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Monday, August 17, 2009

A Whole Lot of Fighting Going On

There has been so much happening this last week I almost do not know where to begin!

I would be remiss if I did not set the stage. Apparently life at the so-called sanctuary has been in an uproar for the last couple of weeks. I've learned workers are not allowed to speak with one another because if caught, the male director starts yelling at everyone. The directors have no idea who may be speaking out against the organization, so needless to say, everyone is now under suspicion.

Apparently, the "happily" married directors are fighting amongst themselves as well. The female director supposedly threatened to report the male director's "attitude" towards her to the board of directors, so as to get him fired!  Meow!  No doubt the male director sees this as empty threat as he also has information against the female director he could 'spill' to the board.

So what are the adult children of the directors up to -- you know, the ones reportedly planning to take over the sanctuary in the event something happens to the current directors? Well, the son's Facebook page  prominently shows him getting "liquored up." There he is, looking completely stoned with a Bud Lite in his hand. It's hard to believe this is the photo the son wanted the public to see attached to his Facebook page! The photo was finally taken down and a new one was put up instead. The replacement photo shows him posing with a Texas Longhorn shirt on while standing next to a young man wearing just a pair of jeans and no shirt.

Now I heard the son and middle daughter may be going to community college, but because the female director is so apparently frustrated with her adult children, I heard she cut the purse strings, electing not to continue paying for their education. What is scary is the middle adult female child wants to become a teacher! Heaven help the children!!

So, with distrust and anger running amok through the so-called sanctuary, the directors resort to their best known tactic--silencing those who report the truth about the organization--by filing a lawsuit against an on-line newspaper. The on-line newspaper started reporting animal death irregularities since 2007  to include reports about the missing potbellied pigs, pit bulls, tigers, lions, cougars, etc.

I'll be writing more about this lawsuit later in the week as it unfolds. I have a feeling this is going to the big break the animals need to finally get rid of the pseudo-directors.

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