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Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Official -- The Last of the WAO Monks Are Rehomed!

It is official!  The last of the WAO monks are now at Born Free!  That just leaves the feral and domestic cats needing a forever home too...

It’s almost hard to believe but the very last of the primates from the Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio arrived here late this afternoon. Kaleb, a hamadryas baboon, and 17 long-tails made the final trip down and were introduced to their new homes under bright blue south Texas skies.

After all these months of hard work involving so many compassionate, dedicated people it feels a little anti-climactic for this huge rescue to be concluded.

Thanks to Mary and Michelle Reininger, Dr. Valerie Kirk, Dr. Elizabeth Pannill, our supporters - and of course our great staff and interns here at the sanctuary – 107 monkeys and Kaleb the baboon have a new lease on life and an opportunity to live their lives as free as possible and safe from future exploitation.

Frick and Frack, two older male long-tailed macaques who are fast buddies, were the last two primates to be unloaded. Frick immediately ventured out into the large enclosure while Frack hung back, suspicious of the new and open environment. Frick is pictured above exploring new sights, sounds and textures for the first time.

Here’s hoping everyone gets a well-deserved good night’s sleep tonight!

I purposely blacked out the names of the enablers who allowed the WAO case to continue as long as it did, causing the deaths of close to 100 animals.  I have lost all respect for the two ex-WAO employees and will not recognize any of their so-called "achievements" at the end of the case.  Where the HELL were they at the beginning of the case? Their "achievements" fall under the category of "a little too little, a little too late."


Also, HUGE thanks to the great crew at Texas Purple Sage Services who worked so long and hard to build the great enclosures these monkeys now call home!

Here's handsome Kaleb :)

As I look back on the WAO case, which started December 17, 2005, I cannot help feel sad for all the animals that did not make it out of the WAO hell hole.  The directors and the workers lied simply so they could either keep their jobs or their board positions.  So many government workers spent more time trying to cut a deal with the criminals than protecting the animals and consumers.  And the true victims of this entire affair?  The animals that were forced to suffer in silence as they slowly died or the ones that died quickly from a point of a needle, so more animals could take their place.  And for what? 


But this case isn't over yet as there are still cats living at Talley Road:

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Elizabeth C. Pannill
Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 8:18:02 AM
Subject: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO 

Greetings Dr. Gibbens: 

Now that the last group of non-human primates left the WAO yesterday afternoon, I believe there are only feral and domestic cats needing homes.  I pray the WAO does not abandon the cats to their fate.  Please do whatever you can to save the cats too -- they deserve a forever home, just like the exotic animals. 

Thank you for your attention to this very important matter - 


Kristina Brunner

I am worried that everyone will simply walk away and the cats will die a very slow death.  Nothing new at the WAO, right?

Even worse, I'm concerned that Carol Asvestas will carry out her alleged threat of dumping even more cats, currently in her possession, at the Talley Road property.  When will this nightmare ever end?
People make me sick.


From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 10:57:29 AM
Subject: Re: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO

Thank you for following up on this -- all the WAO survivors deserve a happy ending...including the cats!

From: "Pannill, Elizabeth C - APHIS"
To: Kristina Brunner; ""
Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 10:52:42 AM
Subject: Re: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO

Mary and Michelle are planning to find homes for the domestic cats. They will NOT abandon them.

"Planning."  Lovely.  I have oh-so-little-faith that the Reiningers will actually find the cats new homes.  Over the years they have failed the animals miserably...and NOW they are going to try to do the right thing.  Sure.

The sad thing is the feral cat coalition found the cats homes months ago, but the Cryers and Reiningers refused to rehome them. Makes one wonder why?

Not long after my email response to Dr. Pannill, I received this email from her and you can see my response:

From: "Pannill, Elizabeth C - APHIS"
To: Kristina Brunner

Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 11:19:37 AM
Subject: Re: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO

Why would you even think they would abandon them ???

From: Kristina Brunner
To: "Pannill, Elizabeth C - APHIS"

Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 11:41:52 AM
Subject: Re: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO

Based on everything that has happened over the years, why would you think they would not?

You know, the WAO was given an opportunity to rehome all the cats in January 2012, but chose not to--click HERE and HERE to see the email exchanges.

From: "Pannill, Elizabeth C - APHIS"
To: Kristina Brunner Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 12:54:45 PM
Subject: Re: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO

Carol is gone that is why !!

From: Kristina Brunner
To: "Pannill, Elizabeth C - APHIS"

Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 1:18:39 PM
Subject: Re: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO

It wasn't just Carol...

Okay, now I just have to comment on this last exchange! Yes, Dr. Pannill finally admitted in May 2010 that Carol had her and everyone else at the USDA fooled. Right. Now she thinks that Carol alone was responsible for the heinous crimes perpetuated against the WAO animals--alone, really? Dr. Pannill, get a clue! Carol had a lot of help! The Reiningers could have ended the WAO case many, many years ago—all they had to do was open their collective mouths and report the crimes! Insiders told me that the Cryers and the Asvestas were as thick as thieves, drinking and partying together, going on trips to the coast using WAO vehicles and WAO credit cards! It has been proven by DOT that Jamie Cryer were making money illegally hauling animals around the US -- all courtesy of the WAO—and she still thinks Carol is the only one to blame? 

Just when I thought the USDA/APHIS could not sink to a new low…oops, there they go…further down the hole.


Whoops!  The hole just got a little deeper...  

From: "Pannill, Elizabeth C - APHIS"
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thu, September 27, 2012 7:46:08 PM
Subject: RE: The Last Group of Animals at the WAO

All I can tell you is that the cats appeared well cared for at Talley Rd . Mary and Michelle are looking for homes for them . USDA has no regulatory authority over the domestic cats on the property .

Elizabeth Pannill, DVM
Veterinary Medical Officer
USDA APHIS Animal Care
240-461-9282 ( cell )
512-357-0101 ( fax )

Yeah, that's the same BS she fed me during the WAO investigation (except for the last sentence,but since they did NOTHING to protect the animals, it might as well been true back then too).  Great to know that nothing changes at the USDA/APHIS.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Last WAO Monk Relocates to Born Free TODAY!

I just noticed the comments on Born Free's Facebook page today!

Another long but rewarding day as we welcomed 19 rhesus macaques from WAO. Looks like they'll setttle in nicely but definitely not as laid-back as the stump-tails. The picture here is of Finnegan, a 31 year old male rhesus who still likes to think he's boss. He casually strolled around the new enclosure and then climbed right up a mesquite tree like he had been doing it every day for years. Welcome home rhesus monkeys!!!

Mark Hernandez Does this mean there are no more animals at the WAO?
Friends of the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary The last of them are arriving at the sanctuary today :)
Mark Hernandez That is OUTSTANDING! Thank you for saving the former WAO monks!

We released the rhesus macaques into their main enclosure this morning and they were quick to explore everything. We were a little anxious for a baby who was conceived before the males were sterilized and who had been temporarily abandoned by her natural mother. Our concern was that she might get separated or abandoned again due to the stress of the move but we needn't have worried as males and females alike took turns scooping her up and making sure she was safe.

On a monk related Facebook posting made today:
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
Many of you remember the Texas Monkey Rescue a couple of years ago...for those of you who do not, here is the link Two of the babies born at the sanctuary are boys, Gavin and Skittles, and they are going to need vasectomies very soon. Please consider a donation to our Memorial Medical fund to provide the procedures for these two youngsters. Dr. Fred Schirmer at Westend Animal Hospital will give us a very nice discount for the vasectomies, only $300 each, please make a donation today. There is a donation button at the top of this page right under little Abby photo. Just click and Donate!
Why Are There Baby Monkeys at a Sanctuary?
Videos, Links, and Resources
The babies at Jungle Friends are the result of a Monkey Rescue on October 1, 2010. The babies are Monkers, Zumie, Mochi, Michelle's little baby born on April 11, 2011, and now ELizabeth's baby, born July 1, 2011.
As a sanctuary, Jungle Friends has a no breeding policy. So, it was quite a surprise to find expectant mothers turning up! We accepted a group of monkeys from Texas and it is now obvious that a vasectomy failed. The situation has been remedied.
Now this is very strange.  There was no mention of the two baby boys anywhere on their site before until now, that I am aware of...  So where were these baby boy monkeys born??  What "sanctuary" are they referring to?  Very strange....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Could It Be That the Last of the WAO Moved to Born Free?

I'm waiting for the final word that the last of the animals finally left the WAO!  Excited!! 
Another long but rewarding day as we welcomed 19 rhesus macaques from WAO. Looks like they'll setttle in nicely but definitely not as laid-back as the stump-tails. The picture here is of Finnegan, a 31 year old male rhesus who still likes to think he's boss. He casually strolled around the new enclosure and then climbed right up a mesquite tree like he had been doing it every day for years. Welcome home rhesus monkeys!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Stumptailed Monks are Now FREE from the WAO Clutches!

The last of the WAO animals are almost FREE from the horrible clutches of the WAO!!

Like This Page 9.24.12
What a day! The remaining stump-tails (23 of them!) arrived in good shape late this afternoon and seemed excited (and definitely hungry) when they were let out into their temporary quarters. The staff and veterinarians assisting at WAO worked hard and had a long day but did a great job making sure all of the monkeys were well cared for and safe. Tomorrow the stumpers will be let out into their main enclosure and the rhesus macaques will be joining us. Wednesday it's the remaining long-tails and Kaleb, the baboon. We're almost there!

I cannot wait until tomorrow!  Getting closer to the day when I can pop the cork of the expensive wine bottle I've been keeping, for this type of celebration!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

One Day Closer to the Day WAO Closes Plus Missing Report

One day closer to when the WAO closes it doors forever!

Staff member Raychel Steines puts nail to wood as we hurry to finish up the climbing structures in time for the final groups of WAO monkeys who will be arriving this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. By next Thursday all 107 monkeys and the lone baboon will be in their new homes, ready to start a great new chapter in their lives!

Meanwhile, the Cryers still have NOT filed it's July 2012 Business Operations Report.  In fact, August's report is due about NOW!  So I sent a second message, same subject, to reiterate the need to track how the Cryers are spending WAO funds.

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Christopher Krhovjak
Sent: Fri, September 21, 2012 2:15:57 PM
Subject: Re: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case - September 5, 2012

Dear Sirs:

Are you aware that the WAO has not submitted its operations report for the month of July 2012?  In light of all the unusual withdrawls and expenditures made over the last several months by the WAO, I would hope your Office is keeping close tabs on how the WAO's donated funds were spent.  There are still primates living at the Talley Road property, therefore, shouldn't there still be operation reports submitted to the Western District Bankruptcy Court by the WAO?

Please let me know if the WAO is still required to file with the Western District Bankruptcy Court monthly business operations reports or if the court lifted this requirement and your Office is no longer interested as to how donor contributions are spent by the WAO's board of director. 

Thank you.


Kristina Brunner

Something tells me that there will be NO response from the OAG.  It is my opinion that they no longer care if the Cryers are stealing money from the WAO's financial accounts.  It makes me wonder how much money the Cryers stole from the recycling WAO metal or plastic,  misappropriation of funds and improper use or acquisition  of WAO supplies and equipment... If they steal enough, they may decided to open up their own so-called "sanctuary" in the future!  Oh geez, now wouldn't that be wonderful?

Later:  Surprised!  A response!

From: Christopher Krhovjak
To: Kristina Brunner

Sent: Mon, September 24, 2012 11:38:25 AM
Subject: Re: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case - September 5, 2012

This email is to acknowledge receipt of your supplemental complaint. Thank you.

Chris Krhovjak, Investigator
Office of the Attorney General
Financial Litigation, Tax, and Charitable Trusts


I checked Kim Meyer and Michelle Cryer's Facebook "friends" pages and noticed that neither one carries the other as a FB buddy anymore.  Now that is very interesting.  Does that mean that Kim no longer "works" at the WAO?  If so, why did she leave?  And who will be completing and submitting the WAO's operation report to the bankruptcy court?  This is very scary news and I pray the OAG follows up on why the reports are late and how the money is being spent.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sabu and Jinx!

I just couldn't resist posting some pictures and a video of two former WAO lions, Jinx and Sabu.  I really, really miss them.

I started the WAO case to save Bubba, Princess, Sabu, and Jake.  Turns out the only animal to survive the WAO horror was Sabu.  Thank God at least one of the animals made it out of that "hell hole" alive.  I'm just saddened that the other three did not make it out alive too.

I am worried about Sabu because his vitamin A level has been staying steady at 142, despite the increase of Vitamin A supplements added to his food.  I pray it goes up when the weather gets a little cooler for my boy!  I will never forgive the WAO board and staff for not caring for the WAO animals in the manner that they deserved.  Because of their indifference, Sabu's health has been permanently compromised.    

Sa-boooo!  I miss you!

Sabu loves enrichment day!

Sabu loves his pizza box filled with horse poo!

Sabu saying "hello there!"

Jinx at sunset!

Is It Time to Move On Yet?

I planned to post a couple of videos of a sanctuary that took three WAO animals (1 tiger and 2 lions) showing that even though they are living in large enclosures, they have very little enrichment or structures to escape the hot desert sun or freezing winter snow.  Both enclosures were stark, with just one ball in each enclosure.  Breaks my heart that they are living like that -- that they are just big cats in a cage -- very much like the WAO.  The only saving grace is that they do look better than they did at the WAO.  And for that, I am grateful.  

Then I was going to post a few updated photos of some of the big cats enjoying their new home, but then I decided it's time to let them all go, with one exception.  For the last year I've been helping a sanctuary raise funds for former WAO animals that arrived at the sanctuary with serious health conditions. Slowly, I'm beginning to change my life, moving away from the WAO case, as it winds down.

It's time to get my life back on track and spend some quality time with my own family and friends.  I still cannot get over how much I gave up to pursue this case.  

I will continue to pray that the people who stole charitable contributions and killed animals at the WAO will be brought to justice.  

I can dream, can't I?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Another WAO Operations Report Missing!

It comes as no surprise that the WAO's July 2012 Operations report is MIA--again.  I'm thinking that Jamie Cryer was contacted last month by IFAW or some other animal group to help them with the "rescue" efforts after Hurricane Issac hit the Louisiana area once more (boy does this remind me of the WAO fiasco in 2005-2006 with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita).  If true, then it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he withdrew WAO funds and used WAO equipment to "rescue" the latest "victims of the storm" and kept any monies paid by the organization(s) that secured his "services" as payment!

Meanwhile, we wait for the MIA operations report.

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Christopher Krhovjak<>
Sent: Wed, September 5, 2012 9:10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case - September 5, 2012
Dear Sirs:

Are you aware that the Cryers have not submitted their operations report for the month of July 2012? In light of all the unusual withdrawals made over the last several months by the Cryers, I would hope your Office would be keeping close tabs on how the WAO funds are spent. There are still primates living at the Talley Road property, therefore, shouldn't there still be operation reports submitted to the Western District Bankruptcy Court?

Kristina Brunner


Still no operations report filed with the Western District Bankruptcy Court.  I guess the TX OAG's Office doesn't care if the Cryers are stealing more money from the WAO?