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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Plans to Evict Foiled

Well, I had a long talk with the WAO’s vet on Friday and she told me that Bubba was on a lot of medication costing the WAO approximately $200 per month. She said when I saw him he was comfortable on the pain medication he was receiving which explains why he was able to move around and play with his toys. It also explains why he seemed so happy in the photograph I took of him on April 10, 2010.

The vet said when she saw Bubba last week; he was unable to even get up. Which leads me to wonder if the workers simply stopped giving Bubba all of his medication or if they ran out of his medication and could not afford to buy him more? In any case, the vet said it was time for Bubba to go to sleep so he could be pain free for she was afraid he was suffering.

I also think Bubba was depressed and did not understand why those who cared for him, ended up leaving him all at once. He was so happy when I saw him each weekend from January – April 2010. I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive the Cryers for what they did to Bubba.

In the meantime, these same evil people tried to run Nicole Garcia (former CEO) from her home of nine years, with a simple notice tacked to her door and perimeter gate stating she needed to leave the Talley Road property within five days (oh, and did I mention they back dated the noticed to May 21st?).

On Memorial Day (Monday), Michelle Cryer showed up at the Talley Road property, waiting for the Deputy Sheriff to show up and “evict” Nicole from the property, having the audacity of parking right in front of Nicole’s home.

Just as I predicted to Nicole, the Deputy Sheriff could not ask Nicole to leave simply because the Cryers had not properly served her with an eviction notice as required by law. These “people” have no idea how to follow the letter of the law when it comes to taking over the WAO and Nicole’s home.

Now the Cryers have to wait another 30 days before Nicole has to leave the property as they will have to serve her with a legal notice.

It was reported to me, Michelle Cryer was not a happy camper when she saw the deputy sheriff and Nicole having a pleasant conversation on the porch as they discussed the current situation. Apparently, she departed in a cloud of dust from the property.

Some of the more outlandish claims Michelle Cryer reportedly made to the Deputy Sheriff that day was Nicole had changed the locks on the main gate and the mobile home. Needless to say, both statements were obvious lies for how did Michelle enter the property and sat around waiting for the Deputy Sheriff near the warehouse if Nicole had changed the locks? According to Nicole, she did not even change the mobile home’s lock. The Cryers, in the opinion, are liars and thieves, and they should be the ones evicted from the WAO.

In any case, today, the Cryers, wanting to elevate the situation, allegedly kicked open her front door, disabled her alarm system and apparently pulled the meter face off Nicole Garcia’s mobile home, thereby cutting off her electricity and water supply. This action resulted in spoiling her food in the refrigerator, no a/c, no way to prepare meals, and effectively disabled her home alarm system.

I believe the Cryers cut her power intentionally in an attempt to scare her off the property.
The Cryers illegal action (or action taken by their agents) also resulted in disconnecting the WAO animals’ water supply, for you see, the water pump (for the well) worked off of Nicole’s electricity meter. When Nicole advised CPS of the electricity cut, she was told the electricity was illegally hooked up at the Talley Road facility and therefore someone will be dispatched to examine the damaged meter box. Now this should be interesting because the electric company can cite the WAO for maintaining an illegal hookup and then illegally disconnecting the box.

This situation has gotten out of control. The Cryers are thugs and they are relying on “thug-like tactics” to get their way. I fear for Nicole and the animals’ lives if the Cryers continue on this path of destruction.

The Cryers are, in my opinion, truly evil people.

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