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Friday, December 11, 2009

Baa Hum Bug

I normally try not to write about an event until after some time has passed, whether it’s an hour, a day, or a week, only so I can get a total prospective before writing.

So, I’m hoping enough time has passed to write about today’s events. First off, I learned Fu-Fu, a female baboon, diagnosed with upper respiratory infection, died today. Also, a domestic cat recently died from an upper respiratory infection, but I’m not sure what day the kitty passed away. Needless to say, this news saddens me. So far, since October 1, 2009, Jake died, a baboon died, a rhesus macaque (open wound on side of body) died, and a domestic cat died.

Fortunately, the other animals, the lemur and Sue the chimpanzee, I was told, was doing much better, as they both were diagnosed as having some form of upper respiratory infection..

I’m feeling a little down today, for I believe the interview with the local radio station did not go as great as I thought it would. A friend of mine was kind enough to allow the sanctuary a 30-minute interview to promote the sanctuary.

First off, I felt awkward walking into the radio station interview room with one of the animal caretakers and the new director present. I got the feeling the animal caretaker was not too thrilled to see me, and this may have been a hold over from when the former directors ran the facility. Or maybe it wasn't me at all -- who knows.

It was my intention to just introduce the radio station host to the new director, and then speak with the sales folks about doing a remote at the touring facility next year. Okay, that never happened because I was asked to stay in the room and then asked to join the two ladies for the actual interview. I should have protested harder, but I didn’t want to appear that I was not a team player or not supporting the new management and staff. So I remained in the room. And to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t needed because the two ladies did just fine without me. It made me feel uncomfortable when the animal caretaker said on the radio that it was T’Savo’s former owners fault the lioness was sick today, as she alleged they did not feed the lioness a proper diet. Yikes! This caused me to do a double-take with the new director to see what her reaction would be – and she seemed as surprised as I did that she made this comment.

Perhaps I’m not feeling well or perhaps because it’s a cold and miserable looking day which explains my reason for feeling a little blue right now. I just have a really bad feeling right now and I pray this feeling passes soon and that it is not a prediction of what is yet to come.

Okay, now for a former director ‘update’. The new director noticed several vehicles passing by with loads of furniture and other household stuff. Turns out the former directors are selling their possessions and those that belong to the sanctuary on

Some history: In 2005, the former directors claimed they received a “grant” to purchase new furniture for the rental house (which was obtained without the board’s knowledge). Needless to say, once the former directors gave up their “party house,” the furniture went into their own home and that of the youngest daughter. And now, the sanctuary’s purchased furniture is now in the possessions of strangers. I wonder how the new owners would feel they are in possession of stolen property!

When I was asked back in October what the new director should do to retrieve the furniture and equipment like the laptop, digital cameras (which was probably used to take the pictures of the items shown on the web), before something like this occurred, I advised her to seek relief from the local justice of the peace, thereby preventing the former directors from disposing of the “stolen” property. Unfortunately, this never took place and needless to say the local police do not want to get involved in this civil matter. So bye-bye furniture and equipment. Please understand, I'm not critizing the new director, because she has enough issues on her plate--it just burns my beanie that the former directors are getting away with theft.

So, here’s to a dreary looking day which matches my mood right now. Ho Ho Ho and Baa Hum Bug...
Later same day:

I think I figured out why I’m feeling so blue. While the interview was good, it failed to cover all the exciting changes taking place at the facility. Everyone was trying so hard not to mention what happened in the past, the resulting exciting changes now taking place was completely glossed over. Instead there was discussion of people owning ducks, tigers, and dogs, and he cons of exotic wild animal ownership when we should have been talking about the sanctuary’s animals. We should have talked about exciting volunteer opportunities. We should have been talking about all the changes made to the web site. We should have, we should have, we should have…

I pray follow-up interviews will go much smoother and there is more discussion about the exciting changes taking place at both facilities. The past must be discussed, otherwise how can people learn from the mistakes? How can folks learn about all the exciting changes taking place?

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