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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ASAP's First 990EZ Submitted to IRS

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13

Do I want to spend another six years of my life, trying to save animals from Carol Asvestas' Animal Shelter Assistance Program?

I found ASAP's 990EZ 2010 on file with and not surprisingly it mirrors the accounting style of past WAO 990s. It was even prepared by the "crooked" former WAO tax accountant!

Before you read the return, take a look at the documents that were filed Texas Secretary of State Office; study the mission of the organization and board struction of ASAP--it's important.
Certificate of Formation - 110509
Certificate of Correction - 012210

"Slightly" different from what Carol posted on A.S.A.P.'s Facebook page:   

Animals in need of help
To build a wonderful facility where animals can live a quality comfortable life until they are adopted into responsible loving homes. To offer a safe place for as many animals as possible. To provide children with a means of helping animals through the Kids Caring for Critters program.

Company Overview
ASAP strives to assist those in the field of animal welfare and offers temporary care and housing to domestic animals in critical need of assistance. ASAP also offers to assist animals displaced by natural disasters.

A 501 (c) 3 non profit organization.

General Information
Animals rescued by ASAP are either placed in foster homes or in permanent responsible homes.

Now keep in mind as you read the 2010 990, Carol purposely brought about 20-30 animals on to her property, claiming she was operating a "humane shelter" so she could use the animals as a means to "fund raise" for the "animals."
Now you are ready to read the return:
ASAP 990 2010

Assuming that Carol, COO of ASAP as reported in the return, didn't lie about the amount spent on animal care, what percent of the total revenue actually went towards the animals?  If you guessed around 16.91% then you would be correct!  The rest of the money raised (83.09%) undoubted went to Carol Asvestas back pocket!!

Seriously!  $9,506 went to Carol for "occupancy, rent, utilities, and maintenance?"  Expect that number to be doubled in next year's report!

Then there's the supposed $905 that went towards "printing, publications, postage, and shipping; while Schedule O reported $18,605 spent on fundraising mailouts (newsletters and tee-shirts)!

Let's look at some of the "other" expenses:

$81 "business meetings" - beer and ice run?
$1,847 " computer and Internet" - What?  The computers bought with WAO money and used/kept for personal use is no longer acceptable?  Did she  need a new computer to use for personal reasons, paid once more on the backs of the animals?
$634 "equipment rental" - margarita machine?
$2,341 "office supplies" - yeah right?  Office supplies for an employee of "one?"
$262 "small tools" - gotta keep up with those home repairs, right?
$310 "telephone" - you didn't expect Carol to pay her own cell phone bills, did ya?
$641 "general repairs" - of what??? 
Oh, and there's the "personal loan" [wink wink] for Carol Asvestas in the outstanding amount of $11,142!  What a joke!

And as usual, the 990EZ return was submitted late!  Why?  Well, according to Linda Currie, it was late because "This is a new formed entity.  Additional time is required to closely review [insert laughter here] all aspects of financial activities by an outside person ["the crooked accountant"] to insure that all transactions were properly classified and accounted for to insure an accurate form 990EZ is filed."  Oh geez, or you kidding me!!

What a joke!  ASAP needed an extension from May 15th deadline date to November 15th in order to complete five measly pages!  How hard could that have been for the "crooked accountant" to fill-out five measly pages if Carol Asvestas' revenue and expenditures were collected and spent by the book?

By the way, the original loan that Carol Asvestas took from ASAP was $12,837.  Supposedly, she "paid back" $1,695 by December 31, 2010.  Again wink, wink!

Did you also notice that mission statement on the 990EZ does not match with the TX SOS corporation formation statement?  Boy, you know, I would love to get a copy of Carol Asvestas' newsletters!  I'd love to read all about all the "great work" she is doing on behalf of the little animals!

When reviewing the list of officers/directors, I notice that Andrew Behaine and Christine Hamilton are no longer listed as board directors.  Hmmm...wonder why?  Did you notice that the directors reside at Carol Asvestas' personal residence?  And of course, the biggest lie of all, the board members spend anywhere from 5-10 hours PER WEEK working on ASAP matters!  Drinking and partying, maybe, but working?  No.

Not surprisingly, the ASAP books are kept at Carol's house.  I wonder if Linda Currie (treasurer) has a clue as to what she has gotten herself into.  No where is Carol listed as a "responsible" person for this organization.  Once again, Carol Asvestas put together, what I like to call, a puppet board.  I'm sure the board meeting minutes are a hoot!  Who writes the minutes?  Who is in charge of the meetings?  Does anyone on the BOD have any active operational responsibilities, or do they just nod their collective heads as Carol gives them a "glowing" report of ASAP's financial progress.  Who signs the expenditure checks or draws funds from the ASAP account using a bank checkcard??  Carol?  As ASAP's representative?

Meanwhile 20-30 dogs and cats are still left in Carol's yard, apparently covered in fleas, and possibly parasites, their lives hanging in the balance.  

Now that Nicole has moved out of the Asvestas' homestead, who will care for the animals?  Carol has given Nicole permission to rehome the cats (what about the dogs??), so I am helping her find a no-kill shelter that will document and treat the animals' health problems.  Without some sort of proof of wrong-doings, no one will be able stop Carol from restocking her "cat" supply, in order for them to be used in her next fundraising newsletter. 

I'm sending all this information to the IRS and the OAG.  I pray the IRS will do SOMETHING because we all know that the OAG will do NOTHING.

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