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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Best Laid Schemes

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
- Robert Burns
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew,
And leaves us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!

During the course of the investigation, I've been struck by the staunch supporters of the "sanctuary" whom declare that while they know the "sanctuary" is not "perfect," it's their good 'intentions' that make them a viable member of the community. Even when these same "supporters" examine the facts, their commitment is unwavering. Instead the supporters attack the messengers -- demanding they send MORE money to the organization (yeah, that will fix the problems) or volunteer their time (except the "sanctuary" refuses to accept volunteers or unpaid interns, hmmm). This seems so indicative of many of our Nation's problems. People refuse to accept the truth of a particular situation; praises the perpetrator's 'intentions'; and instead, attacks those trying to make a positive change. Ridiculous!

As I mentioned in the previous post, the "sanctuary" is now suing the local Internet on-line newspaper for "libel." The director claimed in the suit she was embarrassed by the new stories (no mention of the animals) and felt her "good name" was tarnished. Therefore, based on the her humiliation, she is asking for unspecified damages. She also claimed the Vivi news story was totally false, even though on sanctuary's web page there is a statement, made by the female director, confirming the death of the tiger cub.

On August 5th and August the 6th I went to the "sanctuary's" web page to see who were the current board members. I did not see the Vivi "death disclaimer" on either day (trust me, it would be hard to miss). In fact, I did not see the disclaimer until a week later! Yet the director's misleading disclaimer reports it was posted on "July 2009."

Talk about a CYA! I think this posting was put up during the second week of August 2009 because the Vivi newsletters went out the previous month and the director was concerned, with the filed lawsuit, that it would come out she was fund raising for  dead animal (again!).

So again, according to the "sanctuary's" supporters, we should not look at the directors' actions, but rather at their 'intentions.' Sad thing is, the animals are the one's suffering from all these 'good intentions.'

I think the animals could really use some positive actions about now instead of all these disastrous 'intentions!'

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