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Monday, January 30, 2012

Former WAO Chimp Passes Away From Health Complications

Another sad passing to report of a former WAO chimp.  According to Save the Chimps Facebook today, Katherine passed away on 1.18.12 "as a result of complications related to stroke and heart disease."  Here is a link to their website honoring Katherine's passing:

Katherine was born June 5, 1984 at the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP), a lab in New York State that closed its doors in the late 1990s.
We have no records of her life there. However, we do know that the chimps at LEMSIP were typically housed alone for most of their lives in a 5’ x 5’ x 7’ cage suspended off of the floor like a birdcage and frequently anesthetized for research protocols.
When LEMSIP closed, Katherine was selected to move to a facility known as Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) in San Antonio, TX. However, WAO did not yet have a facility available for Katherine and the other chimps chosen to move to WAO. Katherine was sent to New Iberia Research Center (NIRC) on May 16, 1996. Again, no records were received to indicate what her life was like there. On October 19, 2000, Katherine was transferred to WAO, which had constructed a living area for her and other rescued chimps. There Katherine lived in a small group of former LEMSIP chimps who, like her, had been waiting at NIRC for retirement.

Katherine resided at WAO for more than ten years. WAO went bankrupt, however, and sought placement for its residents, which included monkeys, tigers, lions, bears, and chimpanzees. Save the Chimps was able to rescue eleven chimpanzees from Wild Animal Orphanage. Katherine and her friends Late, Wally, Mandingo, Tina, Kayla, and Katina moved to Save the Chimps’ New Mexico location on March 10, 2011 to be integrated into a larger group of chimpanzees. There they met Kaleb, Marc, Dwight, Ace, Oliver, Tyra, Comet, Pam, and Lisa. On August 25, 2011, Katherine and her family arrived at their island home in Florida. Katherine loved the island and her new found freedom, and often refused to come indoors. Her place was on the grass, the rolling hills, and shaded platforms of her new home. Although we did not know Katherine for long, her strength and beauty quickly endeared her to us, and her absence is deeply felt.
If only Save the Chimps knew what kind of life poor Katherine suffered at the WAO.  And of courses, the WAO did not maintain any comprehensive records on its animals--funny how that was glossed over in the above obit.  The WAO chimps probably didn't have any "records" seeing how the the animals (including chimps) did not receive regular (or otherwise) vet care as they should have--after all, the chimps had "nurse" Asvestas and her "nurses aides" Mary & Michelle Reininger!  Records show the "girls" practiced medicine without a license, and yet no one seemed to care that they failed miserably (see Amanda's story as just one example).

As to the missing LEMSIP records--I have to wonder if some type of records were sent to the WAO, but for some reason they were either destroyed (seeing how the WAO did not believe in animal records keeping) or if they are still floating.  If the Reiningers really cared about the chimps, they would have demanded the records from the former facility and had them transfered to Talley Road.   I guess we will never know the truth behind the missing records.

Regardless, Katherine deserved better and I am so happy she died "free" at Save the Chimps, enjoying life on her island and not in an old WAO cage with concrete-like hard ground with sharp rocks, no trees or shrubs, no soft grass, and no enrichment.  Her life is to be celebrated.  There has been too much mourning over the loss of so many former WAO animals.  It's time to be grateful she got to see paradise on Earth before she went to Heaven.  God Bless Katherine for she was truly loved and she died happy.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Collin Zoo--Another Example Where the Government Failed the Animals for Years!

For the last couple of days, there’s been discussion on Facebook regarding the Collin Exotic Zoo that was closed yesterday and its animals rehomed due to deplorable living conditions.

I’ll let the following posts explain why I am so frustrated with the legal system.  There truly is no justice or protection of the animals as long as animal abuse cases take years to hear or if law enforcement simply fails to do their jobs simply because the victims are “only animals.”

 A Few Posting from Global Federation

Mark Hernandez I just have one question -- if the animals were living in inhumane conditions for years -- why did it take so long to rehome them? I mean really -- years?? It is truly sad to read it took YEARS to finally free the animals from such terrible condtions.... I cannot imagine the suffering they underwent...for so many years. 1.26.12

Amanda Katz Someone asked the HSUS about this on their wall. They said they turned in a full report right after the investigation in March 2010, but they aren't legally allowed to take any animals until the state officially seizes them. It took the state that long to act in this case. 1.26.12

There is a case I know of where many groups turned in evidence to a sheriff, 4 inches thick! Clear cut cruelty. No action in more than a year by the law enforcement, despite meetings with the attorney general, etc. In addition, when law enforcement DOES want to act, they want to make sure there is a good place to take the animals. Most reputable sanctuaries are more than full, compared to just three years ago. This economy has placed a lot of animals in need.  Law enforcement DOES want to act, they want to make sure there is a good place to take the animals. Most reputable sanctuaries are more than full, compared to just three years ago. This economy has placed a lot of animals in need.

Mark Hernandez I hear a lot of cries for more regulation on exotic wild animals; however, it appears there is either a court backlog on animal abuse related cases because there is only one or two judges available to hear federal cases involving the USDA thereby resulting in cases sitting on the docket for years; or worse, law enforcement officials are hesitant to get involved in animal related cases, for whatever reason. Before new "feel good" laws are put on the books, what can we do to move the cases that are awaiting trial to move forward or to encourage law enforcement to simply "do their jobs?" Animals waiting their day in court, forced to live in deplorable conditions for years on end, is simply inexcusable. 1.26.12

A Few Private Group Postings

Mark Hernandez  What is truly sad is that it took YEARS of alleged animal abuse before they were rehomed by HSUS. Why did it take YEARS? Just how many animals have to die before the USDA finally stepped in and did their jobs? Sounds like another Texas sanctuary in which the USDA failed to do its job for YEARS before it finally told the sanctuary to shut its doors and rehome its own animals (WAO). 1.26.12

Diane Gustafson I can tell you why it took years...the same reason it took years to shut down Great Cats of Indiana - not enough ALJs (judges). I was told there were three, and at that time two of them were in Afghanistan, and the other one had a docket 10 miles long. It took about eight years for the USDA to finally take away that owners license to exhibit. EIGHT YEARS.  1.26.12

Mark Hernandez This is outrageous. Had this been a private owner, I can guarantee you it would not have taken "8 years!" The public would have been howling for this to be resolved in 8 days or less... 1.26.12

Diane Gustafson Great Cats WAS a private doesn't matter. Three ALJs is not enough to cover the entire nation, you know? That's what's crazy!  1.26.12

A Few Big Cat Rescue postings

Mark Hernandez I just have one question -- if the animals were living in inhumane conditions for years -- why did it take so long to rehome them? I mean really -- years?? It is truly sad to read it took YEARS to finally free the animals from such terrible condtions.... I cannot imagine the suffering they underwent...for so many years.

Daniela Rada This is just wrong! We need better laws to prevent this from happening everywhere! Or just do your part go to all small zoos around your are and see if they are truly treating the animal fair, if not TELL the authorities or someone. Remember they can voice their opinion but YOU can do it for them!!!  1.26.12

Terri Halle @Mark, it takes so long because they have to document and issue warnings for changes to be made. If there are charges, then there is court proceedings, then appeals to any verdict. I'm all for protecting anyone innocent if charged with a crime, but damn, OBVIOUSLY this should have been open and shut in 2009 from the looks of the mud and skinny cats! Inspectors should have done something about it long ago, but there are only a few with USDA who also inspect farms and food plants. If Fish and Wildlife was involved then there can be conflict with state and federal, so it goes round and round, much like the incident in Ohio ended up being, because having big cats wasn't illegal and only bears (as native state animals) were checked up on over the years. It's a mess that's for sure, when you add in the fact that ANYONE can easily buy any kind of wild animal on the interWEB, then HIDE it while it's a cute cub in a back yard or garage and until an incident occurs it might go on to live in a basement . . . Like the 4 Servals who lived many years in a NY basement room without any sun or grass or activity - for YEARS, I think it was 10 or more! Tony the truck stop tiger in Louisiana is a perfect example people not wanting to rock the boat or change how things have always been done. That particular state is one of the worst with corrupt 'good ole boys' running the show. Tony has lived for almost 12 years, among traffic noises in the parking lot and interstate; lights overhead/around and never in darkness or peace; has fumes from gas; plus people who throw rocks or trash and let their dogs torment him for a reaction. A verdict late last year ordered the license not be renewed in December 2011, BUT Tony is still there pacing back/forth endlessly.  1.26.12

Terri Halle For those unable to watch . . . I don't watch to be horrified or 'get off' on the horrific use/abuse. I watch to honor those who have suffered. It's the LEAST I can do for them, to be informed and want their life to change for the better. Not looking will not make it go away and Too Many people choose to not look to know better, because knowing better means We Do Better.   

When are folks going to learn that we don’t need new laws, we need laws to be enforced and tried in a court of law in a timely manner.  The whole system is failing the animals and then people wonder why there are so many negative stories about the bad owners. 
You’ll never hear anything bad about the good owners, simply because they are law abiding citizens. There are so many great animals living in great homes, not owned by sanctuaries, but very few will ever speak out because they don't want to be targeted by animal rights groups, so they are forced into silence.

Meanwhile, the sanctuaries that are scamming money in the name of their animals, can continue stealing for years, until they are finally forced out of business -- by choice!  And then start up again, somewhere else, under another name!

Look at the WAO case – Carol Asvestas is still in the animal shelter “business” and yet the government turns their collective heads and *coughs* at the idea of stopping her from, in my opinion, abusing/exploiting animals and scamming money from donors, once more.  Crazy is right!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy and Relaxed Former WAO Tigers in their New Homes!

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary
KOKO kicking back. Ain't life grand.

International Exotic Animal Sanctuary
Is there a better way to start your Monday than with a handsome tiger like Danvir?
(aka Satchmo)
I wonder what he is thinking right now? 
Wildcat Sanctuary
Ekaterina wants to remind you to purchase your Wild Valentine
before Feb. 7th at

Wildcat Sanctuary
Zeus catching some winter rays.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another Former WAO Tiger Dies from a Tumor

This was posted on Facebook today about Swathe (aka Marcus) today.  Another WAO tiger victim of life-threatening tumor:

Carolina Tiger Rescue

‎~ Marcus Tiger (1996-2012) ~

Carolina Tiger lost Marcus, one of our newest tigers, last Thursday. During Marcus’ quarantine physical a tumor was found under his tongue. Removal was not an option. We tried medication to reduce the inflammation but with no real impact on his quality of life. He would rest his head in the water dish to help his mouth feel better. We made the difficult decision... to euthanize him.

Marcus had been a part of the Carolina Tiger Rescue family only a short while, but his old soul has made a lasting impression. He was the first of the new tigers to come up and visit with the keeper staff while in quarantine. Nothing ever seemed to really upset him and he was very free with his chuffles. We hate that we such a short time with Marcus but were happy to provide him a loving home for his last few months.

Beth Birdsall Lupold Hey Rita Nunn, you definitely want to remember him like this and not how we saw him today. You would have been heartbroken. We spent about an hour with him today and he will be leaving us tomorrow.
January 18 at 4:31pm
Rita Nunn Oh Beth! At least you were with him for a while so he knows he was loved.
January 18 at 4:33pm

Beth Birdsall Lupold Loved he was. Wish we had longer with him. He wouldn't even eat from us tonight. It was really very sad.
January 18 at 4:35pm

Beth Birdsall Lupold Marcus, I have to say that you stole my heart in the very short time I got to know you. I am very sad that you have to leave us soon. I am comforted in knowing that you will soon be out of pain and can Rest in Peace. I hope you have a peaceful journey over the Rainbow Bridge. I will truly miss you.
January 18 at 3:57pm ·
Rita Nunn Oh! I had hoped to see him again, but I DON'T want him to hurt anymore.
January 18 at 4:32pm

Shanna Oberreiter Did we lose him today, Beth?
January 18 at 6:21pm

Beth Birdsall Lupold The vet is supposed to go out tomorrow to euthanize. We went out to check on him and Lauren told us. We spent about an hour with him. It was heartbreaking!
January 18 at 6:28pm

Shanna Oberreiter awww no. :( I was worried about him this weekend with the way he was acting. That had to be heartbreaking! We both know that Apache will come get him to walk over the bridge. At least for the short time we had him, he was so, so very loved in every way possible. Doesn't matter how long we have them, we love them from the moment we meet them. I'm glad he got to see you today. **Hugs**

Carolina Tiger Rescue Nancy- Marcus has never officially been on tour. He'd only had the chance to enjoy an outdoor enclosure at Carolina Tiger for a couple of months. He was 15 years old- a pretty good age for a tiger. His tumor was discovered while he was still in quarantine. He and 3 other tigers were rescued from WAO in TX last fall. The others (Kizmet, Christian, and Max) may eventually be on the tour route. ~ Amanda B.
Carolina Tiger Rescue Mark- Christian ( formerly China), Kizmet, and Max (formerly Kashmir) have adjusted very well to their outdoor habitats. Kiz and Max are especially friendly and almost always come up to the fence with chuffles. Christian is a little more reluctant, and tends to stay in the back of the enclosure, but will greet visitors with chuffles as well.  1.26.12

Oh, geeze...another WAO tiger with a devestating tumor that ultimately caused his death.  And of course, he never received health care from the WAO.  This is horrible and I'm heartbroken.  I thought of emailing the sanctuary to find out the details of the tumor, but I think the Facebook postings says it all.  Poor Swathe...he deserved so much better in life and to die like this....

Thank God he did not die at the WAO.  May the Lord Bless and keep Swathe in Heaven forever and ever.  Amen


Friday, January 20, 2012

What About the WAO Feral Cats?

I am glad a concerned friend of mine wanted to check on the feral cats as they have been weighing heavy on my mind. Several years ago, she placed feral cats at the WAO, not knowing what the WAO actually did with the cats.  Knowing that the USDA probably could care less what happens to the cats, I seriously doubt they would give me a straight answer about their whereabouts.  And knowing Cryer, she would never tell me where the cats went or if they were still on the property.  So my friend contacted Mary Reininger to find out the whereabouts of the cats are and if they needed new homes.  Here is the response from the WAO worker:
From: Mary Reininger []
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 11:25 AM
Subject: RE: On the matter of Monkeys and Ferals 
Hi Jessica,

We do still have feral cats at the property and all are doing well. I am not sure on their status as to being placed and for that info your best bet would be to contact Michelle Cryer at


Gee, I'm not surprised in the least.  Again, Mary playing the "clueless" worker.  I wonder how many cats are left alive today?  This is outrageous.  When the monkeys finally leave, will they just up and leave them behind to fend for themselves?  I seriously doubt the WAO will continue to pay someone to feed the cats until the land is sold. 

So, my friend sent a follow-up message: 

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 11:34 AM
To: 'Mary Reininger'
Subject: RE: On the matter of Monkeys and Ferals

Good to hear from you! I was told you were the person caring after them by Lynn as you were on site.   
Question: how many cats are there? How many are socialized? I do not want to assume, but are they fixed at this point? 
Is Michelle still involved? I thought USDA had taken over.Please help me understand. Thanks!
Should be interesting to see who responds to this query and what is said.

Sabu is a Bird Rescuer!

I found this cute story about Sabu on InSync's FB page today:

In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center 
For any of you who might have missed the posting last night, I wanted to share this, because I LOVE happy endings!!! Sabu "found" someone's lost cockatiel!! OK, so not exactly, but please read Leslie Biskamp's post from today! LESLIE: "Vicky called me from InSync yesterday to say that Sabu the lion had found a pet. A cockatiel had flown into his cage! She said Sabu was just watching him. The bird... was very tame and obviously someone's pet, so I posted about him on a few lost pet boards and the owner called me today. So, Rudy, the cockatiel that turned 12 today is back home! Those people are so, so lucky; the bird had been missing since Sunday. And apparently not very bright, flying into Sabu's cage!" So, Sabu's an animal rescuer too!

Sabu has a lot of "fans" on InSync's FB it makes me feel very happy that he is loved and followed by so many people.  What a great and humble lion Sabu is and always will be....


I found an update on the same posting today:

Leslie Mays Biskamp

I talked to Vicky today and she told me more of the story. Rudy had flown about 4 miles away from his home! He had to go through 2 chain link fences to get to Sabu and when the volunteer saw him he was right in Sabu's face. Sabu was snif...fing at him and Rudy was pecking him on the nose! And apparently Sabu did actually put his mouth on him. Man I wish we had pictures of that! But everything turned out great; really an amazing story! And I gave Sabu a big pizza box that still had some pizza residue with doe urine and catnip inside. He didn't come out of his den to see it, but I'm sure he'll love it.See More

20 hours ago · 2

  • Holly Watson What a Lucky bird! (not the smartest bird, but very lucky!). How wonderful Sabu didn't have him for a snack! Especially after being pecked on the nose!!! Give that big sweet boy some love from all of us 'big cat' admirers!
  • Sabu will always be my hero!  I added his majestic roar to my cell phone as my Ringtone.  He sounds fabulous!  My boy!!

    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    Sabu's Health Continues to Improve!

    The best news ever!  Sabu's blood test came in last week and his Vitamin A count went up once again!  It is now at 144!  What a difference from May 2011 (his arrival month/year) when his count was only at 16!!  Yea, Sabu!  I'm so proud of his progress and thank God In-Sync never gave up on the boy.  He is doing great and he looks like he is finally having a lot of fun playing!!

    Hello Sa-bu!!!!


    Friday, January 13, 2012

    More Bankruptcy Court Filings This Week

    The documents posted below are merely for historical purposes.  Nothing really new here except a couple of things:

    1.  The WAO attorney could not provide a November or December 2011 WAO Operations Report.  He had to use the last one on file and that was for the month of October. 

    2.  When you look at the inventory sheet, you'll notice the rifles and shot guns and tranquilizers guns are not listed as "inventory."  Nor was the diamond necklace declared in the inventory sheet (Exhibit B).  Shocking!  And yet the OAG does nothing to stop the continued theivery (until proven otherwise) from happening at the WAO.  

    Plus, you'll notice there is no true inventory list of the office equipment and supplies.  I remember five computers (one in the reception room; one on Nicole's former desk; and three computers in the modular furniture working room--plus a laptop!  And where is the computer printer? 

    Where is the modular furniture  and Nicole's former office desk listed on the inventory sheet?  The expensive executive  meeting table and chairs? Where is the expensive T-shirt maker?  And finally, where is this so-called listing referenced in Exhibit B regarding the list of machinery, fixtures, supplies and so forth that was given to Jefferson State Bank? 

    Anyway, you can read for yourself the latest legal particulars of this case:

    Hearing Held: ***APPROVED AS AMENDED***. Order Due to be filed by: WILLIAM DAVIS. . (Related Document(s): 195 Disclosure Statement filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# 8 Exhibit H)(Davis, William) (related document(s): 194 Chapter 11 Plan filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A))) Order due by 1/25/2012 (Paez, Daniel)

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Chapter 11 - Amended Plan of Reorganization - 011212

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Chapter 11 - Exhibit a - 011212 by WAOCase

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    WAO Bankruptcy CAse - Chapter 11 - 1st Amended Disclosure Statement to Paln of Reorganization - 011212 - Ex...

    Tuesday, January 10, 2012

    And Still We Wait for the November 2011 WAO Operations Report!

    Well, it looks like the OAG did NOT take my concerns seriously regarding the Cryers failure to file the November 2011 WAO Operations Report. 

    I'm just shocked! 

    Gee, I wonder if they (Cryers) will even bother with the December 2011 Operations report due in just a few days! 

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Going Down with One Last Swing

    WAO Bankruptcy Court - Joan Byron-Marasek Complaint Filed With the Court - 010612

    I mean really, did she think the bankruptcy court would sit on a case against another judge and an attorney?  Really? 

    And now the demand for money from the court! The question is--will Joan pay the fee?
    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Court's Demand for Fee - 011012

    Tuesday, January 3, 2012

    A Few More Pictures of the Former WAO Tigers Now Living at BCR

    Real names of former WAO tigers:  Kye (f), Apatha (m), and Andre (m) changed to Amanda, Arthur and Andre. 

    Amanda, Arthur and Andre get some of the first winter grass for their birthday

    Amanda the tiger supervises from the den. She is still pretty shy.

    After years on the rocky, barren ground of San Antonio TX they feel soft grass

    It's hard to toss the grass seed with the two of them clamoring for attention

    Helping plant the winter rye by raking his claws in the sand

    I'm worried about clear pictures of how she looks and what's she doing other than hiding in the den all the time.  

    How funny about the "birthday grass," seeing how WAO kept no records on the animals living at Talley Road, who knows when the tigers were born!  Most WAO animal DOBs are guesses, and they always start with January 1st!  Dead give-away!