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Sunday, October 4, 2009

So What's Next?

I keep asking myself what is next? After almost four years of research and typing, what will I do with all my spare time! Needless to say, I still have a lot to do in order to close out this case. I have several months of filing, not to mention I want to remove all the animal files from my computer so I can have my computer back! I can't believe I used up pretty much all my available computer memory!

And the OAG and USDA cases are not over yet. I've got to keep an eye on the two cases, request final records, before I can conclude this case.

I've decided not to volunteer at the sanctuary -- maybe visit once or twice a year, but that's all. It's time for a new watch dog to take my place. I've heard not all the workers are happy about my impending visit on December 19th, no doubt because of what they read in my blog. I make no apologies for what I wrote in my blog -- I called it as I saw it at that time. I forgave them for keeping silent when the animals needed them most some time ago and I want to move away from the past and work towards a more prosperous future. If they choose to live in the past, then that's their business.

To tie up loose ends, I contacted HSUS and IFAW requesting emergency relief supplies and grants from both organizations. So far I have heard from IFAW who pledged not to desert the sanctuary. IFAW representative requested the new director and board of directors contact IFAW to make a grant request. I sure hope IFAW keeps its word and helps the animals. Their assistance is needed now more than ever. Still waiting for some word from HSUS.

[Present Day:  Here is my letter to IFAW.  One thing I noticed is that Ian Robinson never responded back to me, yet Gail was able to communicate with him.  I guess he was afraid I was going to say "I told you so."]

From: "A'Brunzo, Gail"

To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: "Robinson, Ian" ; "Fried, Barbara"

Sent: Sun, October 4, 2009 11:15:46 AM

Subject: RE: Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild ANimal Orphanage's Change in Management

Dear Ms. Brunner,

Dr. Robinson is out of the country until mid-month but I've been in contact with him to discuss.

We are very sorry to hear about the recent troubles at WAO and don't intend to desert them. The request for the grant must come from the new director and the Board, however. At that time I can discuss the situation and details more fully with them.

Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. Hopefully things will settle out to be what's best for the animals.

Best regards,

Gail A'Brunzo

Gail A'Brunzo
Emergency Relief
International Fund for Animal Welfare
290 Summer Street, Yarmouth Port MA 02675
Ph: 508.744.2197
Mobile: 774-487-0617

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 3:11 PM
To: Robinson, Ian
Cc: A’Brunzo, Gail; Fried, Barbara
Subject: Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild ANimal Orphanage's Change in Management

Importance: High

Dear Mr. Robinson:

On October 1, 2009, the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild Animal Orphanage's Board of Directors terminated Ronald and Carol Asvestas' employment and board seat as the result of an on-going investigation into alleged misappropriation of funds. The Board of Directors appointed Ms. Nicole Garcia as the sanctuary's new director and she is fully cooperating with the Texas Office of the Attorney General's Office and the USDA .

As you may recall, I contacted you regarding the dire situation at the WAO in hopes that IFAW would have some influence with the Board of Directors in completing the Illinois University Black Bears and New Jersey tigers' enclosures (see email listed below). Sadly, the bears and tigers are still living in what I consider to be "warehouse" cages--not the large spacious enclosures promised.

Now in light of recent events, the ASUS/WAO's financial situation has become rather grim. The WAO is in desperate need of financial assistance as the WAO's bank accounts are dangerously low due. I believe this would be an excellent time for IFAW to offer the remaining three board of directors and the new WAO director a grant that would enable the WAO to meet its financial obligations as well as finish the bears and tigers' promised enclosures.

I pray you will contact Ms. Garcia at 210.688.9038 to ascertain the seriousness of this situation and provide immediate financial assistance to the animals before the onset of winter. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner

I also want to point out that things weren't all that bad between the staff and the board when Nicole first took over the WAO, as seen in the mail below.  Sadly, this spirit of co-operation did not last...
From: waonicole@...

To: smatthes@...; michellecryer@...; karenmaxfield@...; ericturton@...;
Subject: General Update
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 21:33:37 -0500

Quick Update:

I met with Will West and John Savickas this morning at 10:00am, I have asked him to contact Mr. James Anthony and Sumner regarding some issues that we have been made aware of with the 2008 ledger that was brought in by John Savickas. I think Will West should explain this. I am hoping that in the near future with the approval of Mr. Anthony, we might be able to find someone to take John Savickas' place due to some doubts that I have? (Just a thought)

I would also like in the future possibly contracting with a veterinarian that specializes in Exotic Animals with Dr. Henry and possibly Dr. Ehrlund which I would like us to review some of Mary and Michelles records to those were recently made with Dr. Ehrlund before we make any decisions.

Bank Accounts : As I understand, the accounts have been frozen but Michelle Cryer is able to have the banker sign checks with her that will be allowed to clear for payroll and food use until everything is final.
I would like to say that Jamie Cryer and Will West have been helping a great amount with everything. I appreciate the strength among all of us right now.

Today I ordered 2 pallets of Monkey Chow and Jamie will get that picked up tomorrow (I billed our account and we will need to pay on Tuesday), we received our meat that is processed with exotic animals in mind (yesterday) and we will review and discuss the produce tomorrow morning 10-2-09 at 11:00am. We will be having a staff meeting that is just going to update everyone and allow anyone to express any concerns/ideas they may have.

I gained access to our website email and have changed the passcode. Tomorrow I will be working on making some basic updated information for our website. Please, if you can specify how I should list board members and any thoughts as to what you all would like to see on the homepage.

Jamie Cryer has some great ideas on how we are going to approach the new Bear Enclosures for Talley Rd and as we get further we will share the details.

I have had a long day and need to get some rest so I appologize if this email seems choppy.

Nicole Garcia

The Wild Animal Orphanage
P.O Box 690422
San Antonio, TX 78269
PH: 210-688-9038
FAX: 210-688-9514
I would be remiss not to include the famous Turton "stand-down" email (I still think he was working for the Asvestas all along...):

CC: smatthes@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; karenmaxfield@...; w.westcpa@...
Subject: The Wild Animal Orphanage
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 12:14:19 -0500

Animal Sanctuary of The United States
The Wild Animal Orphanage
9626 Leslie Rd
San Antonio, TX 78254

Dear Mr. Eric Turton,

I would like you to stop all contact regarding The Wild Animal Orphanage at this time. I will speak with you regarding this request on Monday. With this request this means that I am also requesting that you refuse all phone calls, emails and meetings that have anything to do with The Wild Animal Orphanage and direct them to me at our office. I have discussed this with Sumner Matthes and I am making the decision at this time to put everything that you are currently working on on hold. Please direct all questions to me and not the board.

Thank you,

Nicole Garcia

The Wild Animal Orphanage
P.O Box 690422
San Antonio, TX 78269
PH: 210-688-9038
FAX: 210-688-9514

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