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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

WAO Talley Road Land Was Sold!

Another part of the WAO chapter is finally closed.  The WAO attorney reported that the WAO's Talley Road land sold last month for $500,100.  By the time taxes, closing costs, etc were deducted, the WAO estate received a distribution in the net amount of $320,780.50 by the title company.  That means the list of creditors will not be receiving their full amount owed.

It also means after eight long years the WAO case is finally coming to a close.  It's a bitter sweet moment because for so long I had hoped and prayed for a completely different outcome.  I prayed more of the WAO animals would still be alive today and that the criminals involved in this case would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  

Sadly, life is not fair and sometimes there simply is no justice for the wronged.

I'm often asked what I plan to do once the WAO case closes.  Will I post my blogs to the public?  Will I work with law makers to improve the laws on the books regarding wild animal sanctuary operations?  Will I lead the charge to improve USDA regulations and inspections?  Will I push for more responsiveness from the Texas OAG when it comes to investigating cases of misappropriation of charitable donations?

To be honest, I don't know.  I can't help but feel my role in this case is just about over.  Once the distribution of funds takes place and the Western District Bankruptcy Case declares this case closed, the WAO case will officially be closed forever.  My thoughts are to share my blogs with the public in the hopes of helping someone else who may be going through something similar that I went through for the last eight long years--letting that person know that he/she is not alone. No one should ever go through something like this alone.  I am so grateful for all the amazing people who helped me save so many of the WAO animals. I could never have pursued this case alone and I can never thank them all enough for sacrificing their time and effort helping exotic animals they never even met.  

 I do know this--there will be a lot of people and organizations that will want my blogs to disappear.  I will probably receive threats from various individuals and organizations demanding that I take my blogs down or "else".  Regardless, I've already been through hell and back once before--if these folks are afraid of the truth, perhaps they should change how they operate instead of going after the messenger.  Since there will be no justice for the dead WAO animals, I can only pray that there will be a lot of positive changes made to the animal sanctuary world so something like the WAO never has the opportunity to rise and destroy lives again.

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