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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Trouble in Paradise

I've learned that all heck broke out at the pseudo-sanctuary within the last week. Apparently, the male director does not spend much time at the main office, while the female director, much to the employees' dismay, now comes into work early in the morning. It is my understanding the female director has been deleting files, shredding documents, and basically purging records. Sounds like someone is a little bit paranoid to me!

The pseudo-sanctuary's employees from the unregulated, non-inspected property apparently downloaded all they could from the Google cache pages. I do not know if the information was shared with the so-called directors, but based on the reports of all the screaming and fighting in the office (which is a lot more than usual), it would not surprise me if they both read the blog. Apparently, the smallest thing sets off the "directors" and adult children "workers." It must be a horrible working in this environment right now. I can't imagine why anyone, not related to the "directors," would want to work at this place.

Hence the reason why I decided to continue my blog diary under a new name (Let Your Heart Take Courage). Once all the investigative cases have been resolved or closed, I'll release BOTH blogs to the public, but for now I plan to keep this blog private -- mainly as a means of therapy. During times of stress, it's best to keep a journal of what is happening so as to have an accurate recording (as I know it at the time) of what transpired. I have reason to believe if the "directors" did learn about the blog information, my life could be in danger. There is certainly reason to be concerned since the pseudo-sanctuary's directors have a history of "bullying" people into silence.

No doubt the "directors" do not want any part of this new blog aired to the public -- especially since it paints a not so pretty picture of what transpired behind the "scenes" of the so-called "sanctuary."

I'm still awaiting word from the APHIS vet to ascertain whether or not Bubba died this month. With the so-called sanctuary allegedly reporting an increased flea, tick, and mosquito population, is it possible that toxic insect poison killed the animals? Or was the big cats' food tainted somehow? What about the water source? With the well water running low due to the drought, could the water be poisonous? Or perhaps it's the meat given out to the animals--it would not surprise me if the tigers are getting sick from eating a steady diet of chicken.

There has to be a reason why so many big cats died (15 cats) from January - July 2009.

Also, it's important to note the "so-called" sanctuary has not paid its land taxes and auto tag taxes on its fleet of trucks and cars this year. The "directors" have not even paid off their own personal land taxes, which is now in arrears for approximately $5,000.  The pseudo-directors continue to claim that the sanctuary is financially sound and doing well.  It's sad to learn that certain board of directors are parroting this claim to others.  Anyone with any common sense would know that the sanctuary is in financial trouble, but instead of doing something about it, the board continues to merrily go along with the pseudo-sanctuary's director false narrative.  I wonder if the board of directors know they can be sued in court if the sanctuary fails to meet its financial obligations--especially if they purposely failed to do something about the sanctuary's financial difficulties.

[Present Day:  Here is proof that a board director reviewed the books and failed to report problems found in the ledgers!]

WAO Records in Order - 062209

I believe the "so-called" sanctuary's latest newsletter went out recently, highlighting Vivi's (the now dead tiger cub) relocation to the WAO. With the sanctuary under financial strain, I wonder how much money the directors will "earn" this year as opposed to the amount paid for animal health care? Does the board even know how many animals died from Jan-July? Chances are only one person knows, and probably not the entire story, and he lives in Florida! No way he'll conduct an investigation into the animal deaths!!

So, for now, all I can do is wait for the next in-house report regarding incidents occurring at the "so-called" sanctuary.  By the way, where is the 2008 990, which has not been submitted to the IRS yet? From what I have been able to learn, the "sanctuary" has not even turned in all its paperwork to the CPA. Wonder if the "sanctuary" plans to claim the pay-off of the "sanctuary's" credit card co-signed by one of the directors (living in Florida) on its 990. The max'd out card was paid off in June 2009, but the "sanctuary" has another credit card, including credit cards from Home Depot and Lowes. Will these liabilities be listed on the 2008 990? Hmmm... doubt it!

So now everyone must wait until what August 15th or November 15th before the latest 990 becomes public? Why won't the "so-called" sanctuary turn in its tax report on time to the IRS (May 15th)? Could it be they are trying to hide all the personal expenses paid for by the animals on the "sanctuary's" credit cards? How about the missing money taken from the till by the female director and her son this year? Was this money ever paid back to the animals? So many questions, and so many missing answers (and animals) from this troubled "paradise."

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