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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Looking Good Handsome Sabu!

Sabu, one of the former WAO animals,  inspired me to save the WAO animals back in 2005 -- I can't believe he's going to be 23 years old next month!  He is such a sweetheart and I'm glad he's doing well at In-Sync...

Looks like he enjoyed a little egg treat during In-Sync's annual Easter celebration...
Here's a older video (2012) of Sabu roaring!  You sound awesome boy!
Yay, some great news on Sabu!!  He was given Vitamin D along with his Vitamin A in March and now his new Vitamin A level is 324 - whoo-hoo!  This is his best Vitamin A level yet for my boy!  You rock Sabu!   

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