sure he recuperates from the sedation without any problems.  As soon as he stands up and moves around some more, Sabu will be transported back to his quarters where fresh hay is waiting for him in his den.  I am praying that the removal of the bad tooth will result in Sabu eating more.  Even with the blanket on his body, I can see how thin he has gotten over the last six months.

Despite the recent pictures of Sabu on ISE's Facebook page (see below), I have come to learn (and as I suspected), Sabu lost a lot of weight.  For some reason, ISE has not posted current pictures of the boy outside his quarters--just "older" pictures taken awhile back where he looks pretty good.   It seems ISE is trying to paint a "rosy" picture of its animals, while the truth is far from rosy.  

I wish ISE would post recent pictures of the cats as it is very deceptive to post "older" pictures of the cats looking at their best--especially when they have medical challenges.  But that's me--I believe sanctuaries should be open and honest because the donors deserve the truth--especially since they are the ones footing the bills!

Here are the pictures I mentioned posted on ISE's Facebook page today with the corresponding captions:

Sabu is all loaded up and ready to head out to the vet for his appointment today! He has a bad tooth that needs to come out. At the age of 23, we were understandably reluctant to subject Sabu to anesthesia so we've tried antibiotics and other medications, but there is no help for it - it has to come out. We'll keep you posted on his progress today!

Sabu is home, awake and and FINE! They took out the bottom right canine and ground down the top one to keep it from hitting the lower space. We are all SO incredibly relieved!!!

One of our volunteers just summed up Sabu perfectly, and I wanted to share it with all of you. I truly wish every one of you could know him personally, he is an amazing being and she explains it perfectly:

Angela Culver: He is truly an inspiration. I want to live every day like it's the best day ever, view everyone as the best person, & every little thing with pure joy. Thanks for being awesome Sabu, even though I know, you're just being you
I am so grateful that Sabu made it through the surgery will flying colors.  Now he must heal and EAT!  Thank you Jesus for saving Sabu!  May God continue to bless and keep this special lion...

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