I was saddened to see that IFAW is using In-Sync Exotics as a dumping ground for their so-called animal "rescues." This is what I received in the my email box today...
February 2013 |
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Now keep in mind, ISE will probably receive very little funding from IFAW for this tiger rehome as compared to how much IFAW will take in for this "rescue." I guess now that ISE has their own animal transporter, they will be called upon by IFAW to help with future so-called "rescues." It won't be long before IFAW declares ISE as their "partner sanctuary"--just like they did when the WAO became IFAW's "partner" many, many years ago.
Despite the fact IFAW paid Carol Asvestas to gather evidence against ISE many years ago, in attempt to shut down the sanctuary, I cannot help but see how ISE may very well turn into the next WAO disaster some day. It's amazing how I'm seeing history repeat itself all over again. After seeing this, I've decided there's no point in following ISE in this blog again. It's time to let this sanctuary go too... Clearly, this sanctuary is going to go down the same path as the WAO.
Farewell In-Sync. You had such promise...
Much later on Twitter:
>Thnks to all of the partner orgs, @BigCatRescue, @Insync_Exotics, @BigCatSanctuary, @animalsanctuary, & @SafeHavenRescu1!
Much much later on the Internet:
While I applaud individuals standing up for the protection of animals under the care of the care of animal caretakers and volunteers, there is a right way and a wrong way (in my opinion) to go about making a change on behalf of the animals. Case in point...this site as it is now, is an example of doing something the wrong way.
We are a group of current and former staff members. We have stood idly by too long, and Vicky Keahey continues to kill cats. She kills with impunity. It is clear to many of us the best thing for the cats is for Vicky Keahey to leave InSync Exotics. For a long time the inside joke has been "The best thing that could happen to the cats is for one of them to eat her". She must be stopped!
We have consulted with many experts in different fields and learned Vicky Keahey is a fraud and a liar. We are anonymous whistleblowers because Vicky Keahey fears being exposed, and when she does she hires lawyers to threaten legal action. This document shows the extreme she will go to identify someone who criticizes her. Here is where she silenced him. That is why this site is hosted overseas. That is why we posted a copy of the site to file sharing websites. It is public and can not be removed. We are too many to be silenced.
People make posts attacking Vicky Keahey for being a "toothless hillbilly" and "white trash". We believe that is unproductive. We supply documents and first hand accounts. Things that prove she is inept. Things that prove she is responsible for the deaths of many cats.
We often receive information, and it proves she is inept and incapable of caring for the cats. Once we validate the information we will post it. See the help page.
We have evidence that will cause the revocation of her 501(c)(3) status.
We have evidence that will cause the revocation of her USDA exhibitors permit.
We have evidence Vicky Keahey has committed felonies.
We have not turned it over to the proper authorities yet. Why? Because it will be less disruptive and better for ISE if Vicky Keahey electively complies with the items below. If she does not, we turn the evidence over. She will use donor money to fight. We do not want to deny the cats of any more money she has already denied them.
1. She must move all sanctuary related assets to InSync Exotics. Assets acquired with donor money should not be her personal asset. They belong to the cats.
2. She must reform the board. The purpose of a board is to hold the president accountable. The board is not a real board.
3. She must bring in outside expertise to train staff to properly care for the cats.
4. She must resign. She must move off property. She must never step foot on InSync Exotics again.
I was reminded by a friend of mine that no one listened to me in the beginning of the WAO case and perhaps I shouldn't be so "judgmental." First off, I was not anonymous. My name was all over the documents that I submitted to governmental bodies such as the OAG, USDA, TCEQ, etc before posting to the REXANO.ORG webpage and my blog and second, I had no list of "demands" that needed to be met or "else."
This site feels wrong. I can say that some information is correct, some information is taken out of context, and the rest is flat out wrong. I spent a lot of time and effort laying out my WAO case before the USDA and OAG and it did me no good at all. If what is currently on the ISE Killers webpage to be considered "damaging," then this group will have trouble getting the USDA or OAG to even read their complaint letters let alone act upon them. Sadly, I feel, the way this site was put together, the only thing that is going to get hurt is ISE donations.
Looks like ISE's problems is just beginning--yep, it's going down the same path as the WAO.
Much, much, much later:
Yesterday I received this email from "InSync Exotics":
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