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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Which Sanctuary Will Become the Next WAO?

I was saddened to see that IFAW is using In-Sync Exotics as a dumping ground for their so-called animal "rescues."  This is what I received in the my email box today...

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February 2013

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IFAW Tiger rescue
We are just days away from rescuing another big cat - and I wanted to be sure you knew how you can help Sheba the tiger. To make this happen, we need you.

You've spoken up for animals in the past, and your support has made a difference. Now I'm asking if you can help animals in a different way.

Sheba is a tigress who has been living for about nine years in a small cement enclosure at a campground in Arkansas. She was brought there as a cub by an owner who kept her there because he did not have a proper enclosure on his farm.

The campground's current director is concerned about having a tiger on the property and wanted to find a sanctuary that could give Sheba the space and care she deserves. IFAW was asked to find a permanent home for Sheba.

You can help us move Sheba to a safe new home at In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center, a sanctuary in Texas. In-Sync is verified by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries and is home to dozens of tigers, lions and cougars, as well as some leopards, cheetahs and bobcats. But relocating a tiger is a complex process. It takes a team. Will you be on that team?

I've consulted with expert big cat veterinarians to map out the plan for moving Sheba. We'll use In-Sync's new trailer to move Sheba to her new home, where the staff is dedicated to the rescue of neglected, abused and unwanted exotic felines.

Since 2003, IFAW has come to the rescue of over 150 big cats, along with many other displaced, unwanted or abused captive wild animals. We can't do rescues like this without you.

Thank you,
Kelly DonithanKelly Donithan signature
Kelly Donithan
Wildlife Rescue Program Officer
P.S.: At In-Sync, Sheba will have room to roam and will be able to interact with other tigers. You can help make sure Sheba is moved safely.
Now keep in mind, ISE will probably receive very little funding from IFAW for this tiger rehome as compared to how much IFAW will take in for this "rescue."  I guess now that ISE has their own animal transporter, they will be called upon by IFAW to help with future so-called "rescues." It won't be long before IFAW declares ISE as their "partner sanctuary"--just like they did when the WAO became IFAW's "partner" many, many years ago.

Despite the fact IFAW paid Carol Asvestas to gather evidence against ISE many years ago, in attempt to shut down the sanctuary,  I cannot help but see how ISE may very well turn into the  next WAO disaster some day.  It's amazing how I'm seeing history repeat itself all over again.  After seeing this, I've decided there's no point in following ISE in this blog again.  It's time to let this sanctuary go too...  Clearly, this sanctuary is going to go down the same path as the WAO.

Farewell In-Sync.  You had such promise...

Much later on Twitter:

IFAW‏@action4ifaw  Jun 24
>Thnks to all of the partner orgs, @BigCatRescue, @Insync_Exotics, @BigCatSanctuary, @animalsanctuary, & @SafeHavenRescu1!

Much much later on the Internet:

While I applaud individuals standing up for the protection of animals under the care of the care of animal caretakers and volunteers, there is a right way and a wrong way (in my opinion) to go about making a change on behalf of the animals.  Case in point...this site as it is now, is an example of doing something the wrong way. 
We are a group of current and former staff members. We have stood idly by too long, and Vicky Keahey continues to kill cats. She kills with impunity. It is clear to many of us the best thing for the cats is for Vicky Keahey to leave InSync Exotics. For a long time the inside joke has been "The best thing that could happen to the cats is for one of them to eat her". She must be stopped!

We have consulted with many experts in different fields and learned Vicky Keahey is a fraud and a liar. We are anonymous whistleblowers because Vicky Keahey fears being exposed, and when she does she hires lawyers to threaten legal action. This document shows the extreme she will go to identify someone who criticizes her. Here is where she silenced him. That is why this site is hosted overseas. That is why we posted a copy of the site to file sharing websites. It is public and can not be removed. We are too many to be silenced.

People make posts attacking Vicky Keahey for being a "toothless hillbilly" and "white trash". We believe that is unproductive. We supply documents and first hand accounts. Things that prove she is inept. Things that prove she is responsible for the deaths of many cats.

We often receive information, and it proves she is inept and incapable of caring for the cats. Once we validate the information we will post it. See the help page.

We have evidence that will cause the revocation of her 501(c)(3) status.
We have evidence that will cause the revocation of her USDA exhibitors permit.
We have evidence Vicky Keahey has committed felonies.

We have not turned it over to the proper authorities yet. Why? Because it will be less disruptive and better for ISE if Vicky Keahey electively complies with the items below. If she does not, we turn the evidence over. She will use donor money to fight. We do not want to deny the cats of any more money she has already denied them.

1. She must move all sanctuary related assets to InSync Exotics. Assets acquired with donor money should not be her personal asset. They belong to the cats.
2. She must reform the board. The purpose of a board is to hold the president accountable. The board is not a real board.
3. She must bring in outside expertise to train staff to properly care for the cats.
4. She must resign. She must move off property. She must never step foot on InSync Exotics again.

I was reminded by a friend of mine that no one listened to me in the beginning of the WAO case and perhaps I shouldn't be so "judgmental."  First off, I was not anonymous. My name was all over the documents that I submitted to governmental bodies such as the OAG, USDA, TCEQ, etc before posting to the REXANO.ORG webpage and my blog and second, I had no list of "demands" that needed to be met or "else."

This site feels wrong.  I can say that some information is correct, some information is taken out of context, and the rest is flat out wrong.  I spent a lot of time and effort laying out my WAO case before the USDA and OAG and it did me no good at all.  If what is currently on the ISE Killers webpage to be considered "damaging," then this group will have trouble getting the USDA or OAG to even read their complaint letters let alone act upon them.  Sadly, I feel, the way this site was put together, the only thing that is going to get hurt is ISE donations.

Looks like ISE's problems is just beginning--yep, it's going down the same path as the WAO.

Much, much, much later:

Yesterday I received this email from "InSync Exotics":

Vicky Keahey has killed more cats than a poacher!
They are with us for life                       November 2014

The truth about InSync Exotics!!!
Vicky Keahey has killed more big cats than a poacher!
Visit to read the truth about how so many of those cats died, and how Vicky covered it up.
Look at veterinary records that contradict what she's released to the public.
Listen to her, in her own voice, talk about how she's glad a big donors family died and has more money to give.
Look at how many cats died unnecessarily and so young.  

Quick Links

In-Sync Exotics
January 30, 2015
 Dear In-Sync Supporter,

We are aware that we have been hacked and that an e-mail went out to all our dedicated volunteers and supporters.  Please know that this is a malicious attack against In-Sync Exotics and we have prepared the following statement.

It has been brought to our attention that there is a website out there which has been created for the sole purpose of defaming In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center and our President/Founder Vicky Keahey.  While do not wish to attract attention to this hateful site, we have nothing to hide and, as such, have decided to briefly address some of this issues raised.

The primary accusations seem to center around us "killing our cats."  We emphatically deny this and have veterinary records documenting how each and every cat was lost.  It is the circle of life that all living things must die, and not all will die on a pre-determined schedule.  We are a sanctuary; this means animals often come to us in very bad condition, having received improper medical care, poor nutrition, and inadequate space for exercise.  These deficiencies sometimes impede a cat's long term development and health, much like with humans.  When we welcome cats into our In-Sync family, we commit to them fully.  This often includes taking extraordinary measures to help a cat heal and have a comfortable life, during which they will receive a proper diet, extensive vet care, and an extraordinary amount of love and care.  We have primary-care vets and specialists (oncologist, orthopedic specialists, etc.)  We have even flown in vets from Canada to perform a procedure not available in the US.  We do routine and diagnostic blood tests.  We take the cats for MRI's and CT scans as needed.  We have always followed all recommended vaccination protocols.  In fact, we now use an unapproved CDV vaccine because there isn't anything approved for big cats.  It is this level of care that is responsible for the very long lives of many of our cats.  We will happily share medical information on any of our cats.

The site also makes accusations of financial mismanagement.  We have extremely low administrative costs, and almost all of our funding goes directly to the care of our cats.  It is true that Vicky has hired family members to work at the sanctuary; many sanctuaries are family-run affairs.  Each family member who was hired to do a specific job did in fact DO the job.  They were paid wages similar to other staff members hired to do similar jobs.  The majority of the work at our sanctuary is done by our 130+ volunteers, which keeps our costs very low.

Further, this site includes vicious, personal attacks against In-Sync's President and Founder.  We are happy to address any organizational, legal, or medical questions.  We will not, however, dignify the personal attacks with a response.

We believe this site was created and is maintained by disgruntled former staff and volunteers.  Throughout our history, we have certainly angered people; people have been asked to do jobs they didn't want to do and were denied positions or tasks they wanted to do.  It is not uncommon for volunteers to show up expecting to "play with tigers."  Without exception, decisions of what task a volunteer or staff member will be assigned are based entirely on what is in the best interest of the animal and the person.

We regret that a small group of people were so upset that they chose to take this route of libel and defamation.  We do not, however, regret the level of care we provide for our cats.  We have no doubt that if these people believed their complaints were legitimate, they would not be hiding behind anonymity.  They would make the accusations in a venue where they could be held accountable for their words and accusations.

We welcome a review by any of our licensing, regulatory, or supporting agencies, including but not limited to the IRS, USDA, Collin County Animal Control, Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, and/or American Sanctuary Association.  In-Sync Exotics and our Board of Directors would like to extend a genuine, heartfelt invitation to anyone who is worried about the legitimacy of our sanctuary.  Please, come for a visit and bring your questions.  We look forward to answering them and alleviating your concerns.


Vicky Keahey

In-Sync Exotics


My response:

Well, it appears the ISE Killer site is an inside job -- someone who worked in the office for sometime.  Now "they" crossed the line and committed an illegal act by sending out the "killer" email using ISE email e-list. Any "legitimate" complaints this group may have had are now suspect because of this illegal act. No government inspector will ever take this "group's" complaints seriously.

Also, the "whistle blowers" may have run afoul of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) by sending out the email using ISE's email listing.

It's people like this "killer" group that make it hard to report real animal/financial abuses -- pisses me off!  Sigh.  Again, this is the WRONG WAY to report any illegal activities of a sanctuary.

Anyhoo, I think I can predict what the response will be from ISE.  First, all cameras, cell phones with cameras and voice recording devices will be banned from ISE property.  Next, all employees, board members, and volunteers will be forced to sign a "non-disclosure statement" or else they will be banned from the property.  Newsletters highlighting the ISE animals will be few and far between.  And finally, the ISE Facebook page will only contain happy pictures of cute animals--no mention of sick or dying animals will be posted to the site.

What makes me think this will actually happen?  Well, it happened at the WAO.  'Nuff said.

History has a funny way of repeating itself, doesn't it?

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