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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Excellent Program Distroyed

Okay, it's bad enough the current management has ruined the website, to which I have no doubt the web traffic significantly declined this month alone, but now in the new management's infinite wisdom elected to discontinue receiving the Wal-mart meat!!

For $100 a month, 3-months payment upfront, the WAO is entitled to visit 3 Wal-mart stores to pick-up the meat they are unable to sell. This is really good meat: Beef, fish, turkey, chicken, cold cuts, etc.

I believe the reason why they discontinued the program, before the end of the quarter (they still had several weeks left on the current quarter to pick up the meat) was due to shear laziness. The USDA/APHIS told the WAO to log incoming animal feed, such as Wal-mart meat, so as to keep track of the animals' meat supply. Last month, the WAO was written up for not keeping an animal feed log and so I think in response, the WAO decided to discontinue receiving donated meat (either from Wal-mart or HEB stores). This is an absolute disaster because now they are limited to the meat they can provide the animals. For instance, if they are only providing chicken to the animals (no doubt without the vitamin powder), and certain tigers, lions, or any of the small exotic cats cannot eat chicken, then they no longer have the additional meat supply to provide an alternate food source for these finiky meat eaters. Instead they have to eat the chicken or starve to death. This is the same type of situation I faced at the WAO in 2004. When does this nightmare ever end???

This entire situation is getting worse and the USDA/APHIS and OAG is doing nothing to stop this downward spiral. We (myself and five other respected members of the community) could help bring money and manpower into the organization if they would just get off their high horses and admit the current management screwed up and that they need our help (this includes the WAO management, board, staff, the USDA, and the OAG).

All we want to do is save the animals--why is that so difficult to understand?

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