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Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's All About Defending the "Tuff-dom!"

I've now come to the part of my life where I no longer feel like posting stuff to the blog.  In 2009, the WAO closed its doors to the public and immediately placed animals into new homes.  I've tried my best to follow the animals, but there are so many animals that moved out of Texas and with several sanctuaries not willing to share information about their new charges.   I miss them so much, but I realize now that the best thing to do is to let them go.  I decided to leave the animals in God's hands.

I've had a lot of time to reflect on what went wrong during the course of the investigation.  Why didn't other sanctuaries stand with me during the course of the investigation?  Why did HSUS, PETA, & the Animal Legal Defense Fund turn their collective backs on me too?  Why were there so many people unwilling to listen to what I had to say, refusing to accept the pictures I took before I left the WAO in 2006 and the mounds of incriminating document evidence; and then the subsequent pictures and videos taken by numerous people who wanted to help the WAO animals over the course of four years?

And then I came across this posting today and a big light went on.  It turns out people who work at sanctuaries and zoos are willing to defend or make excuses for other organizations that fail to adhere to AWA standards--either verbally or silently-- thereby allowing the most horrendous things happen to the animals in question, simply because they are afraid others might find fault with their OWN operations.

As you read today's Facebook posting below, keep in mind that only Mark Hernandez' posts showed concern for the animals currently living in the Ohio zoo.  No one else wondered if the animals were okay or demanded an immediately investigation into the facility.  Had this video been taken of a private residence, I'm willing to bet the video would be on the 10 o'clock news last night!  

Look, I don't know Joe Exotics, and I don't know much about his operations other than what I have heard (which I admit was not positive at all), nor do I know much about Jack Hanna's Zoo (other than this zoo's animal exhibits are considered "old school" and apparently needs a major overhaul); however, I do know when I see AWA violations and the video I saw, allegedly taken by Joe "Exotics" and crew at the Columbus Zoo, contained a lot of them.

Assuming this video was made either this year or last year, it is still disgraceful to see this many AWA violations in one video, all within eye sight of visitors (which makes me wonder what went on behind the scenes).  As to the validity of the video--if someone from the Columbus Zoo saw the video and said "hey, that's not from our zoo" or "this is an old tape of our zoo," then Joe "Exotic" could end up in a lot of trouble in court for misleading the public thereby interfering with the zoo's ability to raise funds for the animals.  It's a shame that Joe felt the need to insert himself in the video, instead of allowing a group of individuals, trained to look for certain problems, go in and take the video for him.   Having an independent party go in and record violations would probably have been received better only because the people are more focused on the "messenger" than the "message."

This is why I used people unknown to me to document the problems at the WAO; so yes, it is possible to send strangers in and video tape their findings--that way no one can claim the folks taping or taking pictures have an ax to grind against the sanctuary or zoo. 

But I digress, this is not about the WAO or any other zoo or sanctuary as the postings below may lead you to believe. Assuming this video is legit, then why was their a lack of concern for the animals living in dire conditions by the posters below.  This video was not an indictment against their facility--so why did they keep comparing their facility to the video?  Just how bad are the conditions at Black Pine Animal Sanctuary (Lori Wilson Gagen),  at the Lee Richardson Zoo (Candace Brawer), or at the cat shelter (Tobi Joy) to warrant such a comparison  between their facilities and the Columbus Zoo?  No one remained focus on the main topic at hand--the health and welfare of the zoo animals!!

I checked the USDA reports, and just like the WAO's reports, the Columbus Zoo records were clean, except for one recent (and very public) death of a leopard-jaguar mix.  Surprise.  Surprise.  

I no longer trust the USDA reports only because of what I saw, what I heard, and all the evidence I provided to the USDA over a five year period--all clear violations of the USDA AWA, at yet they NEVER took any action to protect the animals--at least not until the end.  And then wouldn't you know, my allegations, made back in 2006, were proven to be correct.  To be vindicated  six years later is simply six years too late.  Look at how many animals suffered and died at  the WAO under the "watchful eye" of the USDA!  All because no one took this case seriously.  Is this now happening in Ohio?  Other place?

I have found that most sanctuaries and even some zoos have no working knowledge of AWA.  If they did, then they would know how serious the violations I observed in the video were (again, assuming this video is legit) and would demand the animals be looked at immediately.  At least make an inquiry on behalf of the animals for goodness sake, before you run to the defense of the facility that may very well be jeopardizing the health and welfare of the animals.

I could go through the FB posters points below, tearing them apart, one at a time, to show just how ludicrous their comments were in the context of the AWA, thereby creating serious doubt to their own competency as staff or volunteers working with animals.  But I decided against it.  These people are more concerned about defending their "turff-dom" then the actual animal welfare and pointing out their failings would serve no purpose because it not ABOUT the animals, now is it?  After all, what have I said from day one of the WAO investigation?

It's not about the animals, is all about the money.

My last comment -- if the Columbus Zoo has this many AWA  problems, perhaps they should focus more time, money, and love on the animals they do possess and not on the animals they are trying to acquire from others. And if, based on all the comments posted below, they are lacking the funds to make these repairs, having to "prioritize" all the AWA violation work repairs, then perhaps they should go back to the City and ask for revenue during their annual budget process.  After all, shouldn't the Columbus Zoo have the safest Zoo for animals and people alike in the United States? 

If I didn't know better, I would say this is another WAO case just ready to happen all over again. 

      • I won't discredit anything seen in this video, however I will state the obvious. Anyone could shoot a video like this in any menagerie of animals anyplace in the world. It is no less "truthful" than any PeTA video shot, in my opinion. Neither offers explanations from keepers who tend to the animals every day. How old is that 'malnourished' animal? Is the fox molting? Is it dinner time for the fox? Let's see the entire bobcat habitat, not just a 20x20' section. And so on. Fair is fair, so I "get it", but since when is stooping to the lowest level of your opponents an honorable way to respond? Should get interesting. One could argue Joe's effort is to ban all animals in captivity, couldn't they? This IS a great argument for why USDA inspectors have so much discretion - to develop a "bigger picture" view of efforts to improve and other factors that may affect what's seen in a snapshot.
        A moving video exposing the truth about animal cruelty at the Columbus Zoo in Columbus Ohio USA. This zoo is endorsed and operated by Jack Hanna. It is becau...

      Noel Snyder what bulls*** is 'all zoos are required to separate animal species or "they will fight to the death"' What a joke. Guessing he is a private 'zoo' gut? ps is that the guy at the hearings that looked so strange, Lori?
      7 hours ago · 

    • Noel Snyder CANADA goose, not CANADIAN what an idiot! you are far more diplomatic than me, Lori Wilson Gagen
      7 hours ago ·  ·  1

    • Chemyn Reaney Separating the animal species thing made me laugh, Joe BREEDS separate species!! He seems to enjoy creating ligers, tigons, etc, at his facility...
      7 hours ago ·  ·  1

    • Mark Hernandez 
      Despite the messenger who relayed this information, I was disturbed at seeing filthy drinking water, monkey chow and produce thrown on the ground where the animal urinates, broken fence boards, damaged exhibits, polar bear enclosure that had a dismal pool with lots of tree debris, obvious goat leg injury and so forth. Sure, you may not like the messenger, but get past that and you can see there are some serious AWA issues here that should be addressed.

      7 hours ago · 

    • Jenna Elizabeth Schmidt 
      As a keeper, I appreciate your words. Damaged exhibits can only be repaired as fast as maintainence can get around, who knows what treatment injured animals are getting? In Dec my dwarf zebu ripped her right horn clean off. A huge bloody mess that we treated twice a day and she got pain meds for it, but it looked horrendus. If someone filmed that, how would it look? How would you percieve it, especially if you had the negative nancy Joe "Exotic" narrating it? I put my macaque's diet in feeders but within ten minutes it's on the ground covered in ants and poo by their own hand. And who says the polar bear hasn't refused to shift off exhibit for a week so they have no way to clean the pool? These things happen...we do the best we can. You may get a few bad seeds here and there, but in an AZA zoo you're going to find people of passion and I find it hard to believe any of these animals are neglected in any way.

      6 hours ago via mobile ·  ·  3

    • Jenna Elizabeth Schmidt Lori, that first sentence was directed at you. I got ahead of myself.

      And...yeah, I do hate the messenger. Haha!

      6 hours ago via mobile · 

    • Mark Hernandez 
      Again, remove the Joe Exotic narrative and look at the entire picture. If this place only had one issue, I might say "hey, someone overlooked this problem." But there were just too many issues to ignore. If Jack Hanna's Zoo is to be held up to a higher standard, one would think this facility would pass a USDA/APHIS inspection with flying colors. If an inspector saw all these issues, then this place would receive several citations.

      5 hours ago · 

    • Jenna Elizabeth Schmidt I think all USDA reports are public so you could find that out if you wanted.
      5 hours ago via mobile · 

    • Lori Wilson Gagen 
      Mark Hernandez, the thing is you cannot possibly look at the whole picture by viewing this video. Hence my points, and Jenna's, that it is no more fair to judge Joe Exotic by PeTA's videos alone or the claims on 911 Animal Abuse, or the legal cases filed against him, or the dozens of pseudonyms, than it is for us to judge the Columbus Zoo by Joe's one edited, voice-over video. The "whole" picture requires more research and first-hand consideration, in my opinion. USDA has too much discretion... clearly. I don't argue that point one bit. But in some cases it is also justified.

      4 hours ago ·  ·  1

    • Mark Hernandez 
      Based on what I saw, I say there should be a thorough inspection to either identify, dismiss, or correct the problems identified in the video. If this video was made by a well-respected animal welfare person, I have no doubt this information would be received in a different light. If there are serious issues plaguing this zoo, I believe it would be irresponsible to ignore them. Please don't make excuses for this zoo--keep an open mind and acknowledge that yes, there may be some issues here that need to be looked into for the sake of the animals. Not for the sake of Joe or Jack.

      4 hours ago · 

    • Jenna Elizabeth Schmidt 
      I think we all agree, then, that more investigation would give us answers. I agree with all you said, Mark, except that the "problems" need to be corrected: our point is these images are probably out of context (as my previous post touches on) and it would be jumping to conclusions to say they are "problems." But I would feel as good as you would to have these images explained in full to me. And again, I urge you to look at Columbus Zoo's UDSA records. I did.

      4 hours ago via mobile · 

    • Noel Snyder 
      Dirty water, food on ground, feces- all parts of animals in captivity. 3 hot wires to contain bears- bullshit. not primary contain for these animals. more like suggestions in an attempt to keep them in view of public. the black irrigation tubes as shelter- fine. outside 'on view' shelter. not the ONLY form of shelter. look, there are horrible, horrible zoos. no doubt, but to have some 'dude' with an axe to grind( not for animal welfare, mind you, just his right to house exotics in any manner he wants to) 'documenting' mistreatment and neglect is absolutely infuriating. where the fuck was he when I had my struggles with improper vet care or exhibit concerns? no where- that's where. he just wants a seat at the bib boy table but doesnt have the humility or no-how to obtain it. What a joke- check out his facility GW exotics it's gravel and tin roof enclosures.. sounds like Africa, Asia or South America to me

      4 hours ago · 

    • Candace Brawner 
      If you focus only on the negative, then yes the place is going to look horrible. Not only that, issues/problems pop up regularly throughout a day. Just because something has happened, doesnt mean its been ignored, but that the keeper hasnt seen or been alerted to it yet. As a keeper, this happens and i cant focus on 1 small area 24 hrs when i have other areas and animals to care for. Also, repairs/projects are never ending and unfortunately, there is only so much time and funds available. As a result, you have to prioritize the important/life threatening.

      4 hours ago via mobile · 

    • Candace Brawner 
      I agree with you Jenna. All facilities have problems, some worse than others. Just b/c a facility has a few, doesn't make it a deplorable facility. In addition, things are often done a certain way for a reason. I sometimes spread food out, on the ground, to encourage natural behaviors and to enrich their lives. They may be captive, but they are still wild and have those behaviors. Also, animals can be stubborn and uncooperative. I've been unable to clean an area for days b/c the animal wouldnt come in. Lastly, Animals are unfortunately messy and it is impossible to keep things clean 24-7. Ive cleaned a stall and within 5 min with access, it looks like it hasnt been cleaned in days.

      3 hours ago via mobile ·  ·  2

    • Tobi Catlin-Joy 
      One thing that Joe and his followers have taught me is Never take a photo or video out of context. Even in the awesome shelter for domestic cats that I volunteer at - I could take pictures/vids there that would really slam the place (just before Clean n Feed), or I could take others in a different timing and make the place look like a palace. So, this video is proof of nothing. I'd like to know what was discussed with the Zoo itself after witnessing the terrible treatment of the animals? I find it appalling one would video and leave without addressing the issues. This video is a perfect example of Hit n Run against the zoo, which I know Joe and his followers do not find honorable . . and this is coming from the head of an animal park that doesn't allow any cameras or video equipment by any visitors in his own park; no handbags either (guess I'd have to wipe my nose on my sleeve since I can't carry in my stash of tissues) . . I just visited a Military Academy last week and even there the rules allow handbags and cameras . . if they catch you with a video camera they take it away; at Joe's park they will arrest you. What doesn't he want photographed or video'd? Yet he's willing to do so to others. Shameful behavior. No, whatever the issues are at Jack's zoo, I trust that the people there have the situation in hand.

      3 hours ago ·  ·  3

    • Lori Wilson Gagen 
      Mark Hernandez, perhaps you failed to notice, I never suggested the video wasn't worthy of further investigation, though you somehow conclude I did? I actually pointed out that any accusation is no more or less worthy of investigation than another. If Joe Exotic's video "source" should be considered irrelevant, shouldn't the same be the case with a video that PeTA puts out - or any other concerned party? We all know that's not the case. See Joe's entire page on his park's site in response to the 'infamous' PeTA videos shot at his facility. It's all propaganda, in my opinion. All of it. But I am glad you didn't describe Joe as a "well-respected animal welfare person", thanks for that. I would have to agree. Tobi Catlin-Joy, you nailed it. Thank you.

    • Joe Pegan I want my 33 minutes back.
      about an hour ago ·  ·  3

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