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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Farewell Beauty

It is with a sad heart I must report the death of Beauty, the last liger that was housed at the Leslie Road facility. I just learned today she was euthanized by the WAO’s vet. Beauty leaves behind wonderful memories of her playful antics which I will always treasure. I still recall the day we were filming the WAO commercial and Beauty was so determined to be in the commercial. We did not plan to use her in the commercial because historically she has been shy of cameras, but for some reason that day, she decided to play up to the camera man. She had so much life, much which I think dissipated when Beast died in 2009.

Dear Lord, I pray Beauty and Beast are reunited in Heaven as they both truly deserve a special place in Your Arms. Thank you so much for blessing us with Beast and Beauty—I miss them both.

According to Dr. Pannill:
“I am sorry to report that Dr F. euthanized Beauty . She was sedated by Dr. F for a full exam and was found to have a mammary tumor and large masses in the abdomen . I was told there were 2 ovarian tumors the size of a cantalopes.”
Sadly, Beast was also euthanized allegedly due to tumor growths on his shoulders.

In the meantime, the WAO was inspected by the USDA/APHIS in June and was written up for not providing vet care for Beauty, not providing vet care for the chimps in years, not have adequate meat supply on hand (one meat locker was completely empty and the other meat locker did not have enough meat to feed the animals that day), not installing an adequate perimeter fence at Talley Road (they just threw something up and I guess hoped it was pass inspection—it did not), and not making sure the bear and primate enclosures were structurally sound. What is scary is the meat situation as it takes about 700-800lbs of meat a day to feed the cats (cats eat less during the summer) and the lack of vet care.

USDA Inspection Report - 081910 - Talley Rd

From what I understand the WAO was able to purchase some good red meat again, along with chicken, so at least for a while, the animals have food. I pray the WAO vet can resume checking on the animals once again as she used to when Nicole was in charge.

Meanwhile, the WAO still advertises the commercial  on its website that shows Bubba and Beauty. I guess it’s time to take down the commercial as it would be false advertising.

Speaking of taking down, the WAO demolished the clinic building at least a week or two ago, and we still do not know where the long tailed macaques are located. Dr. Pannill indicated that moving the primates may be tricky due to the hot weather. So the question is where are the primates? Talley? Leslie? Hopefully we will find out soon.

Meanwhile, the OAG, for whatever reason, is not sending me my package of documents which I paid for on June 16, 2010 (that is when the OAG cashed my check). I was told it was mailed on June 28, 2010 (Monday). I live approximately 2 hours from Austin, so I cannot understand why it is taking more than six days to deliver. After two prompts on my behalf to retrieve the confirmation number, the open records person finally emailed me the certified receipt number. When I entered it into the UPS tracking system, it came up saying the number does not exist!!! When I requested the date my package was actually mailed, I received this response “my secretary is having mail room track it down.” Oh yippee.

And the government wants to take over my health care? I’m doomed. I am getting a little suspicious as to what is really going on with my package. Is there something in the package the OAG does not want me to see? Or is government truly incompetence? Never mind.  Already know the answer to that question.

So, all I can do at this point is wait and see what happens next. I pray every day for the animals at the WAO. They truly need a miraculous miracle right now.

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