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Sunday, August 30, 2009

ME-ow's getting personal on the on-line newspaper! Today, the editor reported he has documents from an inside source regarding the PS. His "interview" revealed some very personal happenings at the PS, which makes me wonder why in the world the PS would want to pursue this case, especially if the editor has some personal "stuff" that may be embarrassing to them.

Which got me thinking, I haven't received any "inside" information from my source since the on-line newspaper lawsuit was posted on the Internet. I'm thinking the source was either found out or is too scared to report any more details. Perhaps the source is now helping the on-line editor?

Gotta Love Myspace & Facebook
The last I heard the "heirs apparent" were planning back-to-back trips, first Port Arthur than off to Las Vegas (8/15 & 8/22). I learned both the youngest daughter and son have the gambling bug and love to drink the night away. I have lots of photos of the "heirs" drinking at clubs and other locations. The son's only ambition seems to be alcohol, getting laid, and gambling. I guess the apple didn't fall very far from the tree. It is well known the heirs' parents are alcoholics, with serious marital problems. Their on-again, off-again divorce is such a joke! And the female director loves Las Vegas and it is my understanding she travels there as often as she can with her youngest daughter. Hmmm -- who actually pays for these Vegas trips? The animals?  Dah...

Pictures can even be found on the
their friend's Facebook page!
Now normally I'd leave the adult "kids" out of my blogs--until I found out they were the ones planning on taking over the business! It is my understanding the Board of Directors even blessed the new heirs by drafting up a "contract" agreement in the event the current directors became incapacitated. So much for the senior animal caretakers taking over in the event of a "change" in management. I wonder how they would feel about working for the alcoholic "kids?" The youngest daughter apparently arrives to work hungover from her drinking binges. The son? Does he even show up to work, or just collects a paycheck?

This entire case took a strange twist. To think, last December I was ready to give up and let the chips fall where they may--then out of no where an "insider" started providing me with little gifts at my door. Now the insider is gone, but the case has taken on new life and a new direction with the filed lawsuit. One thing for sure, there should be a lot more open records material available very soon!

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation,
because your character is what you really are,
while your reputation is merely what others think you are." - John Wooden

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