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Friday, September 21, 2012

One Day Closer to the Day WAO Closes Plus Missing Report

One day closer to when the WAO closes it doors forever!

Staff member Raychel Steines puts nail to wood as we hurry to finish up the climbing structures in time for the final groups of WAO monkeys who will be arriving this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. By next Thursday all 107 monkeys and the lone baboon will be in their new homes, ready to start a great new chapter in their lives!

Meanwhile, the Cryers still have NOT filed it's July 2012 Business Operations Report.  In fact, August's report is due about NOW!  So I sent a second message, same subject, to reiterate the need to track how the Cryers are spending WAO funds.

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Christopher Krhovjak
Sent: Fri, September 21, 2012 2:15:57 PM
Subject: Re: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case - September 5, 2012

Dear Sirs:

Are you aware that the WAO has not submitted its operations report for the month of July 2012?  In light of all the unusual withdrawls and expenditures made over the last several months by the WAO, I would hope your Office is keeping close tabs on how the WAO's donated funds were spent.  There are still primates living at the Talley Road property, therefore, shouldn't there still be operation reports submitted to the Western District Bankruptcy Court by the WAO?

Please let me know if the WAO is still required to file with the Western District Bankruptcy Court monthly business operations reports or if the court lifted this requirement and your Office is no longer interested as to how donor contributions are spent by the WAO's board of director. 

Thank you.


Kristina Brunner

Something tells me that there will be NO response from the OAG.  It is my opinion that they no longer care if the Cryers are stealing money from the WAO's financial accounts.  It makes me wonder how much money the Cryers stole from the recycling WAO metal or plastic,  misappropriation of funds and improper use or acquisition  of WAO supplies and equipment... If they steal enough, they may decided to open up their own so-called "sanctuary" in the future!  Oh geez, now wouldn't that be wonderful?

Later:  Surprised!  A response!

From: Christopher Krhovjak
To: Kristina Brunner

Sent: Mon, September 24, 2012 11:38:25 AM
Subject: Re: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case - September 5, 2012

This email is to acknowledge receipt of your supplemental complaint. Thank you.

Chris Krhovjak, Investigator
Office of the Attorney General
Financial Litigation, Tax, and Charitable Trusts


I checked Kim Meyer and Michelle Cryer's Facebook "friends" pages and noticed that neither one carries the other as a FB buddy anymore.  Now that is very interesting.  Does that mean that Kim no longer "works" at the WAO?  If so, why did she leave?  And who will be completing and submitting the WAO's operation report to the bankruptcy court?  This is very scary news and I pray the OAG follows up on why the reports are late and how the money is being spent.

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