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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sit Back and Wait

Just a few discoveries I wanted to make sure got posted before I forgot:

Discovered from the Texas Secretary of State Office that Jamie Cryer had another failed business, which apparently he ran out of his own home called J&M Pest Control LLC. What a surprise--two failed business in the two cities he lived in.

What I found very interesting was this exchange between Michelle Cryer and a poster to the San Antonio's Current's last story called Wild Animal Orphanage Update: Bye Bye Bubba:

On 6/5/2010 6:15:56 PM, TigerStripes said:
While certainly there are several criminal records pertaining to Jamie Cryer spread over two Texas counties, dating back to early to mid 90’s, what everyone should keep in mind is that it say something about the character of this person. For instance, according to Bexar County records, Cryer was found guilty of possessing a prohibited firearm (a felony, I believe) and did not complete his probation in a satisfactorily manner. What does this say about Cryer’s character? What does it say about the character of the animal sanctuary when the Cryer family (husband, wife, and brother) currently operating the WAO, all have criminal histories?

Some may say “people can change.” I say, "a tiger cannot change its stripes."
On 6/7/2010 3:03:15 AM, JungleMan said:
More to the point, what do those "semi-coherent concerns" say about their CURRENT character? Not only did they refuse to return transport cages to the rightful owners, but Jamie and his brother SOLD them and quite a bit of WAO's own caging to a local scrap metal dealer. This was confirmed by the owner of Great Western Recycling himself, so it's not just a rumor or allegation. It's fact. The Cryers are stripping the place of anything not welded down, for beer money. What less could you expect of an ex-con who's not getting paid (at least not above-board)?

On 6/9/2010 11:24:52 PM, haha said:
just let it gooooooo already!!!! oh my!!!!!! dont you people have a life??? no one is going to be good enough to run that orphanage! you guys just have to gossip and complain about someone or a comment blog wouldnt be the same! those transporters he "sold" or whatever were holding tigers that were being kept in them for 2 years! rightful owners??they should be in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that lady is crazy!!!! besides wtf has jamie done that is sooo wrong?????? let go of the past. everyone has ghosts in their closets. you know what they say about people that point fingers anyway....there are ten pointing back at you. give these people a break. ex get a life people! think about it this way... nicole is out!!!! although im sure the people slandering jamie's name are prob on nicole's side.


On 6/11/2010 7:15:50 PM, Falcon said:
Ha, Ha, apparently you do not have a life either, else you would not have taken the opportunity to post a comment—so I guess, in a sense, you are perpetuating the life of this story along with all the other past posters.

It appears “Ha Ha’s” social and intelligence level is to that of a teenager posting on a social website with all the exclamation points, the crude “wtf” and of course the girlish “lol” statements. So “Ha Ha” may not possess the life experiences to know that one cannot sell someone’s property without their approval just because she may not like the person or their actions—Ha Ha, my dear, that’s still call theft. And based on your posting, it sounds like you are in the “circle” of friends at the WAO, and are parroting the party line given by this “new management” as to why they willfully sold someone’s equipment without seeking prior approval first.

Pointing out illegal behavior, whether it occurred in the past or still continues today, is important simply because the WAO is a not-for-profit organization, sustained by the “kind donations” made by caring individuals. Donors need to know their contact information will be protected, their contributions will be used for the intended purpose stated in the mission statement, and management will operate the organization in a legal and ethical business fashion.

I’m sure we would all like to know what type of “businesses” Mr. Cryer owned/operated prior to assuming the role of “Director, Physical Plant Operations, Animal Rescue Team Manager.” Local records revealed an abstract of judgment filed against one “Jamie Cryer” for delinquent taxes relating to a failed business called “KUSTOM KLEAN LUBE CENTER.” I would be curious to see the list of businesses Mr. Cryer purports to have owned/operated, to determine how successful this so-called “Texas businessman” really is posted to this site. Past work performance can be a barometer to determine future work success.

This entire situation is reminiscence of the Asvestas reign over the WAO as they too operated a failed business called Aaronger Plumbing. As to Ha Ha’s assertion that “no one is going to be good enough to run that orphanage,” I believe this statement to be a self defeatist attitude, for there are qualified professional individuals willing to save the WAO. Unfortunately, until all the “bad elements” are rooted out of the WAO, the organization will continue its slow march towards finality.

Once again the famous axiom applies to this situation, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


On 6/11/2010 9:06:06 PM, ok? said:  
then why dont you smarty pants get off your "look at me i'm so educated I'm going to use every word I know" high-horse and do something about it? You all would find something wrong with Ghandi!

You are all bark little doggy and no bite. You hide behind the computer! You really do seem to have no life because you write a book. You try to act like you are a know-it-all...well if so why don't you make a difference instead of hiding behind a computer screen. You sound like a big whiny baby. Go cry to someone who can do something instead of a blog! Why don't you go down to the WAO and tell Jamie and Michelle all these things to their faces. Because I am sure they don't come on here and read this. You seem to hold grudges and live in a basement in your mothers house. Get a life.

and speaking of Ghandi-

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”


On 6/11/2010 9:11:16 PM, ok? said:
and btw- do you even know Bubba? Because this is supposed to be a comment posting about him. Or did you just need somewhere to vent your crap?


On 6/11/2010 10:05:59 PM, Falcon said:
We'll just let the last two postings by "ok?" speak for itself!


On 6/11/2010 10:11:22 PM, ok? said:
Who are you talking to exactly?


On 6/14/2010 8:55:37 PM, Rocketman said:
Might want to check around to verify whether or not J&M Pest Control LLC, operated out of the Cryers former address in Kerrville, is another failed business. Found out this business certificate was forfeited due to tax forfeiture. Would love to learn about any "other" businesses the Cryers owned in the past. Hey guys, do you even have one success story you can brag about or are they all failures?

Michelle Cryer doesn't appear to be too bright does she?  After reading the comments I have little doubt that Michelle Cryer was responding to the comments.  If I remember correctly, doesn't Cryer likes to quote Gandhi at the bottom of her emails?

Meanwhile, Nicole reported earlier this week that Alex Cryer and Mike Dereadt were seen hauling more metal pieces out of the Talley Road property. Very soon, Nicole will be moving into her new home away from the WAO. No doubt, once she leaves, Alex Cryer will move in to the mobile home. I am very scared for the WAO animals. Will he bring guns and drugs onto the property?

I'm still waiting for the USDA inspection report to be posted to the USDA's website plus I am waiting for my OAG public information documents to be sent to me. It is my understanding I am to receive over 600 pages which cost me over $138.

I am also waiting for the Sheriff's Office report of the incidents that occurred at the Talley Road facility on May 31, June 1, and June 2, 2010.
So, for now, I am in the wait and see pattern. Did learn one thing of interest. Since the WAO is listed as a DBA, that means personal assets can be seized to satisfy a court's writ of execution. The ASUS is the corporation from what I understand, so the entire affair may become very dicey if bills are not paid.

Speaking of items over due, I wonder when the WAO plans on filing its 2009 990? I guess all I can do now is just sit back and wait.

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