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Friday, October 30, 2009

It's a Good Day

I’m in an optimistic mood today! It seems the board is ready to ask for the meddling board member's resignation from the board of directors. And the three of the four board members (yep, the fourth member was approved this week) would like the husband of the board member to leave the sanctuary—his services are no longer required! This is excellent news in light of a recent incident where he apparent swore at the new director when she informed him of a change in his ‘volunteer’ work assignment. For some reason, he really wanted to take cats to Boerne to be ‘fixed,’ when he was needed in the office to work on the septic tank project. It is unclear as to why he became belligerent when told he was not going to Boerne, but regardless of the reason, it appears this ‘volunteer’ is out of there!

If anyone needed additional proof the former directors did not have the animals’ welfare at heart; just read on to learn more about their latest antics. In the lawsuit, filed by the former directors against the animals, the directors indicated a portion of the property was supplied by water coming from pipes that were laid on their property; so as to obtain water from the neighbor’s well. So guess, what the directors did…you guessed it, they cut the water supply to the animals.

So, the animals in the back part of the property, (cougars, tigers, and lioness) lost their water supply because it was cut off by the directors. How absolutely petty, huh? The new director is making sure the animals continue to receive water, but now a new well needs to be dug on the property which will probably set the sanctuary back another $25k.

So, let’s recap on all the problems the former directors caused (and will now cost the sanctuary) as the result of their mismanagement: new water well needed at the touring property: $25k; new septic tanks for the unregulated property: $15-25k; finish the bears’ enclosure: $10k; build new enclosures for the New Jersey, Corpus Christi, Louisiana tigers: $25k; pay off the unregulated balloon land payment: $112k. Needless to say, this does not include the extra cost for food, vitamins/mineral, increased vet care, and winter care products. And of course, let’s not forget the former directors’ lawsuit for over $270k. Yikes! This board has a lot of challenges to overcome in the next two years!

On a plus side, the sanctuary settled its lawsuit with the on-line newspaper editor. Finally, this sad chapter of this story is finally closed. This was, in my opinion, a fraudulent suit filed against a man who dared tell the truth about what was happening to the animals at the sanctuary. And the only reason why the former directors filed this suit was to obtain the names of the people that dared speak out on behalf of the animals.

Unfortunately, the former directors, determined to find out who his sources were, elected to continue their lawsuit against the editor. But I’m predicting this lawsuit will go nowhere since the on-line newspaper editor is covered by the reporter shield, which was passed just this year (thankfully!). Plus, the sanctuary can now testify on behalf of the editor, giving the court a true picture of what happened to the sanctuary’s animals.

Changes are taking place…baby steps….with positive results!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Voice of Reason

Finally, a voice of reason speaks out! The board member from Florida, after hearing the words from a third party witness as to what was really happening at the sanctuary, told the other two board members that the director running the sanctuary will remain the CEO (no demotion) and the meddling board member needs to stay out of the business operation of the facility! Outstanding! Finally, one voice will speak for the animals, instead of a meddling chorus of un-informed individuals whom apparently have separate agendas. I mean, lets' face it; nothing screams instability to the public more than demoting someone in your organization--and then making it public by announcing it on your own web site! What were they thinking anyway?

I also understand, pending OAG approval, a new board member will be added to the board of directors. This is good news because the board needs another person to give it stability.

More good news – in less than one month, a primate enclosure which was started at the unregulated property several years ago, was finally finished and the primates, after living in “quarantine cages” for the last two years, will finally move into they new enclosure containing trees and other natural vegetation! No more concrete floors! This cage should have been finished a long time ago, which goes to show the former directors never had the best intentions for the primates. So the Bayer primates, after suffering losses due to fighting within their small confined space, will finally have a much larger new enclosure which they can call home. I understand pictures will be added to the web site once the monkeys relocate to their new home.

It is also my understanding the new director wants to concentrate on finishing the bear enclosure, then focus on building new enclosures for the tigers still living in quarantine area at the unregulated property (New Jersey, Corpus Christi, & Louisiana tigers). I heard the current “warehouse” enclosures are terrible and the animals have been forced to live in this condition, for some since 2003. So much money was donated to the sanctuary, back in the day, for the New Jersey tigers, and sadly many of them died without ever having lived in the large natural enclosure that was promised to them. Where did the money go? I think we all know the answer to that question!

So ending on a happy note; I’m including a little gem that was sent to me today. Thought it might be a good way to end on a positive note. Enjoy!

Pecans in the Cemetery

On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just inside the cemetery fence.

One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts.

'One for you, one for me One for you, one for me,' said one boy. Several dropped and rolled down toward the fence.

Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate.. Sure enough, he heard, 'One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.'

He just knew what it was. He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old man with a cane, hobbling along.

'Come here quick,' said the boy, 'you won't believe what I heard! Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls.'

The man said, 'Beat it kid, can't you see it's hard for me to walk.' When the boy insisted though, the man hobbled slowly to the cemetery.

Standing by the fence they heard , 'One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.'

The old man whispered, 'Boy, you've been tellin' me the truth. Let's see if we can see the Lord.'

Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of the Lord.

At last they heard, 'One for you, one for me. That's all. Now let's go get those nuts by the fence and we'll be done.'

They say the old man made it back to town a full 5 minutes ahead of the kid on the bike.

SMILE, God Loves You!
Remember –

An unjust person is disgusting to righteous people. A decent person is disgusting to wicked people. [Proverbs 29:27]

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Time for the Board to GO

Just when I thought the sanctuary was starting to make progress, the board of directors decided to stick their collective noses into the director’s business, causing employee disruptions and assignment confusion.

The board apparently met yesterday and voted to demote the director to manager, yet giving her a pay raise at the same time. Yep, you read that right, a demotion with a pay raise! Sadly, the director found out this demotion after lunch today —the board did not even have the decency to let her know of their demotion plans in advance. On top of it all, the board reduced her responsibilities, with the intention of running the facility themselves. Keep in mind, one board member lives in Florida and cannot help the sanctuary (except over the phone and via email) and the other two board members apparently have no business, management, or human resources experience! So a vet tech and a court reporter plan to run the sanctuary?? Are you kidding me?

I learned the board informed the director (manager—what ever) that the senior animal caretakers are now completely in control of the unregulated, non-inspected property. I guess this means they will fix the TCEQ waste issues? I guess this means they will finish the perimeter fence? Yeah, right!

The board member who is trying to grab power wants her husband, the former sanctuary truck driver, to continue working in the office as a non-paid Chief Financial Officer (yeah right!), despite having absolutely no background in finance, what’s-so-ever (don’t get me started on this again!).

Instead of being a benefit to the organization, this non-paid CFO is turning out to be just like the previous directors when it comes to integrity and honesty—disastrous and costly! This week, I learned the sanctuary received the results of the Department of Transportation inspection, and lo and behold, the former sanctuary truck driver, failed to keep accurate animal transportation records resulting in several thousand dollars worth of fines! On top of that, this person, technically a volunteer, is taking home a WAO truck at night without the permission of the director (manager…whatever). This is outrageous. Every time the DIRECTOR tries to have this person removed from the sanctuary, she is met with resistance from the board—despite the allegations made above! Where is the positive change?? The board continues to operate inappropriately – where’s the board’s honesty, integrity, and responsibility?

It is my opinion the board truly has no idea what is happening at the sanctuary. During the day the DIRECTOR has to content with disgruntled employees (upset their former buddy is now their boss who is enforcing policies and procedures), clueless board members, and angry family members (hoping she will fail at saving the animals—nice, real nice). At night, she goes through year’s worth of files, trying to track down all the missing money, writing newsletters and correspondence to outside agencies, and updating the web site.

It seems to me the meddling board is more concerned with listening to office gossip instead focusing on fund raising for the animals, improving animal care, and working hard to prepare the animals for the cold winter predicted this year.

The board is clearly not working with the DIRECTOR – it seems the board is more intent in making the DIRECTOR the scapegoat in the event things go horribly wrong.

I’ve worked hard to see the animals freed from the former pseudo-directors and it breaks my heart to learn the board learned absolutely nothing over the last few weeks. This clueless board needs to GO and they need to GO today!

[Present Day:  Below is the Department of Transportation settlement agreement and the 2007 Trip Report. 

US DOT WAO Settlement 2009

Trip Reports - 2007

What I found interesting was several WAO employees drove the WAO "Humane Train" transporter, moving animals from Mississippi to various cities/states at the start of 2007, then slowly Jamie Cryer took over tranporting animals responsibilities.  Since the USDA/APHIS Animal Welfare Act regulations are very specific on transporting animals, one has to wonder wheether or not, Jamie Cryer adhered to the AWA regulation?  Did he pull over every four hours and checked on the animals?  Did he make sure that every animal had plenty of food or water for the duration of the trip? 

DOT said no! 

Also, why was Jamie Cryer listed as "contract labor"  on the trip reports when he received a per diem (like other WAO employees) from the WAO?  This contradicts the statement made in the DOT settlement agreement where Jamie was categorized as a WAO employee, not a contract worker. 

Answer:  If Jamie Cryer was truly a "contract worker" he would have been be fined by the DOT right along with the WAO.  In my opinion, Cryer was an employee and the WAO undoubtedly did not want to list him as an employee in order to avoid paying employment taxes on his salary for the last several years.  Plus, Jamie Cryer's employment at the WAO would have been a conflict of interest, as "wifey-poo" profited from her husbands "transportation activities."  WAO board director, Michelle Cryer, would have had to list her husband's salary on the WAO's 990 for 2005-2009, right along with Ron Asvestas' salary info. 

What a shameful scam!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Revealing Weekend

The last three days revealed quite a bit of information -- information many of us suspected for years, but had no direct prove of certain individuals' complicity. For example, it was learned this weekend (Friday nite), the sanctuary's vet (aka Dr. Kevorkian) finally admitted that she knew (KNEW) that the diet the former pseudo-sanctuary directors fed the animals directly caused the animals' health problems. She kept her mouth shut for the sake of the dollars she received from the former directors.

And the pseudo-sanctuary's CPA (aka Madoff) was either extremely incompetent or was instrumental in hiding all the money the former directors allegedly stole from the animals. I mean, let's get real here, how could he not see a problem with filing grocery store receipts for a former directors' family--thereby allowing the animals pay for the former directors' personal living expenses?

Want another example:

According to the County Clerk’s records and sanctuary's Financial Report, the former directors purchased 2.510 acres of land being a portion of a 30.527 acre tract of land from a couple living next store on January 21, 1988.

The contract for deed stated the monthly payment would be $627.30;

Seller agreed to sell to the former directors at the end of 1 year from the date of the contract a 7.285 acre tract owned by Seller in the amount of $20,000 ($2,000 down payment) at 10% interest;

Terms of Payment: $176.60 per month to be added to the payment on herein above, increasing the payment to $803.90 per month for 19 years;

Contract for deed was signed by both directors.

Deed of Trust for both properties (Tract I – 2.510 acres – former directors’ personal property & Tract II – 7.235 acres) was signed by the former male director on January 30, 1989.
Entered into a contractual agreement - Real Estate Lien Note dated March 29, 1990 between the Maker (sanctuary) and the Payees (the former directors);

The former directors entered into a second lien agreement with the sanctuary for the sale of the 7.285 acres of land;

Principle and interest shall be due in monthly payment installments of $199.97 (or more) each, payable on the 1st day of each and every calendar month, beginning on May 1, 1990 and continuing regularly thereafter until the whole of said sum, with interest at 10%, has been duly paid;

Lien states “on default in the payment of this note or in the performance of any obligation in any instrument securing or collateral to it, this note and all obligations in all instruments securing or collateral to it shall become immediately due at the election of the Payee. Maker…waive all demands for payment, presentation of payment, motions of intention to accelerate maturity, protests, and notices of protest;

Former male director signed the Real Estate Lien Notice on March 29, 1990.

Received the sanctuary’s Independent Auditor’s Report (prepared by the sanctuary's CPA [aka Madoff]) dated July 26, 2004;
Note 3 – Related Party Transaction: On March 29, 1990, the sanctuary entered into an agreement with the President of the sanctuary to purchase 7.285 acres of land for $20,000;

The note has an annual interest rate of 10% and matures April 1, 2004;

The remaining principal on this note is $809.99.

Received the sanctuary’s Independent Auditor’s Report (prepared by the sanctuary's CPA [aka Madoff]) August 24, 2005;

Note 3 – Related Party Transaction: On March 29, 1990, the sanctuary entered into an agreement with the President of the sanctuary to purchase 7.285 acres of land for $20,000
The note has an annual interest rate of 10% and matures April 1, 2004;

There was no mention of a remain balance due on this report.

Paid off the lien - Release of Lien dated April 28, 2008 for 10+acre property;

The note was fully paid off ($81,943.49) and the next door neighbors released all rights, title, interest and claim to Tract I and Tract II.

In the September 6, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes, the former director’ came up with an estimated report on the cost for storage and animal care at their personal residence. Instead of asking the Board for permission to store sanctuary property and animals on their personal site in advance for a fee, the directors took it upon themselves to take the sanctuary's property, used it, and kept it on their personal property (i.e. former directors' personal use of the sanctuary’s vehicles). Then several months and/or years later the former directors’ demanded retroactive storage payments for the animals and equipment.

The former directors’ claimed in 2008 they had to vacant their personal residence from March to July 2008, so “Hurricane Katrina” cats could be stored in their house, forcing them to live in the daughter’s apartment loft located on their property. The former directors' wanted reimbursement of their mortgage payments ($750 per month) to include the heat and air conditioning bills paid during this same period.

From 2005-2006 “Katrina” cats were temporally housed in the main building (now known as the main office) until such time they were either released to roam free at the unregulated/unlicensed property; euthanized as the result of contracting a highly virulent and contagious upper respiratory infections; or placed in other animal shelters throughout the local area.

During this same period, the directors supposedly communicated with each other via emails and cellular phones because they could not get along with each other. Divorce paperwork was filed with the courthouse and the couple lived apart; the male director lived in the homestead and the female director rented houses for her personal use. According to public records, 2 adult children still lived at the homestead and the apartment loft, so I have a real hard time visioning four people crammed into one living room, a loft, and a bathroom for four months. Especially two people who were clearly not getting along and were seeking a divorce. Also, the "mortgage" was paid off in April 2008, so why were they claiming three (3) months worth of home mortgage payments from the sanctuary?

According to the February 21, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes, Item 10:

“7+ acres of the 10 acres bought by the xxxxx personally in the ‘80’s that need to be deeded back to them. The 7+ acres were given for use and deeded to the orphanage with a value of $20,000 + interest with the understanding that if and when the xxxxx ever closed this piece of the property, the xxxx's would have the right and opportunity to buy the 7+ acres back for the same value ($20,000 + interest) that it was originally deeded to the orphanage for.”

At the time this motion was made by former female director, she knew the property was already in the former director's she knew the property was already in the former directors’ name. It appears; former female director purposely misled the Board of Director’s regarding the current ownership of the property. According to the County records, the former directors’ already possessed the deed for the 7.285 acres of land which the touring animals currently reside. The motion for Item 10 was tabled until the paperwork showing the sale and the land location could be reviewed by the Board.

I was unable to find any records regarding the make-up of the Board of Directors in 1990. Past 990’s revealed in the early years, the board of directors was made up primarily of three people—former male director (President), former female director (Vice President), and xxxxxxx(Secretary). I was also unable to find board meeting minutes for 1990, which stated an understanding between the sanctuary and the former directors' to sell back the land for $20,000 plus interest, in the event the sanctuary ever closed the xxxxxxx Road property.

It should be noted that the County Appraisal District assessed the value of the xxxxx Road property, for 2009, at $73,040.

Years of 990’s revealed regular payments were made by the sanitary to the former directors’; until such time it was recorded on the 2004 990, Schedule 5, a zero balance for the “xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx” line item entry.

However, it has been brought to my attention, the sanctuary may have continued to pay a monthly “mortgage” payment after 2004 (until 2008) to the xxxxxxx in the amount of approximately $176.40—this leads me to question whether or not this amount was paid to the xxxxxxx for the former directors’ personal home mortgage payment.

I am unable to find a rational as to why the sanctuary should submit to the former directors’ demand to return the xxxxx Road property, upon payment of $20,000 plus interest, when it appears the sanctuary already complied with the terms and conditions of the Real Estate Lien Note dated March 29, 1990. It is my opinion a request, made by the sanctuary to the former directors’ for the release of the lien, is in order so a deed for the xxxxx Road property could be obtained and filed with the County on behalf of its animal residents.
So the question is--why did the CPA allow them to continue to make payments to the xxxxx's after the note was paid off in 2004?
It certainly appears the vet and the CPA have a lot of questions to answer -- like where did all the money go and why didn't you save the animals?

[Present Day:  Here is the information sent to the OAG regarding the above information:

From: Kristina Brunner

To: Nicole Garcia
Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009
Subject: Fw: ASUS/WAO Additional Information - Lawsuit

Greetings Nicole:

Per your verbal request on Saturday, here is a copy of what I sent to the Texas OAG last night. I hope you find it helpful in regards to the October 2009 Asvestas lawsuit pending against the WAO -



OAG Additional Information - 102509

20091016111814898 - lawsuit

Microsoft Word - ASUS-WAO Board Meeting 9-6-08

Microsoft Word - ASUS - February 21, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Contract w Asvestas and Andersons - 012188

Asvestas Anderson Deed - Apr 1989

SA Wild Life Deed of Trust - 032990

SA Wildlife Real Estate Lien Note - 032990

SA Wildlife Warranty Deed With 2nd Vendor Lien - 032990

Asvestas - Release of Lien - 042808

Sunday, October 25, 2009

To God - With All My Love

All the colors of the rainbow
All of voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation lives to testify

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love!

From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the Hope in every heart will speak what love has done

For as long as I shall liveI will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

AKA Dr. Kevorkian vs. T'Savo the Lioness

It never ceases to amaze me to learn of individuals in the animal care field willing to just let animals die because it’s the natural thing to do.

Case in point: The sanctuary’s vet was called in to examine a lioness that has experienced problems for the last two months. When the former directors were in charge, the vet was called in to find out why the lioness was not eating (hmmm…could it have been all the “green slimy meat served to her on a regular basis?). The vet’s initial conclusion was she contracted “renal failure.” No blood test taken, of course, to confirm this diagnosis. Just, she has “renal failure.” When the new meat was served to the lioness, she briefly experienced improved appetite and energy output and there was hope the vet misdiagnosed the cause of the animal's distress.

When the lioness experienced serious problems this week once again, the new director called the vet. The vet looked the lioness over (from outside the cage) and made the diagnosis that the lioness was “renal.” I was told the director asked her how she could make this diagnosis without any blood tests run on the lion. The vet apparently replied that she was experienced in diagnosing renal failure as she has seen it so often and that she was sure it was the cause of the animal’ health problems.

I was told the director insisted on a blood test to confirm the diagnosis despite the vet’s objection. Before the test came back, the lioness took a turn for the worse and the director decided to send the lioness to A&M for immediate treatment. I was told the director was concerned the lioness looked so badly there was concern she may not survive the trip to A&M.

I learned last night the lioness was on her way home, the diagnosis—a vitamin A deficiency. This is the same deficiency that caused Vivi’s death back in July 2009.

The vet, AKA Dr. Kevorkian, was advised of the vitamin A deficiency and two courses of action was proposed by A&M to treat this condition. I was told the two recommended treatments include brain surgery (high risk) or steroid shots given to the lioness for the rest of her life (low risk). Dr. Kevorkian, I mean the vet, apparently told the new director that perhaps it was “best to just let nature take its course.” Yikes!!! Is this what she tells her clients when they bring in their sick dogs and cats for treatment—perhaps you should just let nature take its course—and simply let the animal die???

Happily I learned the director plans to give steroid injections to the lioness until such time they are no longer needed. The lioness is young and really deserves a chance to live, especially since it was the pseudo-sanctuary and its former directors caused her health problems in the first place.

Sadly, I learned the majority of the tigers and cougars that died this year were also diagnosed as having a vitamin A deficiency. I learned it may take several months before the surviving animals build up enough vitamins and minerals in their systems to off-set any additional health problems they may face very soon.

Did Dr. Ehrlund know about the vitamin A deficiency?
Subject: lioness
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 12:30:32 -0400

I've checked on the progress of the diagnostics at TAMU this morning. MRI is next.
Looking very much that the diagnosis will be hypovitaminosis A as I discussed w/ you all already. If that is confirmed, then this will be the 3rd exotic cat that I have diagnosed w/ this problem w/n that last several months.

That is an indictment of the former diet used if this is the case.

Also along the way, we have discovered various of the other animals had pre-existing disease common to their ages, so fixing the diet will help overall but you will still expect age related disease (not contagious) conditions in other animals.

Loretta A. Ehrlund, DVM
Heritage Veterinary Medical Center
9793 Culebra Ste 109
San Antonio, TX 78251

Subject: summary

Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 17:25:28 -0400


It is confirmed that the neurologic symptoms experienced by Tsalvo are due to hypovitaminosis A. This situation will not correct itself. There are some treatment options. We should discuss those.

This also means that the former diet is insufficient and the cause of the symptoms. Many of the lessor affected cats will improve over time w/ the new diet but not completely get "well" as the lesions are permanent. It would be best to discuss that at length as this is affecting many more of your cats than just Tsalvo.

It is good to confirm this. Actually, the blood panel from the blood draw Oct 4, came in late last night showing decreasing vitamen A levels. And I would bet that the labs from Monday which we will not get back (Vit A levels) until next Mon will show a worsening condition. That w/ your MRI will be good to know for your board and your employees, but particularly to those that help you w/ the funds for the food stuffs. Because it is confirmation that you must buy a better quality of food or the WAO itself can cause troubles in these animals as is what happened.

Thank you for allowing me to send Tsalvo to A&M for confirm this diagnosis. Overall it will help in the care in all the cats.

Tsalvo is on her way home at this time, I have talked w/ Dr. Hoppes who is sending you a report. I don't expect any, but if you have any troubles when Tsalvo arrives, call my cell.

Loretta A. Ehrlund, DVM
Heritage Veterinary Medical Center
9793 Culebra Ste 109
San Antonio, TX 78251
Dr. Ehruld knew that the WAO was giving out terrible meat to the animals and she did nothing to save them.  By her own admission, T'Savo was the 3rd big cat she diagnosed as having a vitamin A deficiency within the "last several months." 
Thankfully, a new director, whom has the animals’ welfare at heart, is running the show. I just pray she can fund raise enough money to off-set the cost of the medicine many of the animals may require in the future because of their past care. In the meantime, I hope Dr. Kevorkian (AKA vet) is replaced very soon by an animal doctor wanting to save these animals and not just let them die because it’s best to let “nature takes it course.”

Monday, October 19, 2009

It's a Family Affair

Like previous weeks’ postings, this one is jammed packed with news!

The former directors and their
former heir apparents
First, the former directors are suing the animals, the board of directors, and their own daughter. Clearly, this puts to rest any notion that the eldest daughter may still be working in ca-hoots with the former directors.

Why are the former directors suing the animals? For the money for course, but the official reason is wrongful termination. Below is an insert from the official court records:

Anyhoo, the lawsuit was filed shortly after two local television station reported on the sanctuary’s new beginnings. Once the TV stories were posted on the internet, the father, mother and daughter immediately posted their nasty comments to one particular site. While the comments were under pseudo-names, I believe it was the new director’s family members whom posted the comments based on the language, and the intimate nasty comments made in reference to the sanctuary’s new management team. The comments were so bad; I cannot reprint them on this site. Clearly it was the intent of the former directors to stop folks from donating items and money to the sanctuary, and made it clear they hoped the new director failed in operating the facility. Nice, real nice. No love for the animals there.

Next crazy event -- the on-line newspaper editor was attacked by the former sanctuary’s attorney. Both editor and attorney were at the courthouse, where the former attorney petitioned the court to allow him to drop-off as the attorney of record in regards to the lawsuit filed against to the on-line newspaper. The on-line editor was standing at a distance, capturing the signing of paperwork by the old and new attorney, when the old attorney approached on the on-line newspaper editor and demanded why he was filming the signing. When the on-line newspaper editor identified himself, the former sanctuary’s attorney placed his hand over the camera and pushed the editor back. Crazy!

On a positive note, the sanctuary updated its web site, including Twitter and animal caretaker blogs. I really enjoy reading the stories (with photos of the animals attached) and watching the videos taken by the animal caretakers! I really miss the animals, and it’s good to see them start to fill out once again. The new food is really improving the animals’ health and well-being!

On a bitter sweet note, I was told this weekend that Tarzan, the lion whom I thought died in October 2007, may still be alive. According to "Tarzan’s" death record, he was euthanized by the pseudo-sanctuary’s “vet.” Yet, the animal caretaker recalled finding a lion dead in the enclosure. I was told by the worker that she distinctly remembers seeing the dead lion and questioned the former female director regarding the identity of the animal that died. The former director claimed it was Tarzan, but the worker told her it was Leo. At the time of death, Tarzan lived with Leo. Plans were discussed to integrate two additonal lions, Sebastian and Sheba, with Tarzan and Leo, but apparently this did not take place. Recently, the animal caretakers started questioning on whether or not it was Leo that died instead of Tarzan; so photograph comparisons were made and the workers are now convinced that Tarzan is alive! While my heart sings for Tarzan, I am greatly saddened by the loss of Leo. Leo was such a sweet lion and he was Tarzan’s closest buddy. Just when I finished mourning over the loss of one lion, I am now mourning the loss of a second lion—all based on a misidentification made by the former directors’ part. Once thing for sure, this proves the pseudo-sanctuary vet falsified animal death records. Am I surprised – NO! I suspected the pseudo-sanctuary vet was in ca-hoots with the former directors. Thankfully there are new people in place that will not allow this type of shenanigans from happening once again.

[Present Day:  Below is the actual lawsuit paperwork.


What a joke, huh? 

In any case, the Asvestas apparently held a secret meeting in June 2005 because I can assure you as the VP and Treasurer of the board at that time, I would never have allowed a vote based on the Asvestas' demands (see below)  without documented proof (not created by the Asvestas).  As far as I know, there was only one board of directors meeting at it was held on March 19, 2005.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tarzan is Alive!

[Present Day]:  I thought I'd post this in the "Courage" Blog as it fit in nicely with the timeline.  The email sent to the OAG regarding this subject can be found in the January 2010 BB Blog).]

Nicole surprised me with the news that she thought Tarzan was still alive and that it was Leo whom had passed away.  I emailed her pictures of Tarzan and Leo, taken in 2005, in the hopes she would be able to identify the lion living with Sheba and Sebastian.

After looking at the photos, Nicole confirmed with the workers that it was indeed Tarzan living in the enclosure with the other two lions:
From: TMinchew1@...
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 23:03:31 -0400
Subject: Re: FW:

To: waonicole@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; waoheathernoe@...;; jenna.elizabeth517@...; m.reininger@...

Mike and I think this looks like the lion we now call Leo.


From: waonicole@...

To: tminchew1@...
Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 22:09:28 -0500

Thank you . I am going to get to the bottom of this. It is making me sick to think that Tarzan was never dead and this lie is going to be another heartbreaking moment.

Love you both,

Nicole Garcia

From: m.reininger@...
To: waonicole@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; tminchew1@..;; waomyrna@...; jenna.elizabeth517@...
Subject: Re: FW:
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 23:40:30 -0500

Hi everybody,

Tarzan - 2004

Tarzan - 2005

I've attached a photo that was taken in 2004 of Leo (he was ~2 years old, so his face would not be changed that much).

Michelle and I are positive that the cat in with Seb and Sheba is Tarzan and not Leo. Tarzan was/is not microchipped. Yes, chips can move, but if you compare the photo of Leo with the face of the lion in question, you'll see it's not the same cat. The lion in question does, however, match the photos of Tarzan from 2005.

Look at the line of spots on the side of the left nostril. Leo had 3 almost equal lines where the whiskers are. Tarzan has 2 long lines with a shorter line in the middle and 2 spots that are almost parallel w/ the side of the nostril. (I've also attached close-ups of the area referred to on each cat -- sorry, my email won't let me put them directly into the message).

I hope this clears up any questions about the identity of this lion. This spot arrangement on lions is like a tiger's stripes, they do not change.

From: n garcia
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 12:13 AM
To: Buck Benson
Cc: Karen Maxfield; Sumner Matthes; Michelle Cryer

Subject: Legal Concerns

I have a concern, it has been brought to my attention that there is a lion that Carol Asvestas claimed had passed away in 2007. This lions name is Tarzan. The reason it was so important that she state that the animal that passed was Tarzan is because the lion who really passed away (LEO) was a lion that was funded by International Fund for Animal Welfare. If they would have found that this lion had passed, it would not have been good and they most likely would have lost the regular funding from this organization (they funded over $700,000 worth of grants since 2001). - I did some research to find this information.

I do know that it was brought to her attention that it was actually Tarzan in 2007 that was alive and she made it very clear that it was to be said that Leo passed. (There is a lot more to this story but I will get to the point). A newsletter was put out in March of 2008 for Tarzan the lion - to raise funds and those who see these lions on tours some times do question whether this lion in the enclosure on the tour is Tarzan or Leo. I have confirmed that it is in fact TARZAN and our complete staff agrees that this cat is Tarzan. In light of current events, I do not want to lie to anyone about our animals on our tours and those who have been following us for quite some time are going to know that this has been lied about when they visit. How do I instruct our guides to handle this situation in a way that we can be honest about who is actually in the enclosure. We would also like to change our stories to the correct ones since they have been incorrect. Is this okay to do? We don't want to lie to our supporters but I don't want to get slapped with a lawsuit either.

Just FYI - There was another newsletter put out about Vivi the tiger (3 weeks ago - approx) who actually passed away in July 2009. I am sure that there will be questions soon from some of those who are receiving the newsletter. We have already received over $30,000 in donations from this newsletter and I want to know how I should approach this and is it okay for me to be depositing these funds into our account since she has passed. I don't want to do anything illegal. Please let me know how you suggest I handle this.

Thank you very much,

Nicole Garcia
I am greatly saddened by the loss of Leo for he was such a sweet lion who deserved so much better than he received.  Leo was such a great buddy for Tarzan and I imagine Tarzan must miss him very much.

I learned from the animal caretakers that Leo was found dead in his enclosure.  No necropsy was done to discover cause of death. 

This proves that my allegations I made against the WAO to the OAG were correct--WAO and its Board of Directors did indeed lie about the deaths of its animals and they did indeed conduct fundraising activities for DEAD animals. 

May God Bless Leo in Heaven Forever.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bless The Beasts


Bless The Beasts, Part Two
Wild Animal Orphanage Seeks Fresh Start
Shari St Clair, 
An embattled animal sanctuary on San Antonio's northwest side is getting a new start.(Click for video story.) 
The Wild Animal Orphanage on Leslie Road has a new executive director, Nicole Garcia, who is replacing Carol Asvestas, who founded the sanctuary in 1983. 
It’s been a rocky road for the past couple of years at the WAO, with complaints regarding animal care, environmental violations and financial fraud, but Garcia said she knows what she is getting into. (Click for SAL Expose.)  
“I’m kind of stepping in here with a lot to handle at once,” she said. "But we have such a strong team of people that I think it’s gonna be great.”  
Asvestas' exit as CEO caps a summer of growing concern about the WAO, including a press conference in August where Asvestas denied allegations of mismanagement and admitted she did not know the exact number of animal deaths that had occurred since January.  
Later that month, the WAO Board of Directors accepted her resignation and that of her husband Ron Asvestas, who also served in a management capacity at WAO.  
Garcia, a longtime employee and Asvestas’ daughter, was selected to serve as executive director. Garcia said she and her mother are estranged.  
“Right now, we are in a recovery type period,“ said Garcia, “as well as building for the future.” 
With just a few weeks under her belt as executive director, Garcia has opened the door to agencies that previously had to fight to get onto the grounds of the Wild Animal Orphanage.  
“We’ve actually invited the USDA in to kind of give us a little bit of advice on different things that need to be changed,” she said. 
It’s the same with the state attorney general’s office, which recently requested years of documents from the WAO.  
“We are providing them with everything that they had originally been asking for,” Garcia said. “We are working with them.” 
It’s a new day for the sanctuary’s animals as well. Bright new balls and other toys dot the cages that just a few months ago were nothing but dirt and weeds.  
“We changed a lot of the enrichment items for the animals,” Garcia said. "It’s amazing what you see when they are just getting new smells, and they’re getting to interact with each other, with different items. It’s really ... it’s different.”  
Garcia wants public trust back for the WAO.  
“We are trying to be a little more transparent,” she said. “Actually our doors are going to be very open to everybody and anybody.” 
That includes other sanctuary managers, who are offering their advice to WAO for the first time since it opened its doors. Garcia said there was no sharing of ideas with other sanctuaries under the old regime. 
Perhaps the biggest change will be in how Garcia plans to run the WAO. She said the donations that support the sanctuary will mostly go to the animals, not to administrative costs as in the past. And she’s hoping the new start for the Wild Animal Orphanage will be an open door for the public. 
“We’re asking for volunteers,” she said. “This is going to be a very open place now.” 
The WAO has released a list of items they need for the winter months. Those items can be found on the WAO Web site. 
More to follow.
- Developing -
* * *
Previous Stories

Bless The Beasts...
SA's Wild Animal Orphanage Is Recovering;
Asks Help From Public
SAL Staff - 10-14-2009

Now that the previous management of the Wild Animal Orphanage has been replaced, and the animals are getting better care, both critters and workers seem happier, indeed inspired, by the winds of change.

But a new problem has arisen. The 500 exotic beasts must be
fed and housed, and are in critical need of essentials, volunteers and funds.
The organization is asking for YOUR help.

More To follow.

- Developing -

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Power Struggle

Back in August 2009, I hoped and prayed there would be a major change coming to the sanctuary. I just had a very strong feeling that there would be a change in management and the animals would finally get the help they need.

What I did not anticipate was a power struggle for the heart and soul of the sanctuary. One of the board members and her husband, I believe, have their sights on taking over the sanctuary.

First clue - the husband's job title on the web page. Really, CFO? Wasn't he the sanctuary's former animal transporter driver? Where is his CFO credentials? Where did he serve as a financial director, manager, or officer? Does he even have a bachelor's degree in accounting or finance?

Second clue -- several months back the female board member claimed that in the event the former directors decided to leave, she would be next in line. Really, the Secretary of the board was next in line? What happened to the Vice President? Treasurer?

Third clue -- the female board member is really throwing her weight around the office. She even stated I was not welcome to return to say good-bye to the animals in December.

Now it is my understanding the husband of the board director has quite the criminal record and the female board member may also have a criminal past. Good grief -- if this couple grabs control of the sanctuary, than it will be a repeat performance of the former directors all over again. The animals would doomed.

The board has dwindled from 5 members to just 3 members and the board members switched roles. The Florida board member is still the Vice President and he seems to understand exactly what I have been up against these last years. I have heard he welcomes my visit to the sanctuary, which is encouraging.

Meanwhile the new sanctuary director has her hands full -- two visits made by the Texas OAG and one visit from the USDA/APHIS within the same week. I heard both meetings were productive and the new sanctuary attorney is now on the case. This attorney wants to clean up the mess left by the former directors and so the workers and the new director are cooperating with the State. I pray the OAG's case now focuses on the former directors and not the new director, seeing how the new director is making every effort to fix the mess left by the former directors. Good news is that by Wednesday, the on-line newspaper suit should be dismissed. This has got to be welcoming news for the editor!

Sadly, the primary bank account was several thousand dollars in the red, and payroll was off by a day while funds were transferred from a savings account which the former directors apparently did not touch.

With dwindling funds in the savings account, a cold winter predicted, and a huge land balloon payment due in just four months, the former directors really left the sanctuary in a lurch.

In speaking with the new director, I learned Bubba, the white tiger, is doing much better. He already has hay in this den (which I heard he loves and spends time rolling around in his hay), and his health is steadily improving due to his new diet. Even the lioness Savo's health is improving and has become rather "talkative." The new director wants to have a blood panel done on each animal in order to ascertain their health condition. I think that's an absolutely wonderful idea. The cat's former diet was detrimental to the animals' health and it's important to establish a health baseline to see what type of medical treatment, if any, will be required.

The new director has some exciting ideas of incorporating current videos into the website, which will highlight different animals each week. I think this is a wonderful idea since the last directors posted pictures of dead animals are the website.

Oh, and a friend of mine just received the Vivi newsletter, which means the former director had to have sent it out just before she was fired! Can you believe it? Fundraising for a dead animal? Even after she put a disclaimer on the website that Vivi died in July? Talk about crooked! And last but not least, the male director, daughter and one of the workers filed for unemployment. The male director will not receive benefits because of work-related misconduct (misappropriate of funds, use of company vehicles for personal use, etc) and the other two quit their jobs! No unemployment benefits for these folks! Talk about cajones!

So, the new directors is up to her eyeballs with issues (power struggle, monetary issues, ex-employees, animal health care) and all I can do is advise from a far. She seems to have a strong constitution and a real desire to help the animals. I'm hoping and praying the OAG will remove the current board and instill a new board as soon as possible. I also pray the new director hires a financial director whom can take off some of the pressure of raising money for the animals. So much to do, so little time.

ASUS WAO Receivership Req - 100909

Michelle Cryer - Criminal Record History

Jamie Cryer Information

Jamie Cryer Criminal Records