No printing or copying pictures

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

News Flash - USDA Told WAO Get Rid of the Monkeys

I just learned today from a source that the Texas OAG and the USDA did visit the WAO this month. USDA apparently ordered the WAO to get rid of all of its monkeys. I was reminded that many of the primates sent to the WAO was under contract for life long care. This could potentially be a real problem for the WAO.

I sent Dr. Pannill, USDA/APHIS, and email today regarding the long-tailed macaques that used to live behind the demolished animal clinic, asking if she knew what happened to the primates. So far I have not received an email back, when usually she responds rather quickly to my email inquiries. I fear the worse for the primates that were placed at the WAO by Bayer Corporation (for money of course). I pray they were not all euthanized.

Later - June 30, 2010 from 8:22am - 8:32am by cell

I spoke with Dr. Pannill before she left for work this morning. Apparently she was activated in support of Hurricane Alex in case there were any animal emergency that may come up during or after the hurricane hit land near Brownsville, Texas.

In any case, I called and asked her if she knew whether or not the primates (long-tailed macaques), located behind the demolished clinic were okay. She said as far as she knew they were fine. She was aware that the Cryers planned on moving them to Talley Road, but would not know for sure until her next visit the following week.

Dr. Pannill confirmed the USDA and the OAG visited the WAO and its board members. She told me the board members are not like the previous board, rubber stamping all of the Cryers decisions. Apparently, the Cryers are very much like the Asvestas, proclaiming all their great ideas they have for the Orphanage, but not actually doing anything make these great things happen. I was told the new board took the Cryers "to task" for not following through on certain actions.

Dr. Pannill asked me if there were any way I could help put out a positive word out about the WAO, because they need it right now. I told her I was never invited by the new board or the Cryers, and in light of all the negative things the Cryers said about me while she was on the board (under Asvestas and Garcia), I was hesitant to help now. Especially after the way she took over the board. I did say that if the board approached me, I would be more than willing to help the animals, but it would have to come from the board, not the Cryers.

Dr. Pannill also confirmed that the WAO was encouraged to place as many animals as possible to reduce feed and animal care costs. She indicated she may have found a home for all the bears living at Talley Road. Right now I got the impression the WAO is working with the new facility, but nothing is firm yet.

I was told the Cryers really do want to keep all the animals, but I don't think Michelle has the knowledge on how to make this happen. The board member from SeaWorld apparently has some fundraising experience from the Red Cross and is trying to put together some ideas on how to raise funds for the animals.

Some good news -- the WAO was able to purchase the good red meat recently. I don't know where they got the money to pay for the previous bill and this new bill, but regardless, it is good news that the big cats are finally able to eat something other than chicken!

In any case, Dr. Pannill was surprised at all the debt the WAO amassed. She had no idea I was well aware of the problem and had raised the alarm when Nicole Garcia first took over. Too bad Michelle Cryer never paid much attention about the debt from October 2009 - April 2010. Now that she is aware of the problems, I hope she takes responsibility for her past transgressions.

I don't buy the excuse, allegedly made by the Cryers to the USDA and OAG, that she was duped by Carol Asvestas over the years since my allegations and the OAG investigative paperwork were available for all to see. She just didn't want to rock the boat with Carol. She and her husband had a really good animal transportation deal while he "worked" for the WAO, and quite frankly in my opinion, she did not want to lose the additional income.

Now that Cryer sees how much work it takes to really operate this facility, I hope she has learned a valuable lesson that (1) if you are on a board, you have to take responsibility for your actions and not blame others for your failings; (2) never covet something someone else may have -- the grass is not always greener in someone else's backyard.

Should be interesting to see if the WAO Board actually contacts me. I have my doubts, buy hey, I've been surprised before, so I guess I will leave all this in the Good Lord's Hands.

Where are the Permits

Cc: ; James Anthony ; Robert.M. Gibbens ;
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 8:02 PM
Subject: ASUS Additional Information - Building Permits - June 2010

June 28, 2010

Dear Mr. Carrillo:

Approximately two years ago I contacted your Office regarding the alleged illegal plan to destroy the Wild Animal Orphanage "clinic building" at 9626 Leslie Road, San Antonio, Texas 78251. At that time, the Asvestas (former operators of the facility) planned on building a new "spay/neuter clinic" on-site, but the first building needed to be removed. Your Office was able to verify the Asvestas planned to destroy the unlicensed building, and advised the operators the need to obtain proper permits before removing the old building and permits approved prior to the start of any new construction.

It was brought to my attention today the WAO's "clinic building" was destroyed and the old building materials can be found at the WAO's "creek side" lot located on the left side of the road as one approaches the WAO facility, next to a creek bed (which overflows almost every year due to flood waters) at the base of the small incline leading to the WAO's parking lot--this piece of property has a chain link fence and gate facing the front of the lot. I checked the 'Plan Reviews/Permits/Inspections For An Address' website and found only one permit request on file (March 2010 - WAO's fundraising event).

The former clinic building was used to house sick or injured animals, to include macaques. It is my understanding the WAO no longer has an animal "clinic" on property.

From what I recall when I was last on-site, May 1, 2010, the old building contained a lot of rat feces and urine marks, which led me to believe the building had a rather large rat infestation. No doubt the rats relocated to a new building--either the WAO's main office or the animal feed warehouse (or both). Several attempts to remove the rodents failed.

I respectfully request your Offices (1) ascertain whether or not the WAO new operators (Jamie and Michelle Cryer) obtained the required permits to destroy the WAO's animal clinic, (2) properly stored the waste and old building materials at the 'creak side' lot and (3) verified whether or not the rat population relocated to the last two main buildings on the property.

For TCEQ: I respectfully request your Office to check on the Talley Road bears' quarantine area to verify whether or not the workers resumed disposal of the captive bears' feces by spraying the waste down a drain pipe leading to the adjacent neighbor's property instead of bagging the waste as previous agreed in the 2009 TCEQ agreement with the WAO. I learned some of the animal caretakers may have elected to resume disposal of the bears' waste by washing the waste down the drain pipe, instead of bagging the feces and other animal waste, and property disposing the waste bags in the trash. This practice is also not uncommon for at the Leslie Road facility the USDA/APHIS inspector found the WAO in violation of failing to provide proper drainage for the bear enclosure on May 5, 2010 (

Your kind attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact via email if you require additional information pertaining to this request.

Where's the Market Survey

I admit, I'm getting lazy when it comes to my posts. It just seems so much easier to post the emails I send to either local, state, or federal offices. Here's my latest:

Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:52 PM
Subject: Wild Animal Orphanage - Additional Information

Greetings Chris:

In my June 6, 2010 email to your Office, I referenced several Bexar County Sheriff's Office reports pertaining to the Talley Road facility. My apologies for the delay, as it took some time for the Bexar County Sheriff's Office to enter the Deputy Sheriff's records into the system. I've attached the three County reports from the Sheriff's Office for your consideration.

Also, I noticed on the WAO's website the Cryers elected to raise the price of admission to the WAO as of July 1, 2010.

I believe this to be a serious mistake on the part of the Cryers since the WAO has been struggling for the last several years with encouraging guests to visit the WAO based on its current admission rates. The WAO tour is only 30-40 minutes long, depending on the mood of the tour guide. The WAO’s admission costs to visit approximately 109 animals living on less than 5 acres of land will increase as of July 1, 2010 from $10 to $15 per adult and from $5 to $8 for children. I would be interested in learning exactly what market study the Cryers use to come up with this new admission rate? The admission increase well exceeds the cost of what visitors pay for an all-day visit to the San Antonio Zoo, which happens to be the WAO’s main competition. There is simply no incentive for visitors to visit the WAO's animals when visitors can spend all day at the SA Zoo and see a larger variety of animals (3,500 animals representing 600 different species of animals located on 56 acres of treed property). WAO is not a unique facility as the SA Zoo also claims it too is an educational facility. Therefore the WAO can no longer effectively compete with its main San Antonio competitor and will lose what little financial support it receives from guests, especially during this difficult economic times. Families will simply want more "bang" for their buck and will not visit the WAO simply because they can see and do more at the San Antonio Zoo.


Hours Of Operation

9 AM - 5 PM
365 days a year
Guests can remain in the zoo
until 6 PM.

Admission Pricing


Military Discount:
$1.00 Off


Senior Citizens 62 and over:

Children 3 - 11 yrs:

Children ages 2 and under:

Handicapped 3 - 14 yrs:

Handicapped 15 yrs and up:


Since the Cryers took over, I have not seen any special animal enrichment events listed on the WAO website which could have helped bring in additonal revenue to the WAO. In contrast, when Nicole Garcia took over the WAO in October 2009, she immediately started special enrichment tours, which not only benefited the animals, but it also brought in first-time and repeat visitors as it was a unique attraction, not seen anywhere else. The number of individuals visiting the WAO was on the rise due to the 2010 radio/TV ads plus the Stockshow and Rodeo special events booth, which informed the public about the WAO. It is now my understanding the number of visitors to the WAO dramatically decreased over the last two months.

I am extremely concerned with the direction the WAO is going in light of the fact that the Cryers were involved in at least two failed business (J&M Pest Control LLC and Custom Klean Lube Center) and now they are attempting to operate this facility. Apparently, this is truly a family affair as I have heard Ms. Cryer’s daughter, from a previous partner, named "Megan," may also be working in the WAO office. This brings the number of ‘Cryers’ working at the WAO to '4'.

In regards to the WAO’s website, I could not help but notice Ms. Cryer removed Nicole Garcia's name from the blog posts which Nicole made on two occasions and instead falsely entered her own name in Nicole Garcia’s place (1.4.10 and 10.15.09). Apparently, the WAO has gone back to its old business practices of lying to the general public regarding information posted to its website.

For the record, I want to make it absolutely clear that the Cryers had nothing to do with the WAO's website until after May 15, 2010, when they finally gained access to the site. They did not build or maintain any of the tabs listed on the site to include: tours, directions, meet some of our animals, monthly newsletters (and the Cryers did not write the January – April newsletters), birthday party reservation, FAQ, etc. The Cryers inherited the website as it is today. In my opinion, they made disastrous changes to the homepage, tours, and the volunteer webpages, which no doubt influenced donations amounts made either by mail or by paypal, especially within the last three weeks.

I am stunned at the changed wording of the volunteer webpage which I originally created along with the volunteer application. As an HR professional, I would never have used the words, "We are looking for strong backs…" as this may have a negative racial connotation. I showed this statement to several HR professionals, and all agreed, without any prompting on my part, this statement should be removed from the site as it may turn off potential volunteers, especially those individuals who may not have a “strong back” but could have help provided administrative support in the office or participate as a WAO ambassador at special events. Also, I do not know how volunteers will be able to expand animal enclosures or build fences when I learned that Michael Dereadt (who has a criminal record in Bexar County), Henry Newman (who has a criminal record in Bexar County) and Alex Cryer (who has a criminal record in Bexar County) took caging and fencing material to the recyclers for cash. And as to one of the volunteer duties listed on the website where volunteers are needed to pick-up trash—why are the workers polluting the properties and then expecting volunteers to clean-up after them? This simply does not make good business sense and demonstrates the Cryers inability to establish an effective volunteer program.

Before Nicole Garcia was, in my opinion, wrongfully terminated from her position, she worked with the band group in Helotes to set up the benefit fundraiser scheduled for July 11, 2010. The Cryers had absolutely nothing to do with setting up this event. It was supposed to be a family fun event, but it appears the Cryers decided to list this event on the WAO homepage as for adults only. The WAO used to sponsor primarily family-friendly events, but it looks like the Cryers want to eliminate the WAO’s family-friendly image and focus more on adults. Also, did you by chance see the diamond jewelry piece donated by Americus Diamond at the WAO during your most recent visit? It was supposed to be raffled off at the July 11, 2010 event and it is worth approximately $2,500 (see attachment). The diamond was housed in the WAO's safe. Nicole Garcia and I planned on publicizing this special raffle by updating the website with a special announcement, sending out posters to the WAO's major sponsors and contributors to be posted in local businesses, and emailing e-announcment cards out to the WAO's e-newsletter mailing list during the first week of May 2010. As far as I know, these actions were not completed and I am concerned the WAO may have sold the jewelry piece for cash, which I believe, would be in violation of the Americus Diamond donation agreement with the WAO.

It is my understanding the Cryers got rid of the printer used to print quality newsletters, posters, transfers (mugs, mouse pads, etc) and broshures. The last batch of newsletters that were mailed in April 2010 by Nicole Garcia, no doubt brought funds into the WAO for the month of May 2010. If the WAO does not send out newsletters very soon, which are essentially the main source of income for the WAO, then the organization's financial situation will continue to decline.

Prior to Carol Asvestas leaving the WAO, she left the WAO with a very expensive printing bill, which was why Nicole Garcia, with the approval of Will West who was board president at the time, entered into an agreement to purchase a quality printer (which came with a free paper supply) that would produce quality newsletters at half the expense. Now that the printer is gone and there probably is no company willing to enter into an agreement to print WAO newsletters unless there is cash up front, I am not sure how the WAO plans to mail out thousands of newsletter needed to generate revenue for the WAO's animals.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this email -

Friday, June 25, 2010

OAG and the Feds Visit the WAO

I am not sure what this means exactly for the animals, but I learned that on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Texas OAG and unnamed federal agents were at the WAO. A worker was allegedly asked if this visit was seen as a good thing, and she replied “it’s good for the animals.”

Needless to say, I heard this third hand, so I don’t know how true this account is at this time. Plus I don’t really trust the person who said “it’s good for the animals” as she had very little to do with the animals while I was there. I just pray if something is going to happen, it best happen soon, as it is my understanding donations, especially on-line donations, are really low.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Censoring Comments

A surprising turn of events! The San Antonio Current elected to pull all the on-line comments made to its four main new stories on Friday. I find it interesting when the Cryers’ credibility as “directors” are questioned, the SA Current magazine elected to pull all the comments, including the 200+ comments that were made against Nicole Garcia. Nicole had to endure the most horrific comments and the SA magazine refused to pull down the objectionable comments, yet when nine comments are made against the Cryers, well, it’s suddenly a problem! Interesting how censorship works at the SA /Current.

From: Callie Enlow
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Articles

Sorry, I clicked send too soon! Anyway, I don't think we concientiously removed comments, but I'll ask.

- Callie Enlow

From: Callie Enlow
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Articles

I think it's part of a general issue we've been having with comments.

- Callie Enlow

Greetings Callie:

I noticed the SA Current on-line WAO stories no longer carry the comments previous attached to series. Are you able to say why the comments were removed from all the articles?

Meanwhile I never heard back from Animal People. I guess this magazine has no interest in learning the truth either!

Yesterday, I was surprised to find my Department of Transportation FOIA documents in my mailbox! Very interesting stuff and needless to say, I plan to keep an eye on the WAO’s plans to utilize the WAO vehicles so as to haul animals once again. Turns out in 2009 the inspector requested to see 30 records, and out of the 30 records she found 30 violations!

The WAO got off really easy as only five violations were charged against the facility due to Cryers failure to (1) have a Class B license on file with the WAO (2) failed to have a current physical on file (hmmm, might be hard if the man has a supposed physical disability) and (3) failed to maintain a trip log when transporting the animals. At $710 per violation, the Cryers could have cost the WAO $21,300, instead of $3, 550.

I wonder if Mike Dereadt (criminal record - DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED), who supposedly travel and probably drives the truck, meets the same above requirements?

Meanwhile, the WAO listed Henry Newman’s name on the staff portion of the WAO’s website. I wonder if folks know this person, also a close friend of the Cryers, has a criminal record:

03/12/2003 PG CT-GUILTY
Term: 80 days
Fine: $500.00
Court Cost: $581.00

10/04/2003 *** JN CLOSED ***
03/12/2003 NOLO CT-GUILTY
Term: 80 days
Fine: $500.00
Court Cost: $271.00

I am still waiting for the 600+ pages from the Texas OAG that cost me over $138! The check was cashed, so the package should be in the mail! I am curious to see if the documents will explain how the OAG allowed the Cryers to take over the WAO without a proper board. Or will this too, be censured?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

New WAO Employee

Interesting development -- the WAO web pages show Jamie Cryer as only a "Director" and Mike Dereadt as "Lead Animal Care Technician." What happened to the "Animal Rescue Team/Manager" titles?

Also interesting, Jill Beam has been added to the Key Staff page as the WAO's newest "Accountant/Bookkeeper." I wonder what her relationship is to the WAO and its staff.  Is she another criminal or is she sleeping with someone who works there?   Something tells me she won't be there long.

Kimberly Meyer must be pleased she has been promoted to Office Manager/Accounting. Wonder if she received a pay raise!? I wonder how long she'll last working for the Cryers.

Michelle Cryer griped in the May 2010 SA Current that the WAO spent too much money on staff salaries. Looks like with the addition of Jill, Kimberly's pay raise, Alex Cryer's "salary" (as I doubt the criminal brother is working for free) and perhaps other friends/family members of Cryer as "contract laborer," Michelle Cryer learned the value of adding employees to the rolls after all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sit Back and Wait

Just a few discoveries I wanted to make sure got posted before I forgot:

Discovered from the Texas Secretary of State Office that Jamie Cryer had another failed business, which apparently he ran out of his own home called J&M Pest Control LLC. What a surprise--two failed business in the two cities he lived in.

What I found very interesting was this exchange between Michelle Cryer and a poster to the San Antonio's Current's last story called Wild Animal Orphanage Update: Bye Bye Bubba:

On 6/5/2010 6:15:56 PM, TigerStripes said:
While certainly there are several criminal records pertaining to Jamie Cryer spread over two Texas counties, dating back to early to mid 90’s, what everyone should keep in mind is that it say something about the character of this person. For instance, according to Bexar County records, Cryer was found guilty of possessing a prohibited firearm (a felony, I believe) and did not complete his probation in a satisfactorily manner. What does this say about Cryer’s character? What does it say about the character of the animal sanctuary when the Cryer family (husband, wife, and brother) currently operating the WAO, all have criminal histories?

Some may say “people can change.” I say, "a tiger cannot change its stripes."
On 6/7/2010 3:03:15 AM, JungleMan said:
More to the point, what do those "semi-coherent concerns" say about their CURRENT character? Not only did they refuse to return transport cages to the rightful owners, but Jamie and his brother SOLD them and quite a bit of WAO's own caging to a local scrap metal dealer. This was confirmed by the owner of Great Western Recycling himself, so it's not just a rumor or allegation. It's fact. The Cryers are stripping the place of anything not welded down, for beer money. What less could you expect of an ex-con who's not getting paid (at least not above-board)?

On 6/9/2010 11:24:52 PM, haha said:
just let it gooooooo already!!!! oh my!!!!!! dont you people have a life??? no one is going to be good enough to run that orphanage! you guys just have to gossip and complain about someone or a comment blog wouldnt be the same! those transporters he "sold" or whatever were holding tigers that were being kept in them for 2 years! rightful owners??they should be in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that lady is crazy!!!! besides wtf has jamie done that is sooo wrong?????? let go of the past. everyone has ghosts in their closets. you know what they say about people that point fingers anyway....there are ten pointing back at you. give these people a break. ex get a life people! think about it this way... nicole is out!!!! although im sure the people slandering jamie's name are prob on nicole's side.


On 6/11/2010 7:15:50 PM, Falcon said:
Ha, Ha, apparently you do not have a life either, else you would not have taken the opportunity to post a comment—so I guess, in a sense, you are perpetuating the life of this story along with all the other past posters.

It appears “Ha Ha’s” social and intelligence level is to that of a teenager posting on a social website with all the exclamation points, the crude “wtf” and of course the girlish “lol” statements. So “Ha Ha” may not possess the life experiences to know that one cannot sell someone’s property without their approval just because she may not like the person or their actions—Ha Ha, my dear, that’s still call theft. And based on your posting, it sounds like you are in the “circle” of friends at the WAO, and are parroting the party line given by this “new management” as to why they willfully sold someone’s equipment without seeking prior approval first.

Pointing out illegal behavior, whether it occurred in the past or still continues today, is important simply because the WAO is a not-for-profit organization, sustained by the “kind donations” made by caring individuals. Donors need to know their contact information will be protected, their contributions will be used for the intended purpose stated in the mission statement, and management will operate the organization in a legal and ethical business fashion.

I’m sure we would all like to know what type of “businesses” Mr. Cryer owned/operated prior to assuming the role of “Director, Physical Plant Operations, Animal Rescue Team Manager.” Local records revealed an abstract of judgment filed against one “Jamie Cryer” for delinquent taxes relating to a failed business called “KUSTOM KLEAN LUBE CENTER.” I would be curious to see the list of businesses Mr. Cryer purports to have owned/operated, to determine how successful this so-called “Texas businessman” really is posted to this site. Past work performance can be a barometer to determine future work success.

This entire situation is reminiscence of the Asvestas reign over the WAO as they too operated a failed business called Aaronger Plumbing. As to Ha Ha’s assertion that “no one is going to be good enough to run that orphanage,” I believe this statement to be a self defeatist attitude, for there are qualified professional individuals willing to save the WAO. Unfortunately, until all the “bad elements” are rooted out of the WAO, the organization will continue its slow march towards finality.

Once again the famous axiom applies to this situation, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


On 6/11/2010 9:06:06 PM, ok? said:  
then why dont you smarty pants get off your "look at me i'm so educated I'm going to use every word I know" high-horse and do something about it? You all would find something wrong with Ghandi!

You are all bark little doggy and no bite. You hide behind the computer! You really do seem to have no life because you write a book. You try to act like you are a know-it-all...well if so why don't you make a difference instead of hiding behind a computer screen. You sound like a big whiny baby. Go cry to someone who can do something instead of a blog! Why don't you go down to the WAO and tell Jamie and Michelle all these things to their faces. Because I am sure they don't come on here and read this. You seem to hold grudges and live in a basement in your mothers house. Get a life.

and speaking of Ghandi-

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”


On 6/11/2010 9:11:16 PM, ok? said:
and btw- do you even know Bubba? Because this is supposed to be a comment posting about him. Or did you just need somewhere to vent your crap?


On 6/11/2010 10:05:59 PM, Falcon said:
We'll just let the last two postings by "ok?" speak for itself!


On 6/11/2010 10:11:22 PM, ok? said:
Who are you talking to exactly?


On 6/14/2010 8:55:37 PM, Rocketman said:
Might want to check around to verify whether or not J&M Pest Control LLC, operated out of the Cryers former address in Kerrville, is another failed business. Found out this business certificate was forfeited due to tax forfeiture. Would love to learn about any "other" businesses the Cryers owned in the past. Hey guys, do you even have one success story you can brag about or are they all failures?

Michelle Cryer doesn't appear to be too bright does she?  After reading the comments I have little doubt that Michelle Cryer was responding to the comments.  If I remember correctly, doesn't Cryer likes to quote Gandhi at the bottom of her emails?

Meanwhile, Nicole reported earlier this week that Alex Cryer and Mike Dereadt were seen hauling more metal pieces out of the Talley Road property. Very soon, Nicole will be moving into her new home away from the WAO. No doubt, once she leaves, Alex Cryer will move in to the mobile home. I am very scared for the WAO animals. Will he bring guns and drugs onto the property?

I'm still waiting for the USDA inspection report to be posted to the USDA's website plus I am waiting for my OAG public information documents to be sent to me. It is my understanding I am to receive over 600 pages which cost me over $138.

I am also waiting for the Sheriff's Office report of the incidents that occurred at the Talley Road facility on May 31, June 1, and June 2, 2010.
So, for now, I am in the wait and see pattern. Did learn one thing of interest. Since the WAO is listed as a DBA, that means personal assets can be seized to satisfy a court's writ of execution. The ASUS is the corporation from what I understand, so the entire affair may become very dicey if bills are not paid.

Speaking of items over due, I wonder when the WAO plans on filing its 2009 990? I guess all I can do now is just sit back and wait.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bubba's Necropsy Report

Bubba's necropsy - no cancer.

I miss Bubba very much.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Inspection Time

Well, earlier today I received word that the USDA/APHIS inspectors were seen entering the Talley Road property. No doubt the inspectors will be concerned that the perimeter fence is still not up. Sadly, fencing material was removed from Talley Road last week, along with other fencing material, presumably on its way to be sold for cash.

I'm anticipating the USDA fining the WAO $5k after this blatent display of not complying with the USDA and WAO agreement signed last year.   [Laughing]   I just made a joke--did you get it?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Animal People Review



June 6, 2010

Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office. The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged misrepresentation perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization’s owners/operators of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society.

Not only did the SA Current wrote a WAO follow-up article,, Animal People Magazine wrote a follow-up story on the WAO situation as well.

A copy of the story can be found at:, page 13, titled “Money crunch brings another leadership change at Wild Animal Orphanage.”

In this article, Sumner Matthes, then WAO Board Director admits he conspired with Michelle Cryer, current WAO Board Director, several days in advance, to terminate Nicole Garcia’s employment as CEO and Board Director for the WAO, presumable on false information, without going through the correct board procedural of putting Nicole Garcia’s pending termination from both positions on the agenda (see BOD minutes 042710 (use Word to open) and ASUS Board Meeting Minutes - 043010) . I believe this action was done in secret to prevent Nicole Garcia from presenting evidence that would have exonerated her from any wrong doings. What is really interesting is that Nicole Garcias was not even included in the April 27, 2010 board meeting minutes, and the same agenda was used for April 30, 2010.

ANIMAL PEOPLE learned on April 26, 2010 [emphasis added] that Wild Animal Orphanage board members had begun seeking a replacement for Garcia. “On April 30, 2010 Garcia was terminated,” 13-year Wild Animal Orphanage board member Sumner Matthes said.” Animal People
Sumner Matthes was told, presumably by Michelle Cryer, that Nicole Garcia opened a “secret bank account” without the rest of the board’s approval (at that time it would have been Will West (President), Michelle Cryer and Sumner Matthes). The “secret bank account” Mr. Matthes referenced was apparently the Bank of America account opened in March 2010.

“We learned that the board was not truthfully informed about numerous important issues,” Matthes explained, alleging that Garcia had “opened a secret bank account,” and had “not advised the board that Wild Animal Orphanage was broke.” Animal People
Sumner Matthes confronted Will West about this so-called “secret bank account” on April 29, 2010 by email. (Attached) Will West sent Nicole Garcia a separate copy of the email with a copy of the Corporate Resolution attached, signed by Michelle Cryer on March 19, 2010, which was used to open the Bank of America account. Sumner and Michelle were indeed aware of the WAO’s finances as they were updated by Will West (he was the President of the Board at the time) whenever they inquired on the status of the WAO’s finances. Will West provided this information to the other board members as Nicole Garcia was not granted direct access to the WAO’s bank account. The board denied her access last year because they did not want anyone to accuse the board of allowing another “Asvestas” into the bank accounts again. Since Michelle Cryer lived 1.3 miles away from the WAO, she had the opportunity at any time to sit down with Will West and discuss the WAO finances. To the best of my knowledge, Michelle Cryer never attempted to review the WAO’s books.

The article continues to discuss Jamie Cryer’s work history:

Jamie Cryer, 41, has started and sold three businesses, Sumner Matthes told ANIMAL PEOPLE, and “says he does not have to work for compensation.” “I have worked for Wild Animal Orphanage since Hurricane Katrina,” Jamie Cryer told ANIMAL PEOPLE, “during which time I spent months in and around Louisiana rescuing all kinds of animals and transporting them to the Best Friends temporary shelter in Mississippi. I still transport dogs and cats from Mississippi to no kill shelters in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Arizona and California. I have also done rescues with the International Fund for Animal Welfare and Big Cat Rescue,” a sanctuary in southern Florida. Animal People
It is true, Jamie Cryer worked for the WAO as its animal transporter from 2005-2009. It is my understanding he operated a commercial vehicle without a commercial license during that period. Mr. Cryer also failed to maintain a proper log of his transportation activities while working as an agent for the WAO. As a result of his negligence, the WAO was charged with five violations of 49 CFR 395.8(a) – Failing to require driver to make a record of duty status, and fined $3,550 to be paid in full no later than July 3, 2010. I pray the Cryers are making regular payments to the DOT else (

I am concerned Mr. Cryer, WAO’s “Animal Rescue Manager,” with the help of Mike Dereadt, WAO’s “Animal Rescue Team” member, may attempt to use WAO animal transport vehicles once again to transport animals for the Humane Society of the United States and for the South Mississippi Humane Society.

The Animal People article concluded with:

Sumner and Elise Matthes resigned from the Wild Animal Orphanage board on May 12, 2010, requesting repayment of a personal loan to the sanctuary of $2,000, made on May 4. “Two weeks ago there was $400 in the bank,” Elise Matthes said, “but thanks to that plea we sent out, $13,000 came in. So, there is a little money to pay animal caregivers and purchase animal food. I haven’t a clue what the future will bring.” Animal People
I believe the Cryers misled the Matthes on the ‘success’ of their May 2, 2010 “emergency appeal,” for two donors committed to send the WAO funds arranged by Nicole Garcia before April 30, 2010 ($1k PayPal donation and $4k check written prior to May 1, 2010 and received during that first week) and several individuals donated funds in response to the newsletter appeal mailed to potential donors approximately one week prior to Ms. Garcia’s termination. I also believe several donations may have come in as a result of the hundreds of newsletters hand-delivered to residences and business in the local area.

It is my understanding, the WAO continues to scrap metal in order to pay the workers’ monthly salary and for the animals feed. I am concerned the WAO management may not have paid the monthly mortgage bill for Talley Road properties. If the WAO does not make these monthly payments, the land may be forfeited back to the original owners and then resold to an interested party. I am concerned that if Carol Asvestas is able to raise the funds with her new “venture,” she may be in the position of buying the Talley Road property out from under the WAO! While this may seem preposterous at this point in time, I can honestly say this action would not surprise me in the least if it did happen.

Meanwhile, I am waiting for the Sheriff’s Office reports regarding the alleged break-ins at Nicole Garcia’s current residence located at Talley Road. As you may recall, Nicole Garcia lives on the Talley Road property and is in the process of moving into an apartment. She did not receive a legal notice from the WAO requesting she vacate the property (such as the one given to Mike Dereadt and Terry Minchew regarding their rental agreements at the Talley Road property). The only noticed Nicole Garcia received was a noticed tacked to her front door and front gate stating she had approximately four days to leave the property or she would be reported to the authorities as a trespasser. When the Cryers attempt to have to her removed on May 31, 2010, the Bexar County Sheriff Deputy whom responded to the call, informed Michelle Cryer she failed to provide Nicole Garcia with a lawful lease termination notice and therefore the officer was unable to escort Nicole Garcia from the property.

The next day, Nicole Garcia’s mobile home’s front door was kicked in and her alarm system tampered while she was away from her residence. Her front door was kicked-in again last week while Nicole Garcia was at work and the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office responded once more to her home alarm. I will send your office a copy of the Sheriff’s Office reports as they come available.

Recent events at the Leslie and Talley Road properties have me greatly concerned for the future of the WAO. The article referenced an upcoming inspection by the USDA/APHIS team, no doubt to check on the progress of the work accomplished as a result of the Inspection Report dated May 5, 2010. I am concerned with the lack of staff at the WAO, enclosure maintenance and animal care may have significantly declined.

I pray your Offices are doing more than just monitoring the situation as mentioned in the article. If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Love and Miss You Piewacket

It is with a sad heart I must report that my beloved cat of 16 years (to the month) passed away in my arms on June 5, 2010 at 1:00am.

It has been very difficult for me to write a special article on Piewacket, not because I cannot think of anything to say—on the contrary, I have so much to say about my little boy. I miss my little boy so much.

I still remember the day I found Piewacket on Lackland AFB’s Medina Annex. I was working for the 341st Recruiting Squadron and my co-workers pretty much knew how much I loved animals. I’ve rescued a hummingbird that got trapped in one of the offices and a mouse trapped in a sticky trap; so it wasn’t surprising when a co-worker asked me to look at a little kitten trapped between the grass and the sidewalk in the parking lot. I believe it was June 1994, a Friday, and the temperature was supposed to be in the 100s for the next three days.

When I found this little Siamese kitten, a little tiny bundle of white fur with just the cutest brown nose, I noticed his fur was just crawling with fleas. It looked like he had only one little blue eye.

I took the little guy in and he just barely meowed in protest. I just knew if I did not take him in, he would have died a slow death wedged between the grass and the sidewalk. Back then, I really had a great boss that let me go home for the day, so I promptly took little Pie (named after the cat in the Bell Book and Candle story) to the vet.

The vet examined the little guy and exclaimed he was probably the runt of the litter and was dumped in the parking lot because of his eye problems. Pie was given intravenous fluids and vitamins. Overall, his health was excellent, except of course for all the fleas and his eyes. Pie had his first flea bath that night, and when I bathed him, there were so many fleas on him that the bath water turned red from the blood loss.

Pie quickly settled into the apartment routine sharing a home with two other cats, Baby (female) and Sassy (male) – ahhh, my three little musketeers!

When Pie turned 12 months, it was off to the vet to get him neutered. A few weeks later, Pie met his animal eye care specialist. After a series of surgeries, Pie had vision in both eyes. Granted, it was not 20-20 vision, but the vet was able to open up his left eye socket, create eye lashes, and essentially give him the ability to see close-up. Sadly, Pie was susceptible to eye infections due to his allergies. Like his mamma, Pie suffered from spring and fall allergies.

Pie was my best little buddy and the only kitty I allowed to sleep with me at night. Pie always slept on his side of the bed, never waking me up in the middle of the night. He did not pounce on my face when I slept or prowled around the room making noises during the night, like my other cats. Little Pie actually SLEPT through the night and was ready to leave the room when it was time to get up.

I called him my little football (he was about that size) as I would carry him like a football tucked in my arms each night on the way to bed. If I forgot to get my ‘little football,’ Pie would stand outside my door and cry and cry and cry until I let him in. He always sauntered into the room as if nothing was amiss!

When Pie was diagnosed with cancer in the mouth in 2009, I was devastated. After his first surgery to remove the mass from his mouth, I noticed Pie started losing some weight. I had hoped the cancer mass would not grow back in his mouth, but sadly it did about four months later. After Pie’s second surgery to remove the mass, Pie lost a lot of weight. He was put on special food to help him retain some of his weight. By that time, Pie started to lose some muscle mass as well.

For eight months, Pie remained cancer free. Then, last month, I noticed the mass growing back. Pie lost so much weight; I think he weighed about the same amount as when I found him as a kitten. Pie was a fighter. During this time, he still consumed a can of food each day, along with his dry food, and the occasional dog food pieces which he stole from the dogs. Pie loved food and his illness did not keep him from eating.

I knew his time was short, but I guess I just wanted to believe he would get better, maybe put some more weight on, so he could undergo his third surgery. I even went to the vet to buy him the special food that helped him put on some weight after his last surgery, the day before he passed away. That day, Pie enjoyed ½ can of the special food—he ate with such gusto I truly believed he had a chance to live a little longer. I know it sounds selfish, but I just wasn’t ready to let him go.

 Pie died in my arms and it was the hardest thing in the world to watch as he slipped away from me. Piewacket was an extraordinary kitty and he will always be in my heart. I miss him so much and it will be a while before I stop making a special dinner plate for him each night. I will see Pie again in Heaven some day. As I told him during his last few hours on Earth, it will only seem like a moment that we are separated (from his prospective in Heaven) while from my prospective it will seem like forever before we are reunited. I just hope Pie recognizes me when he sees me again as I will no doubt have changed much in appearance!

On Piewacket’s last evening, Blessing (cat), Who-dini cat), Rex (dog) and Endy (dog) stayed with me and Pie in my bedroom. The elder animals slept around Pie’s makeshift ‘bed’ keeping him company until his final moments when I asked the animals to leave the room. When it was Pie’s time to go, he cried out to me to let me know that it was his time to say goodbye. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I was glad he said goodbye at home and not at the vet clinic.

So, I will conclude by saying Piewacket was a most beloved animal who came into my life on a warm June morning and left my life 16-years later on another warm June morning. One thing my boy always had was timing. Pie kept perfect time. God Bless Piewacket’s Soul into Heaven. I will love him always.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Scary Premonition

I spoke with Nicole earlier today, and like her, I think there is something seriously brewing at the WAO. Nicole is worried for her personal safety. I am worried about her safety and the safety of the animals.

I don’t think they have any more money to pay the workers. Michelle and Mary were seen leaving the WAO around 2:00pm. This assertion was verified by the Reininger’s WAO web activity today starting at 2:15pm. It looks like they were interested in the monthly updates and board of directors’ web pages. How in the world can they feed and clean cages for approximately 300 animals if they leave three hours early?

In any case I think Carol is plotting to take over the WAO once again. It would not surprise me if she tried to make a deal with the OAG and USDA since both organizations are merely “monitoring” the WAO situation. Perhaps she’ll propose to work for the WAO free of charge for a while? Or how about taking a reduced salary for “x” amount of years? Maybe she’ll agree to fully comply with the OAG’s directives (not that she ever did that before!) and allow the OAG to audit her records at any time? Oh, and of course, it will all be under the guise that only SHE can bring in the big donors to save the WAO. I got one word for all this – BLACKMAIL!

The OAG and USDA offices are so desperate to put this entire mess behind them, I’m afraid they might even consider or worse case scenario, agree to this crazy plan! I mean, what would stop Carol Asvestas from buying the Talley Road property from under the WAO, seeing how the mortgage is already two months behind? If she was able to secure this property, then she could BLACKMAIL the government into giving the WAO back to her.

AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH! What a scary premonition!!!

Cryers are 'Liars'

Animal People May 2010 Newsletter Article

Money crunch brings another leadership change at Wild Animal Orphanage

SAN ANTONIO––Under new management for the
second time since September 2009, Wild Animal Orphanage
remains mired in litigation pertaining to the leadership transitions,
and in a cash flow crisis coinciding with the national
recession of the past two years. But ANIMAL PEOPLE was
told by sources with conflicting views about a variety of other
matters that many of the most alarming rumors about the sanctuary
circulating in early May 2010 appeared to be exaggerated.
“Our office has taken no legal action against this San
Antonio facility nor do we anticipate any, at this point,” Texas
Office of Attorney General spokesperson Tom Kelley told
ANIMAL PEOPLE. “We are monitoring their efforts daily,
nothing more.”

“We have made the proper arrangements, are currently
in good standing, and are in no way getting foreclosed,”
acting Wild Animal Orphanage director Jamie Cryer told ANIMAL

“The Wild Animal Orphanage properties are not in
foreclosure,” confirmed Elise Matthes, director of Sarasota In
Defense of Animals, who served temporarily on the WAO
board with her husband Sumner during the most recent leadership
change. The original property, purchased in 1990, was
fully paid off in 2008, Elise Matthes said. Larger properties
acquired in 1999 and 2001 are 62% and 84% paid off, respectively,
with about $93,000 remaining to pay, according to figures
Elise Matthes provided.

Wild Animal Orphanage founder Carol Asvestas,
who lives next door to the original property, told ANIMAL
PEOPLE that she had not heard the foreclosure rumor, and
knew of no reason to believe it.

Asvestas directed Wild Animal Orphanage from 1993
through September 2009, assisted by her husband Ron, but
after years of controversies inflamed by the San Antonio
Lightning news web site, Asvestas was ousted on October 4,
2009 by a coup d’etat led by her daughter Nicole Garcia.
Telling ANIMAL PEOPLE that much of the L i g h t n i n g
reportage was accurate, Garcia dropped a libel suit against the
Lightning filed by her mother on behalf of the sanctuary.
ANIMAL PEOPLE learned on April 26, 2010 that
Wild Animal Orphanage board members had begun seeking a
replacement for Garcia. “On April 30, 2010 Garcia was terminated,”
13-year Wild Animal Orphanage board member
Sumner Matthes said. “We learned that the board was not
truthfully informed about numerous important issues,” Matthes
explained, alleging that Garcia had “opened a secret bank
account,” and had “not advised the board that Wild Animal
Orphanage was broke.” ANIMAL PEOPLE did not succeed
in reaching Garcia to get her response.

The situation went public on May 1, 2010, when
KENS 5 News in San Antonio reported that “Volunteers at the
Wild Animal Orphanage showed up to feed the animals but
found the locks had been changed. Police were called and
eventually opened the doors so that the animals could be fed.”
Garcia said “the animals are not in danger and will not be euthanized,”
added Christopher Heath of KENS 5 News.
Appealing to animal advocates and other animal charities
for emergency help, Sumner Matthes on May 5, 2010
announced that Jamie Cryer, husband of Wild Animal
Orphanage board member Michelle Cryer, would succeed
Garcia on an interim basis.

Said Matthes, Jamie Cryer “willingly agreed to work
without compensation to assure the feeding and care of the 400
resident animals,” including 57 tigers, 24 other big cats, 219
monkeys, 22 bears, and 16 chimpanzees.
“Compassionate caregivers are still reporting to work
to feed, clean, and care for the animals,” Sumner Matthes
said. “However, six caregivers are temporarily
working without compensation.”
Jamie Cryer, 41, has started and
sold three businesses, Sumner Matthes told
ANIMAL PEOPLE, and “says he does
not have to work for compensation.”
“I have worked for Wild Animal
Orphanage since Hurricane Katrina,”
Jamie Cryer told ANIMAL PEOPLE,
“during which time I spent months in and
around Louisiana rescuing all kinds of animals
and transporting them to the Best
Friends temporary shelter in Mississippi. I
still transport dogs and cats from
Mississippi to no kill shelters in New York,
New Jersey, Florida, Arizona and
California. I have also done rescues with
the International Fund for Animal Welfare
and Big Cat Rescue,” a sanctuary in southern

The Wild Animal Orphanage
facilities are near the Friends of Animals
subsidiary Primarily Primates, Wildlife
Rescue & Rehabilitation, and the Born
Free Primate Sanctuary. Sumner Matthes
confirmed that “We have been in contact
with several organizations to seek options,”
but this initiative ran into conflict with the
Texas Office of Attorney General, Elise
Matthes told ANIMAL PEOPLE.
Elise Matthes questioned “continuing
to run up huge debts with attorneys” in
response to wrongful dismissal litigation
brought by Carol and Ron Asvestas, with
litigation also expected from Nicole Garcia. Elise Matthes said
more than $100,000 had already been spent, with $19,000
owing in cases involving Wild Animal Orphanage. “To spend
these astronomical monies on legal fees with donations made
by generous contributors to feed and care for the animals is
unconscionable,” Elise Matthes said, but did not say what
options Wild Animal Orphanage might have to avoid legal fees
after being sued.

Sumner and Elise Matthes resigned from the Wild
Animal Orphanage board on May 12, 2010, requesting repayment
of a personal loan to the sanctuary of $2,000, made on
May 4. “Two weeks ago there was $400 in the bank,” Elise
Matthes said, “but thanks to that plea we sent out, $13,000
came in. So, there is a little money to pay animal caregivers
and purchase animal food. I haven’t a clue what the future will
bring.” ––Merritt Clifton


Well, I emailed Merritt Clifton and thus far, after four days, I have heard not word one from him. If I recall, Merritt Clifton was sympathetic towards the Asvestas. This assertion seemed to be supported by the comment made in this article "Asvestas directed Wild Animal Orphanage from 1993 through September 2009, assisted by her husband Ron, but after years of controversies inflamed by the San Antonio Lightning news web site, Asvestas was ousted on October 4, 2009 by a coup d’etat led by her daughter Nicole Garcia." Where in the world did this person get the idea that Nicole led a coup d'etat? Only one source--Carol Asvestas and/or crew. No mention of the USDA write-ups or the hundreds of pages submitted to the Texas OAG against the Asvestas regarding their business management. No mention that, according to the last board Ron and Carol attended transcript, Carol repeatedly told the board she "quit" to the board of directors after several attempts to confront Carol with disturbing issues presented to the board. No mention that the Asvestas left the WAO in serious debt of over $100k. So much for accurate and unbiased reporting!

Below is the resignation letter from the Matthes':

Elise Matthes resignes - 051210

Looks like Nicole Garcia was right when she stated that the OAG did not want Elise on the WAO's board.  What a shock.

Here's another article from the San Antonio Current:

June 2, 2010 - News - The QueQue

RIP Bubba

Wild Animal Orphanage endured yet another tough month, capped off by the euthanization of Bubba, the beloved white tiger. The start of May brought new management, with husband-and-wife team Jamie and Michelle Cryer assuming the director and chairman-of-the-board slots, respectively, after the board members fired Nicole Garcia as CEO in a messy parting of ways that involved changed locks and accusations of secret meetings. The Cryers also let several office personnel go in an effort to control costs and redirect funds to animal care and feed.  The new management released a desperate press release May 2, asking for contributions to help maintain animal care.
Unfortunately, the saddest, and most recent, story concerning WAO is the death of Bubba. We visited the exotic animal back in early May, and to our untrained eyes, the poor thing looked desperately thin and seemingly in pain with every step. Jamie Cryer told us Bubba arrived at WAO in compromised health, possibly due to poor diet and care under previous owners. After two veterinarians independently recommended euthanizing Bubba, he was put down last Friday. Though the final culprit was suspected to be lymphoma, the Wild Animal Orphanage had a necropsy performed and the results are pending.

This comes on the heels of more personnel shake-ups within the organization. In mid-May longtime board member Sumner Matthes and wife Elise (who joined the board to fill Garcia’s slot) left their positions. Three new members, including Suzanne Straw, a member of SeaWorld’s zoological team, joined, and the website lists one position still open. Samuel Sherwood, a “management specialist,” as community-relations director Robert Mitchell calls him, came in several weeks ago and left last week. Mitchell, who was recruited by Sherwood, explained the management master’s quick visit thusly: “`Sherwood’s` focus was to get things back in order and set up a management system to get everything under control. We’re still doing that, just without him.” Mitchell, a part-time employee with military public-relations training (30 years ago) said he would stay because “I don’t want to leave these people in a lurch.” Currently, there is no full-time veterinarian on staff. Animal medical care beyond what can be provided by the five animal-care technicians is provided by two volunteer vets, according to Mitchell.

We asked Mitchell if WAO had plans to replace Director Jamie Cryer, one of the more controversial staff members at WAO, though he is working without a salary. In early May, when we asked Cryer himself how long he planned to stay, he indicated his position is temporary, yet Mitchell said on May 30 there were no plans to recruit a permanent director. Garcia and former board member Kristina Brunner frequently point out Jamie Cryer’s past criminal record (several nonviolent misdemeanors from 1991-92, when Cryer was between 21 and 22 years old), and a more recent $3,500 fine levied by the Department of Transportation last fall, when Cryer worked as an animal transporter for WAO, which the Orphanage must pay off in full by July 3.

Despite all the hustle and bustle in the people department, things in the financial department still appear stagnant. Mitchell told us that donations were at the same level they were just after Cryer stepped in as director and that the Orphanage is “still in the hole,” though he did not have exact data. Tours, a primary source of income, have been reduced by two hours per day, and we’re told the Orphanage was not open for at least Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day weekend. To help prop up the organization during what Mitchell calls “a little bit of turbulence,” Mitchell is helping to plan a benefit concert for July 11 at Floore’s Country Store in Helotes. In the meantime, we’ll be very interested to see the results of the next USDA inspection, expected to be performed this week or early next, to get a better sense of how the Orphanage is being run on the level where it really matters: four paws.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


It happened yet again! Last night Nicole received texted messages at work saying her home alarm system was activated. Apparently someone entered her front door once again. The Sheriff’s Office responded and I believe the report is going to reflect another break-in. Right now I am waiting for both reports so they can be sent to the OAG.These cowardly criminals apparently strike only when Nicole is away from home.

Today, Jamie Cryer was seen just sitting in his truck at the Talley Road facing Nicole’s home. Just sitting there. Alone. In his truck. What a creepy person.

Speaking of creepy, I noticed the volunteer web page I created was changed to this:

With new management comes new policies and procedures. Thank you for your interest in the sanctuary's volunteer program. Beginning 1 May 2010 we have inaugurated a policy where only adults 18 and over, unless accompanied by a guardian or parent, can volunteer.

We are looking for strong backs who can help us improve the cages, fencing, clear brush and trees, remove trash, and generally give the sanctuary the kind of enviornoment that the animals are used to. We are striving to make bigger cages for all of the animals and volunteers can make a big difference in their lives. The sanctuary has had some animals in cages for years without access to a natural environment of water pools, trees, and dirt to dig in and play with. Natural dens for the bears is a big goal, and volunteers can help us provide the type of enclosures that will facilitate that.

Please step up and donate your time, it will make a significant difference in your life, and the lives of these animals.

Okay, never mind the misspellings and grammatical errors, I believe the comment "we are looking for strong backs" can be interpreted as a disparaging remark. Strong backs?? Whoever wrote this says "we are striving to make bigger cages for all of the animals" -- really how? No cage material! It was sold for cash! It will be a long time before money is raised to buy new caging material so the bear cages can be finished. I think the Cryers realized their big mistake by getting rid of Nicole too soon -- if they only waited one month, one of the bear cages would have already been completed!

"Please step up..." What? How can anyone "step up" if there are no workers around to work with the volunteers on special projects? I guess only "strong backs" can volunteer...what about volunteer office staff? Volunteer animal enrichment care staff? Hmmm.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Plans to Evict Foiled

Well, I had a long talk with the WAO’s vet on Friday and she told me that Bubba was on a lot of medication costing the WAO approximately $200 per month. She said when I saw him he was comfortable on the pain medication he was receiving which explains why he was able to move around and play with his toys. It also explains why he seemed so happy in the photograph I took of him on April 10, 2010.

The vet said when she saw Bubba last week; he was unable to even get up. Which leads me to wonder if the workers simply stopped giving Bubba all of his medication or if they ran out of his medication and could not afford to buy him more? In any case, the vet said it was time for Bubba to go to sleep so he could be pain free for she was afraid he was suffering.

I also think Bubba was depressed and did not understand why those who cared for him, ended up leaving him all at once. He was so happy when I saw him each weekend from January – April 2010. I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive the Cryers for what they did to Bubba.

In the meantime, these same evil people tried to run Nicole Garcia (former CEO) from her home of nine years, with a simple notice tacked to her door and perimeter gate stating she needed to leave the Talley Road property within five days (oh, and did I mention they back dated the noticed to May 21st?).

On Memorial Day (Monday), Michelle Cryer showed up at the Talley Road property, waiting for the Deputy Sheriff to show up and “evict” Nicole from the property, having the audacity of parking right in front of Nicole’s home.

Just as I predicted to Nicole, the Deputy Sheriff could not ask Nicole to leave simply because the Cryers had not properly served her with an eviction notice as required by law. These “people” have no idea how to follow the letter of the law when it comes to taking over the WAO and Nicole’s home.

Now the Cryers have to wait another 30 days before Nicole has to leave the property as they will have to serve her with a legal notice.

It was reported to me, Michelle Cryer was not a happy camper when she saw the deputy sheriff and Nicole having a pleasant conversation on the porch as they discussed the current situation. Apparently, she departed in a cloud of dust from the property.

Some of the more outlandish claims Michelle Cryer reportedly made to the Deputy Sheriff that day was Nicole had changed the locks on the main gate and the mobile home. Needless to say, both statements were obvious lies for how did Michelle enter the property and sat around waiting for the Deputy Sheriff near the warehouse if Nicole had changed the locks? According to Nicole, she did not even change the mobile home’s lock. The Cryers, in the opinion, are liars and thieves, and they should be the ones evicted from the WAO.

In any case, today, the Cryers, wanting to elevate the situation, allegedly kicked open her front door, disabled her alarm system and apparently pulled the meter face off Nicole Garcia’s mobile home, thereby cutting off her electricity and water supply. This action resulted in spoiling her food in the refrigerator, no a/c, no way to prepare meals, and effectively disabled her home alarm system.

I believe the Cryers cut her power intentionally in an attempt to scare her off the property.
The Cryers illegal action (or action taken by their agents) also resulted in disconnecting the WAO animals’ water supply, for you see, the water pump (for the well) worked off of Nicole’s electricity meter. When Nicole advised CPS of the electricity cut, she was told the electricity was illegally hooked up at the Talley Road facility and therefore someone will be dispatched to examine the damaged meter box. Now this should be interesting because the electric company can cite the WAO for maintaining an illegal hookup and then illegally disconnecting the box.

This situation has gotten out of control. The Cryers are thugs and they are relying on “thug-like tactics” to get their way. I fear for Nicole and the animals’ lives if the Cryers continue on this path of destruction.

The Cryers are, in my opinion, truly evil people.