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Thursday, February 24, 2011

WAO Operated Illegally in the State of Texas?

For the life of me, I could not figure out why a second Bill was introduced to the House of Representatives by Rep. Lyle Larson.  Then I learned there was a connection between the added Bill and Primarily Primates Inc.

But before I go into this story, please read the following letter I sent yesterday to the Culture, Recreation, and Tourism Committee regarding both HB 251 and 1546:

Okay, now back to the connection.  Primarily Primates has been continually critized by PETA as evidenced by this article posted in the Houston Animal Shelters Examiner a few days ago:

The deadly PeTA - Houston SPCA connection

Lemurs at Primarily Primates sanctuary
Photo: Primarily Primates

By Bett Sundermeyer, Houston Animal Shelters Examiner
February 21st, 2011 7:27 pm CT

As I have written previously, I am no fan of PeTA i.e. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Their fight against life saving No Kill efforts is both mindboggling and infuriating. In the past, PeTA has even taken time out of their busy killing schedule to attack and oppose No Kill efforts in Houston.

As background, in 2008, Houstonians began demanding No Kill reform in Houston’s city funded shelter BARC. We were astonished when PeTA, a self proclaimed “animal rights” organization, began attacking our efforts (scroll down to "No kill shelters are no good") and attacked Nathan Winograd see Winograd’s response here.)

At that time, No Kill Houston was a new and small organization, so we reached out to the national “humane” organizations and asked for help in combating PeTA’s killing agenda in Houston. The only national organization that responded to my requests for help, besides Nathan Winograd of the national No Kill Advocacy Center, was Priscilla Feral, President of Friends of Animals and Primarily Primates sanctuary in San Antonio.*

During one of our conversations, Priscilla told me a very disturbing story regarding PeTA and the Houston SPCA. In light of the questionable raids of late and the Houston SPCA’s refusal to make a commitment to life saving, this story seems particularly pertinent.

On October 13, 2006, before Friends of Animals took over the Primarily Primates sanctuary, PeTA caused the Texas Attorney General to raid the sanctuary. PeTa had collected allegations from a former disgruntled employee and a volunteer with a vendetta. Both had made connections with PeTA and allowed them onto the sanctuary’s property. They schemed to shoot videos to cast the sanctuary in the worst possible light and then turned it over to the Attorney General.

Granted, there were weakness at the sanctuary since the founder and director at that time was in trouble with alcohol. But, PeTA's goal was not to help the sanctuary or the animals. No, instead they wanted to dismantle the sanctuary. Once dismantled they could force the sale of the valuable land and they already had several buyers lined up, ready to cash in.

A judge in Austin appointed a receiver for the sanctuary that had been recommended by PeTA. Before Priscilla could hire attorneys in Austin, that receiver was installed along with a large group of PeTA employees and volunteers. Priscilla remembers that they were “a deplorable mess of incompetent people -- directed by a receiver intent on shutting the sanctuary down to follow PeTA's agenda.”

The receiver later admitted to the sending away, and to the deaths, of 336 sanctuary residents. Two hundred of those animals had been rounded up and trucked 200 miles to the Houston SPCA during the first week that the receiver arrived. This included dogs, guinea hens, Canadian geese, several ponies, a 27-year-old horse, chickens and more. “It was a stroke of evil.”

Friends of Animals wrote, faxed and telephoned the Houston SPCA to ask about the confiscated animals, but the Houston SPCA was not cooperative. Feral says that "the Houston SPCA treated Friends of Animals as though we were criminals.”

Priscilla further laments “I am sure the Houston SPCA killed all of the confiscated animals as fast as possible. It breaks my heart to think of the killing and how heartless they were. The horse... how could a horse grazing on the property be dispatched to the flipping Houston SPCA -- a kill center that answers to no one. And the chickens, free-roaming birds … every peacock they could catch. What hope did they have? Our several feral cats escaped these goons and so did male peacocks.”

In late April 2007, the Texas Attorney General dismissed all allegations against the sanctuary and asked Priscilla to head up the Board of Primarily Primates. A settlement was fashioned much to PeTA's chagrin. But it was too late for the 336 victims of the PeTA/Houston SPCA “raid”. Two hundred animals had been captured and taken away, never to be seen again. The Houston SPCA never responded to requests regarding their fate, so we have to assume that they are dead. The other 136 animals disappeared - many of them dead as well.


For several years, it has puzzled me why animals that were seized in a San Antonio sanctuary were shipped 200 miles to the Houston SPCA, a high kill shelter. San Antonio has shelters and so do many other cities much closer than Houston. I never doubted this story, but the circumstances have always puzzled me.

I recently ran across some information that sheds more light on the situation and bonds the Houston SPCA and PeTA together more tightly.

It seems that Houston SPCA director, Patty Mercer and PeTa director, Ingrid Newkirk are both on the board of Ruby McKibben Foundation for the Protection of Animals. (Also note that Houston Humane Society director, Sherry Ferguson, is also a board member.)

So, it would appear that Newkirk and Mercer have bonded and joined together to carry out raids which ultimately cause the deaths of many of the unlucky animals involved. And why wouldn’t they be buddies? After all, they both run high kill “shelters".
In light of the questionable raids, and the ghastly outcomes for many of the animals, the PeTA - Houston SPCA connection is a very disturbing connection indeed.

* To help Primarily Primates continue with their life saving work, please sponsor a Chipanzee at the sanctuary.

* To help the No Kill Advocacy Center continue their national fight for No Kill shelter reform, please donate generously.

If you would like to learn how every shelter, including the Houston SPCA and PeTA, can transform themselves into No Kill shelters, please join us at our Building a No Kill Community workshop. Learn how we can stop the killing in our nation's shelters.
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You can read more about PeTA's attacks on Primarily Primates here:
* Wallace Swett of Primarily Primates Denounces PETA's Continuing Attacks on Primarily Primates

* Cumulative cost of PETA-funded lawsuits against Primarily Primates may reach $1 million

* Will the animals at Primarily Primates survive PETA’s single-minded determination to destroy this sanctuary along with the lives of hundreds of abused animals who want only peace and refuge?

* PeTA: End your lawsuit against PRIMARILY PRIMATES!

* Help stop the assault on Primarily Primates

Continue reading on The deadly PeTA - Houston SPCA connection - Houston animal shelters
Whew!  Now let's look at the following Facebook entry made by Priscilla Feral yesterday:
Apparently, PeTA's assault of Primarily Primates is never-ending, as a bill is proposed in the Texas legislature to criminalize animal shelters, humane societies, and vets for caring for injured, infirm, orphaned, and abandoned animals called "Dangerous Wild Animals" --listed there as chimpanzees, baboons and wild cats. Am hoping all... Tx. activists can work together to defeat this bill that attempts to legislate som
While I completely understand PPI's desire to kill HB 251 and push forward HB 1546, (PPI is a member of ASA), seeing how they had to fend off a lawsuit to shut the sanctuary down due to questions regarding whether or not the sanctuary actually met  HB 1362 Dangerous Wild Animal Bill's operating exemptions, I don't think the sanctuary was acting in the best interest of all Texas animals living in sanctuaries (as noted in my letter to the Committee). 

Clearly, PPI wants to stop any more lawsuits filed against its facility for allegedly operating illegally in Texas, hence their push for HB 1546.  Unfortunately, as I stated my in letter, this Bill is not good for all sanctuaries operating in Texas and therefore, must be defeated too.

I am so thankful now that PETA never got involved in the WAO case since I learned the WAO never met the HB 1362 exemptions either!  Since the approval of HB 1362, the WAO operated illegally in the state of Texas, which now in hind sight, explains why the first WAO attorney wanted the WAO to complete and submit paperwork for a shelter license back in 2007!

Slowly, all the pieces of the WAO tragic story is now coming together.  I just pray that if a Bill is passed, it will be for the betterment for all Texas animals.

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