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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Animals Are Leaving

I just received word today that the small exotic cats are being transferred to an Oregon sanctuary called Wildcat Haven. I don’t know the date they are moving, but I was told by a very reliable source the animals are moving soon.

I am saddened that the WAO has to relocate its animals because it can no longer provide the necessary food and medical care for its 380+animals. Apparently the USDA is putting a lot of pressure on the WAO to re-home its animals as soon as possible. I’m learned the WAO may also be relocating two cougars and possibly two tigers in the near future, but nothing confirmed at this time.

Meanwhile, the WAO continually fails to fully utilize its website to fundraise for the animals. It still has posted on its homepage the July 11th event and all the other May 2010 material posted below it.

There is no corporate donation page. No individual donation web page. No fundraising pages. It is my understanding individuals wishing to take a tour during the week are having a very hard time reaching someone to schedule their tour. One lady indicated she called and faxed her request for a Thurs/Friday tour (7 people) at 11:00am several times, but no one is responding to her. Needless to say, she is frustrated because she cannot confirm the tour. That’s a lot of money the WAO is just throwing away. Where is the OAG?? Why are they not demanding results from the WAO board of directors?

So if no one is answering phones/faxes and the web pages are old and stale, then how in the world did the “new management” expect to raise money for the animals?

I’ve been monitoring the WAO’s web traffic since March 2010 using StatCounter and the current WAO web stats are absolutely dismal. Too often individuals click on just the homepage then the tour page. I guess once they see the admission prices, visitors decide it’s too expensive and simply click out of the WAO’s website. Even worse, some visitors never make it past the homepage: EX:;

My heart is broken because there may be many more animals I may never see again if they are relocated. I know that relocating the animals to really good homes is now in the best interest of the animals because the Cryers are not capable to operating a business. I keep praying for a miracle for the animals.

Lord, please bestow an amazing miracle on the WAO and its animals. In Your Name I pray and ask it – Amen.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Small Victory!

Here is the latest development regarding the WAO's attempt to deny a former WAO employee's unemployment benefits:



Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office. The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged Animal Welfare Act violations and misappropriation of funds perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization’s owners/operators of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society.

On July 19, 2010, I testified on behalf of Ms. Marsha xxxxx regarding the continuation of her unemployment benefits. I joined the telephone hearing towards the end of conversations. Ms. Cryer, Ms. Garcia, and Ms. xxxxx were already on the line with the hearing officer at the time I joined the hearing.

When I joined the conversation, I was not aware that Ms. Cryer had changed her story regarding the circumstances of Ms. xxxxx’s departure from the Wild Animal Orphanage.

Originally, the WAO indicated Ms. xxxxx failed to work for the week of April 26, 2010 – April 30, 2010. The WAO claimed she was a no-show, no-call and therefore voluntarily resigned from the WAO. When asked by the hearing officer if the WAO had a no-call, no show policy, Ms. Cryer said “no.” When the hearing officer asked Ms. Garcia if she was aware of a no-call, no show policy on file, Ms. Garcia said “yes.” According to the WAO’s employee handbook: “Any unauthorized leave that continues for three consecutive work days will be considered an automatic resignation. When that occurs, the office shall send written notice of automatic resignation to the last known address of the employee on file.”

On July 19, 2010, Ms. Cryer claimed Ms. xxxxx did not work on April 29 – 30, 2010, and therefore voluntarily left her place of employment. Apparently, the WAO “found” her timecard for the work period of April 26 – 28, but was unable to find Ms. xxxxx’ timecard for April 29th, and she could not find a signed and approved leave form for Ms. xxxxx for the date of April 30, 2010. At one point, Ms. Cryer admitted there was a timecard for Thursday, but there was only a sign-in time, and no sign-out listed on the card. When the hearing officer asked if Ms. xxxxx had any questions for Ms. Cryer, Ms. xxxxx asked her to clarify the Thursday timecard. Ms. Cryer claimed there was no timecard for Thursday, April 29, 2010, and that Ms. xxxxx failed to clock out on Wednesday, April 28, 2010.

The pay period runs Wednesday – Wednesday and Ms. Myers apparently wrote out a pay check for Ms. xxxxx covering the entire work period. This could not have been done without an end time on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 timecard. Ms. xxxxx collected her paycheck from the WAO on Saturday, May 1, 2010 before Jamie Cryer escorted her out of the building. Ms. xxxxx cashed her paycheck, later to learn from the check cashing agency that Ms. Cryer reported her paycheck “stolen” on May 12, 2010 and demanded a stop payment (see attached police report). This resulted in Ms. xxxxx having to make payment arrangements to return the funds to the check cashing agency. Thus far, Ms. xxxxx apparently has not received her final paycheck for the period of April 21 – 28, 2010 and for the short periods of May 1, 2010 and May 3, 2010. This is in violation of the Texas Payday Law.

On July 22, 2010, Ms. xxxxx received the TWC Appeal Tribunal Decision dated July 20, 2010. The hearing officer found in favor of Ms. xxxxx and her benefits were reinstated (see attached).

It is my understanding, the next TWC Telephone Hearing will be held on August 6, 2010 in reference to Ms. Garcia’s unemployment benefits. Like Ms. xxxxx, the Cryers elected to appeal Ms. Garcia’s unemployment benefits. Ms. Garcia was also denied her final paycheck as it too was reported as “stolen.”

I also have an unconfirmed report that Ms. Carol Asvestas’ lawsuit against the WAO begins on August 8, 2010.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

One Small Victory--Baby Steps

Excellent news - another battle has been won! Earlier today I learned the TWC found in favor of Marsha, the former WAO employee, whom Cryer tried to deny unemployment benefits after she was terminated without cause in May 2010.

Sometimes the system does work! More details on this victory later this weekend.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Excellent Program Distroyed

Okay, it's bad enough the current management has ruined the website, to which I have no doubt the web traffic significantly declined this month alone, but now in the new management's infinite wisdom elected to discontinue receiving the Wal-mart meat!!

For $100 a month, 3-months payment upfront, the WAO is entitled to visit 3 Wal-mart stores to pick-up the meat they are unable to sell. This is really good meat: Beef, fish, turkey, chicken, cold cuts, etc.

I believe the reason why they discontinued the program, before the end of the quarter (they still had several weeks left on the current quarter to pick up the meat) was due to shear laziness. The USDA/APHIS told the WAO to log incoming animal feed, such as Wal-mart meat, so as to keep track of the animals' meat supply. Last month, the WAO was written up for not keeping an animal feed log and so I think in response, the WAO decided to discontinue receiving donated meat (either from Wal-mart or HEB stores). This is an absolute disaster because now they are limited to the meat they can provide the animals. For instance, if they are only providing chicken to the animals (no doubt without the vitamin powder), and certain tigers, lions, or any of the small exotic cats cannot eat chicken, then they no longer have the additional meat supply to provide an alternate food source for these finiky meat eaters. Instead they have to eat the chicken or starve to death. This is the same type of situation I faced at the WAO in 2004. When does this nightmare ever end???

This entire situation is getting worse and the USDA/APHIS and OAG is doing nothing to stop this downward spiral. We (myself and five other respected members of the community) could help bring money and manpower into the organization if they would just get off their high horses and admit the current management screwed up and that they need our help (this includes the WAO management, board, staff, the USDA, and the OAG).

All we want to do is save the animals--why is that so difficult to understand?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The TWC Telephone Hearing Farce

Yesterday I participated in one of the former WAO employee’s Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) telephone hearing because the WAO claimed Marsha did not work her “scheduled hours.” What was interesting was the WAO did receive proof that she worked during the week in question. So instead of claiming she did not work the entire week, suddenly it was changed to “she did not work on Thursday and there was no approved leave request submitted for Friday.” New reason for termination: no-call, no show for two days instead of five days.

Michelle Cryer represented the WAO and she claimed at first that they had a time card entry for Thursday, but Marsha did not clock out. Then when confronted directly by Marsha in a cross-question, Cryer changed her story and claimed she had “a time card in her hands” which showed she did not clock out on Wednesday. If this was true, then how did Kim calculate her hours worked and translated those hours into a pay check? Interesting enough, Cryer now admitted she worked Monday – Wednesday, yet her paycheck for the week (Wednesday – Wednesday) was cancelled, claiming the paycheck was “stolen” from the WAO?

This woman’s story was a complete farce. I am stunned she even bothered to testify when clearly the WAO was in the wrong in filing a challenged to Marsha’s unemployment benefits. I was so proud of Marsha and Nicole’s testimony because they were able to shine a light in the Cryers false claims.  There is no doubt in my mind that Marsha will continue to receive her unemployment benefits -- her testimoney was a slam dunk and Michelle Cryer's testimony had to many holes in it, one could drive a WAO truck through it.

Wow, so instead of focusing on the fundraising for the animals, this woman chose to pursue a vendetta against the WAO’s former employees. Very sad indeed. Anyhoo, Cryer was very hostile towards me, Nicole, and Marsha during the telephone hearing, but she was sweet as pie towards the hearing officer! She never challenged my telephone statement, nor did she challenge my written statement to the OAG (see below).

On a different note: After re-reading Sherwood’s memorandum to the board (and eventually the OAG), he actually thought the WAO would bring in $50k for the July 11th fundraiser event! Unfortunately they raised less than $500. And then Sherwood claimed in the same memorandum the WAO would raise $25k for a 4th of July BBQ plate. What BBQ plate? I guess that’s another crazy expectation that fell through due to lack of leadership.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Web Site Can Make a Difference

Last Sunday, July 11, 2010, a Leon Valley business held a special concert (6 bands – Country, Jazz, Rock) where the proceeds would benefit the WAO. The WAO’s new public relations person was on KENS-TV on Thursday of last week saying he was hoping this event would help raise $500k required to save the WAO. He proudly showed off a Spurs basketball that would be auctioned off at the event. He also said he had a gift certificate and items from the WAO gift shop up for auction as well. After he spoke, one of the bands featured at the event played for the in-studio audience. The band, in my opinion, was horrible. It probably scared a lot of people away from the event. I don’t know how long the link will last, but here is the KENS-tv interview with the WAO’s public relations’ person:

I learned the event took in approximately $400-$500 dollars and only about 40 people attended the event. Needless to say, this is a far cry from the half a million dollars the WAO was hoping to make.

Even I knew this event would take in very little money since there were two other major and very popular concert events taking place in San Antonio. Sadly, the amount raised would only cover the cost of produce for primates and bears for two weeks.

It was been almost a week since the event, and thus far, the web site announcing the fundraiser has not been taken down. The site contains old material and according to my web tracker, the WAO is losing visitors. Most time visitors are referred from another site, view the homepage, and then leave the site.

The web pages I created are still the most popular, such as meet some of our animals, tours and directions. Visitors spend a lot of time looking at the animal pictures. Unfortunately, the ‘donate’ webpage (via pay pal or check) is clicked on only once per day, and from what I can tell by the time spent on the page, visitors are not making donations.

The web site could be a major tool in fundraising and unless someone takes over the web site administrator’s duties; less and less folks will feel inclined to donate to the WAO. This breaks my heart because we had so many plans for the website and now it is simply wasting away.

I’ve been studying up on website enhancement techniques and how to fundraise on-line, through mail, and on the phone. I have so many great ideas that I know can work in raise money for the animals. I just wish our team had a chance to go in and make a real difference in the animals’ lives.

Monday, July 12, 2010

OAG Open Records

Well, last week was certainly interesting. After several emails to the Texas OAG’s public information office, I finally received my Public Information records requested last month. In fact, I received two copies due to problems in the mail room.

In any case, what was interesting in the records was the assertion from Michelle Cryer that I used to have a sanctuary, which apparently failed, and now I was trying to take over other sanctuaries! Wow, I learned something new about myself.

Hockey puck.

If that twit had checked out my work history, she would have found that I served honorable in the military, worked for large corporations and local government offices as a HR professional for the last 23 years. Now, what has she been doing for the last 23 years?  Oh yeah, scooping poop.

She went so far as to claim I tried to steal a monkey from the WAO and I almost let a tiger out when I tried to retrieve a cat that wandered into the cages—what???? Oh, and she said she was “there” when the "cat" incident occurred. Clearly, this twit is on drugs, for now she’s experiencing false memories! Needless to say, none of these stupid accusations were true, and I wasted precious time writing a rebuttal letter to the OAG so it can be included to their files; just in case someone pulled open records on this case. Clearly her comments were made intentionally and maliciously in order to discredit me with the OAG’s office.

Wow, Michelle Cryer and Carol Asvestas have so much in common!  The both feared me to the point they had to lie about my past association with the WAO!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Farewell Beauty

It is with a sad heart I must report the death of Beauty, the last liger that was housed at the Leslie Road facility. I just learned today she was euthanized by the WAO’s vet. Beauty leaves behind wonderful memories of her playful antics which I will always treasure. I still recall the day we were filming the WAO commercial and Beauty was so determined to be in the commercial. We did not plan to use her in the commercial because historically she has been shy of cameras, but for some reason that day, she decided to play up to the camera man. She had so much life, much which I think dissipated when Beast died in 2009.

Dear Lord, I pray Beauty and Beast are reunited in Heaven as they both truly deserve a special place in Your Arms. Thank you so much for blessing us with Beast and Beauty—I miss them both.

According to Dr. Pannill:
“I am sorry to report that Dr F. euthanized Beauty . She was sedated by Dr. F for a full exam and was found to have a mammary tumor and large masses in the abdomen . I was told there were 2 ovarian tumors the size of a cantalopes.”
Sadly, Beast was also euthanized allegedly due to tumor growths on his shoulders.

In the meantime, the WAO was inspected by the USDA/APHIS in June and was written up for not providing vet care for Beauty, not providing vet care for the chimps in years, not have adequate meat supply on hand (one meat locker was completely empty and the other meat locker did not have enough meat to feed the animals that day), not installing an adequate perimeter fence at Talley Road (they just threw something up and I guess hoped it was pass inspection—it did not), and not making sure the bear and primate enclosures were structurally sound. What is scary is the meat situation as it takes about 700-800lbs of meat a day to feed the cats (cats eat less during the summer) and the lack of vet care.

USDA Inspection Report - 081910 - Talley Rd

From what I understand the WAO was able to purchase some good red meat again, along with chicken, so at least for a while, the animals have food. I pray the WAO vet can resume checking on the animals once again as she used to when Nicole was in charge.

Meanwhile, the WAO still advertises the commercial  on its website that shows Bubba and Beauty. I guess it’s time to take down the commercial as it would be false advertising.

Speaking of taking down, the WAO demolished the clinic building at least a week or two ago, and we still do not know where the long tailed macaques are located. Dr. Pannill indicated that moving the primates may be tricky due to the hot weather. So the question is where are the primates? Talley? Leslie? Hopefully we will find out soon.

Meanwhile, the OAG, for whatever reason, is not sending me my package of documents which I paid for on June 16, 2010 (that is when the OAG cashed my check). I was told it was mailed on June 28, 2010 (Monday). I live approximately 2 hours from Austin, so I cannot understand why it is taking more than six days to deliver. After two prompts on my behalf to retrieve the confirmation number, the open records person finally emailed me the certified receipt number. When I entered it into the UPS tracking system, it came up saying the number does not exist!!! When I requested the date my package was actually mailed, I received this response “my secretary is having mail room track it down.” Oh yippee.

And the government wants to take over my health care? I’m doomed. I am getting a little suspicious as to what is really going on with my package. Is there something in the package the OAG does not want me to see? Or is government truly incompetence? Never mind.  Already know the answer to that question.

So, all I can do at this point is wait and see what happens next. I pray every day for the animals at the WAO. They truly need a miraculous miracle right now.