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Monday, December 9, 2013

Heaven Welcomed Home Sabu

This is without a doubt the hardest blog posting I have ever written.  But before I say why, I'd like to thank my friend at ISE for providing me with updates on Sabu each week.  I cannot thank this person enough for taking the time to regal me with Sabu's latest antics, pictures of Sabu's handsome face, and the occasional video of our boy at play.  This person will never now how eternally grateful I was to receive information on Sabu's health progress. Weekly Sabu updates truly made me very happy.  Thank you so much my friend.

Thanks to this person, I was not completely surprised when I received notification from ISE saying Sabu 's health took a turn for the worse.

For weeks prior to the notification, I became very concerned when I learned Sabu refused to come out of his den to play or even lay in the sun.  I was concerned because a lion at his age with leg-related issues needs to move around so his leg muscles would not suffer from disuse atrophy which happens because of a lack of physical activity.  

So when I was told Sabu could no longer use his hind legs, I knew Sabu's time on earth was going to end soon.  I was told it took three people to assist Sabu up and help him walk to the playground so he could lay out in the sun or relieve himself.  I prayed for a miracle, but I knew in my heart that Sabu's time on earth was coming to and end.

The most heartbreaking news I received was when I was told Sabu was going to be put to sleep last Friday.  When the weather took a turn for the worse, with temperatures dropping into the 20s, blanketing his home with sleet and ice, the date was changed from Friday afternoon to Monday. Then on Sunday I received this heartbreaking news...

From: In-Sync Exotics
To: Kristina WAO Brunner
Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2013 10:37 AM
Hey I may have to let sabu go today if the vet can get out. He's not able to stay warm. I have blankets on him and we are putting another heater on him and an electric blanket, but I don't like that he is shivering. He can't load into roll cage or I'd take him to VC and he's not going to let us carry him into roll cage. If we can't get him warm I'm going to seriously have to consider it.

I received this same message via text along with this photo of Sabu:

On loan from God, Sabu returned Home to be with Him.

Then sadly, I received this text from Vicky that changed my whole world:
"OK I made the call it will be done in a couple of hours. I hate this so much."
Vicky text me again, asking if I wanted to speak with Sabu before he passed and I thanked her for the opportunity. I couldn't think straight and I was afraid I would only cry through the entire call.  Jesus suggested I write down what I wanted to say to Sabu before he passed away so I wouldn't spend my time crying over the phone like I did when I spoke with Okemo before he passed away.  

When my phone rang and Sabu was on the other line, I didn't think I could get the words out because I was crying so hard.  I was able to tell Sabu that even though our journey on earth was coming to an end, I would see him again in Heaven.  I told him that it was my honor and privileged to have known him for eight years as his former animal caretaker and later his champion.  I told him I was thrilled that the Lord placed his hand of protection over him so that he could enjoy living at a place where he was loved and adored by so many people.  I told him I was amazed how much he changed from a shy lion living at the WAO to such a happy and playful fellow who enjoyed life at ISE.  I told him that I could see in his face how much happier he was living at ISE and for that I will always be grateful for the care and attention he received from all.  I told him that he was a one-of-a-kind lion; that the Lord broke the mold on the day he was created.  I told him I would miss his crazy and goofy antics and his love for life.  I told him I was eternally grateful he came into my life while at the WAO--for without him I may not have the courage to help save him and his animal friends when called upon to do the right thing.  I told him it was time for him to join Jinxie and the other WAO animals in Heaven.  I asked him to tell them that I was thinking of them and praying for them all the time.  I told him I missed him but that I would see him again soon.  I told him that I loved him very much.  I told him his job here on earth was done and that it was time for him to join the Lord in Heaven.  I kept telling him "job well done, Sabu...job well done."  Then I told him I loved him very much and I slowly hung up the phone. 

I wanted to create a special memorial for Sabu since he was the last of the original four animals (Sabu, Jake, Bubba and Princess) I tried so hard to save so many years ago.  I didn't know what type of video to create, so I took the Lord's suggestion of creating a video that would herald Sabu's arrival to Heaven. It was the hardest video I have ever created.  It was so surreal, creating this memorial video because Sabu was still alive and fighting for his life. There were several times when I just wanted to stop working on the video, but the Lord encouraged me to continue until it was almost finished late Saturday night.   I just didn't have the heart to produce the final Sabu video until the He said he was on his way to see Him.  

I was inspired to use the same song I originally chose for the WAO's first video created back in 2005 and then reused again for the "New Beginnings" video updated in 2010.  I guess it was appropriate to use this song for the last time, this time featuring Sabu.  Now whenever I hear this song, I won't think about the failed WAO or it's failed "New Beginnings."  I will only think of Sabu.

For this video presentation, I used a couple of WAO pictures I took of Sabu back in the day--one from Leslie Road (when he had his magnificent mane) and one from Talley Road when I first saw him after several years separation (2010) along with a lot of ISE pictures and videos taken during the various stages of his life. I am absolutely amazed at how much Sabu changed over the last two years.  The last pictures and videos in the presentation were taken the last week and they show just how content Sabu was until the end.

When Vicky communicated to me that Sabu was going to pass away within a couple of hours, I frantically tried to finished the video, so that when Sabu was entering Heaven, I could hit the produce button alerting the Lord that Sabu was on his way.  

As soon as I knew Sabu's soul was no longer with us, I hit the "produce button" and sent this video out on the web, announcing to the Lord and to the world that Magnificent Sabu was on his way to Heaven.

A broken heart is the worse.  It's like having broken ribs.  Nobody can see them, but it hurts everytime you breathe.


It was not lost on me that the sale of the last piece of the WAO property happened this month.  Finally, the WAO Talley Road land will no longer be in the hands of the WAO--finally after seven long years it looks like the WAO nightmare will finally coming to an end.

Yesterday, Vicky said she's going to send me a plaster of paris paw print mold and whiskers from Sabu--and I am very grateful.  I guess when the package arrives I'll be bawling like a baby again.

Thank you Lord for introducing me to Sabu and all the animals of WAO.  I am eternally grateful to have cared and championed for your handsome Sabu. Please bless and protect Sabu in Heaven and let him know that I will always love him--he is and always will be--my hero.

I always thought this picture of Sabu was captured at a time when he was praying!
May 15, 2005

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