This was posted on Facebook today about Swathe (aka Marcus) today. Another WAO tiger victim of life-threatening tumor:
Carolina Tiger Rescue
~ Marcus Tiger (1996-2012) ~
Carolina Tiger lost Marcus, one of our newest tigers, last Thursday. During Marcus’ quarantine physical a tumor was found under his tongue. Removal was not an option. We tried medication to reduce the inflammation but with no real impact on his quality of life. He would rest his head in the water dish to help his mouth feel better. We made the difficult decision... to euthanize him.
Marcus had been a part of the Carolina Tiger Rescue family only a short while, but his old soul has made a lasting impression. He was the first of the new tigers to come up and visit with the keeper staff while in quarantine. Nothing ever seemed to really upset him and he was very free with his chuffles. We hate that we such a short time with Marcus but were happy to provide him a loving home for his last few months.
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