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Friday, April 19, 2013

My Love Affair With Sabu

Hello, my handsome lion!  You are missed each and every day!

Looking great boy, looking great!

Thanksgiving Turkey for Sabu
November 24, 2012

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mac is Sick...

  Oh no, Lord, not Mac too...  I found this posting on Facebook today...

WCH Sanctuary
Mac the tiger has been feeling under the weather for the past few days. We've been working with Dr. Regina Tobin to see what may be the cause of this. As a cancer survivor, we keep a very close eye on Mac and any change in his daily habits are scrutinized carefully. We are hoping that this is just a bump in the road and he will be back to his old self very soon. We'll keep everyone updated and would love you all to keep him in your thoughts. He is a very special boy to all of us.
Dear God, please bless and protect Mac -- Shirley would be so lost without the boy...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Miss You

I really miss Jinxie (may God rest her soul), Mac, Sebastian, Kovo, Kita, and oh so many more former WAO big cats and small ones too...

I pray each day that the WAO animals are blessed and protected each day in their homes...

May God Bless Your Soul in Heaven, Jinxie

I miss you, Kovo
(Safe Haven Rescue Zoo)
March 18, 2013

I miss you, Sebastian
(Carolina Tiger Rescue)
January 3, 2013

March 13, 2013
I miss your beautiful face, Mac
(Wiildcat Sanctuary)
January 9, 2013

I miss you, Kita
(Wildcat Sanctuary)

God had a plan to save these animals... and now they all have good homes where they can finally experience some joy in their lives...  God had a great plan!
Still finding pictures of Jinxie on the Internet...

Jinxie grooming
November 6, 2012
Love seeing pictures of Sheba...
...and not so tiny, Tiny!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Looking Good Handsome Sabu!

Sabu, one of the former WAO animals,  inspired me to save the WAO animals back in 2005 -- I can't believe he's going to be 23 years old next month!  He is such a sweetheart and I'm glad he's doing well at In-Sync...

Looks like he enjoyed a little egg treat during In-Sync's annual Easter celebration...
Here's a older video (2012) of Sabu roaring!  You sound awesome boy!
Yay, some great news on Sabu!!  He was given Vitamin D along with his Vitamin A in March and now his new Vitamin A level is 324 - whoo-hoo!  This is his best Vitamin A level yet for my boy!  You rock Sabu!   

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sanctuary Lied About the WAO Lions in Their Possession

My biggest peeve about this case is all the lies that people told about the WAO animals.  Case in point:

Erin Breen: Nevada's Safe Haven

Apr. 1, 2013 11:28 PM   |  
1 Comment
It’s lunchtime and fresh raw meat is wheeled out in plastic tubs on a handcart toward animals more majestic than most of us can imagine. As Gage waits, he moans as if surely he might expire before it arrives. And when he sees that the lockout attached to his enclosure holds the raw chicken and the chops he’s craving, the 600-pound Siberian tiger doesn’t hesitate a second.

Gage is sleek and has distinctive markings. He is magnificent in every way. And he is a victim of divorce. His owners bought him years ago as an adorable exotic cub, and when their marriage failed, he was one of the “things” left behind.

No one knew what to do with a full-grown Siberian tiger. He’d been declawed and domesticated to a degree. He trusted humans but was too big to be trusted with them. He couldn’t be returned to the wild, and he was too old for a zoo. He found a home at the Safe Haven Rescue near Imlay, Nev.

Just across the walkway is a 10-thousand-foot enclosure housing two mane-less male African lions. Their manes never grew because they had been fixed. After you take them in for a few minutes, you notice one has only half a tail. Ifaw is his name.

“He was rescued from a roadside zoo,” Safe Haven founder Lynda Sugasa said. “He was improperly housed. The cages were too close together, and another animal chewed off his tail, poor thing. We rescued these two together, and they will live out their days together here at our sanctuary.”

The Safe Haven Rescue is 160 acres of remote land about a two-hour drive from Reno. It is home to more than two dozen exotic pets. Each one has an unbelievable story to tell.

Some have been caged in pens that would be like living in a closet for their size. Many haven’t had proper diets or exercise. And most need medical attention.

“It’s sad, but it’s common,” Sugasa said. “People get cute cubs and then they lose interest as they grow. In six months, they are in over their heads and don’t even know how to care for them. I really wish there was no need for us to have such a place to house them, but there is a huge need for space in sanctuaries like this.”

The Safe Haven Rescue is part of a network of sanctuaries across the country filling a growing need. It was a calling for Sugasa, who lives on the site. She said she can’t even imagine doing anything else.

You can read more about the operation, the animals and how to help at

Erin Breen is an Emmy Award-winning writer based in Reno. You can find her and her new book at

Safe Haven Rescue knew darn well that the WAO was not a "roadside zoo."  If it had been a roadside zoo, IFAW would have had nothing to do with the WAO, for you see, it's not "fashionable" to be a "roadside zoo" because it equates to "evil" private pet ownership.  And we all know, thanks to the animal rights groups, all private animal owners need to be "stopped".

Why did Safe Haven lie?  Simply.  They were asked to speak on behalf of a Nevada bill that would eliminate exotic pet ownership.  It would not be a good idea to say the IFAW and Kovu came from an horrible animal sanctuary  that closed because of fraud, misappropriation of funds, and animal abuse because this would not fall in line with the mantra that all private pet ownership is wrong and exotic animals are only safe within the walls of a wild animal exotic sanctuary, like Safe Haven.  

Never mind that the WAO for instance, had a several animal escapes, which were never reported to the public.  How about all the animal attacks at the WAO?  How many animal bites and scratches went unreported?  One?  Two?  Ten?  

If you have to lie about the facts surrounding your cause, then you have no cause.  Just lies.  Please stop lying about the WAO animals, Safe Haven.  Those who did not make it out of this horrible sanctuary deserve better.

Months later:

Sadly, the revision of history continues several months later - fortunately, there are folks out there ready to set the record straight!

September 10, 2013
Kovu is one of two lions at Safe Haven and arrived on October 16, 2010. Kovu was the only lion in a group of tigers, leopards, and cougars at a roadside exhibit in South Dakota. The animals were left to die when the exhibit could no longer support itself. If you are interested in sponsoring Kovu, please visit our website:

Mark Hernandez Kovu actually came from the Wild Animal Orphanage -- a Texas defunct sanctuary that was forced to close its doors due to mismanagement and violations of the AWA back in 2010. The WAO took in Kovu and about 22 other big cats from the Rapid City, SD exhibitor back in December 2001--sadly many of the cats died due to poor diet and lack of vet care while living at the WAO. Glad to see Kovu is doing okay in Nevada with IFAW!
September 10, 2013

A response to Mark's comment:

Leave it to WCH to do a little revision of history -- In-Sync Exotics placed the last big cats when WCS failed to do so.  Too bad sanctuaries refused to share the truth with their Facebook "fans."  Sigh.

How Are You Doing Atti?

I realized last week, I never heard back from Oregon Tiger Rescue about Atti's introduction to Moose, a large lion who lost his mate prior to Atti's arrival.  Now I cannot get the girl off my mind!

Here is the last email I received regarding Atti...

From: sally
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Mon, November 26, 2012 12:45:33 AM
Subject: Re: Atti picture

Hi Kris, hope all is going great for you. Just wanted to let you know that 2 weeks ago Atti was spayed. She has recovered well. As soon as she is completly healed she and Moose will begin living together. I will let you know when that happens. warmest regards, sally

I sent a follow-up email on March 28th, but so far, no response.  I did find a couple of photos of my girl on Facebook...

Atti!  I pray you are doing great with your new pal, Moose!  She reminds me so much of Jinxie...

Later:  I sent a follow-up email on 4.9.13, checking on how she's far, no response.

Later:  I asked a friend to post an inquiry on their FB page on 4.11.13.


A response was made to their FB page on 4.12.13...

Needless to say, I'm a little worried because there is no way to know when this picture was taken and if they are both still alive.  Now I know I shouldn't be so suspicious, but the WAO case has changed me forever.  If my email contact had sent me pictures, I would be more willing to accept that Atti is doing okay.  Until I see current pictures and/or update on her status, I will continue to wonder if she is really A-okay...